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    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Our Blacksmith made the hinges
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    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Made this for a relative newbie to our re-enactment group a couple of weeks ago. Closed season, so time to fix things that got broke/would like to have.
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    Hi and I hate you all :)

    Hi from me as well. I'm Old enough to remember TWAIN. And that's where my computer knowledge stops!
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    Lidl... lathe?

    That's worse than the Clarke I have. ( also no belt)
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    An invaluable lesson not saying Mick has any but worth a trip anyway for the cake!
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    Glue gun prob, recommends?

    exactly what I did with mine good a new ( I hate throwing things away)
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    Fixing studs in an old oak door

    photo's would help then we could advise further
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    Drill for Wolf drill stand

    I'll be a smart arse and say , how about a Wolf cub or safety master? No variable speed, Noisy as anything, metal body so needs a GOOD earth on it. But really retro! Used to have a complete set in the garage.
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    Crippling camels

    what did I miss! If a thread turns nasty. I just click off it. Life is too short
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    British squares (possibly odd question)

    you need a Rabone Chesterman engineers square, Nice thick blade lovely to use. I have an 8'' one and a 3'' one. My Mom got them for my dad when she worked there!
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    Holdfasts types and uses!

    where are you based? Come and talk to or blacksmith at an event. The Ferrers household
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    Straightening Vise Handle - or replacement.

    If it's for your own use. I would just live with it. There is a lot of work to straighten that thickness bar out without the proper equipment.
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    EGG, BEANS of CHEESE? you get to decide

    Yes, all of them! It looks like a dog has had the runs!!
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    EGG, BEANS of CHEESE? you get to decide

    Brown sauce is Horrible IMO, Just saying.
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    Campaign Trunk - advice on solid top

    Camphor wood is used in campaign chests to deter moths and the like. Make it in whatever you like.
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    After a putty that epoxy resin won't stick to.

    read the instructions about cleaning the area to be glued...Then don't do it, shouldn't stick then.
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    protect and survive

    Having been to hack green secret nuclear bunker (sign posted off the M6) I think my instinct would be to go towards the blast. Don't think I would want to survive the initial blast, then die of radiation poisoning.
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    Radial arm pillar drill

    Ask yourself do you NEED the radial facility? I have a radial and it takes up so much depth, I have to have it at 45 degrees to the wall.
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    A Go Kart for a 2 year old...

    If you are on Facebook, Check out Tot rods UK. there is some cool stuff on there.
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    Questions regarding converting an internal garage.

    I have the same sort of garage, attached to the house. TBH I wouldn't bother with insulation, the house will keep it warm enough. Maybe some of those cushion tiles from the likes of Aldi if you are only doing wood work. I weld in my garage as well, so they aren't an option for me.