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  1. B

    Can I make all usual structures with just wood from my small woodland?

    Don't rely too much on your SASbook. I presume the one written by Loft Wiseman. I have the same. Vey good book, BUT it's designed for EMERGENCY situations. It doesn't matter if you decimate your landscape as survival is the priority. Your needs are totally different
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    spray equipment

    Important question is what have you got to power it? decent size 3hp compressor?
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    Help please...timber for an ashes urn

    Try smaller charity shops for brown furniture. You might get lucky and pick up something Mahogany.
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    A garage full of wood to give away

    sorry to hear of your loss. Maybe contact the local men's shed?
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    Brad Nailers

    maybe not now. but in the future? I made that mistake.
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    Brad Nailers

    don't just get a brad nailer. A nailer/stapler will be more versatile
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    Old nails

    Do it outside then!
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    Polishing Brass Using A Dremel

    The polishing shop guys are very helpful
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    Helping at a repair cafe

    our clock repairer took so many home with him. He got behind fixing them. The amount of abuse he got was unreal. We, as a group, made the decision to withdraw clock repairs. The only clock repairer in the area, retired about 5 years ago having had his shop broken into 4 times in three months.
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    Help and Advice

    Until you are dead. Then things change. I've seen it happen
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    you were lucky that you had the chance to buy it back. When I have got rid of stuff, Mostly to the tip. There is no going back
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    Help and Advice

    you really want to write that into your will. It will save unpleasantness after you have passed.
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    Helping at a repair cafe

    @Jonnyb. So how much will a tradesman, making a living wage, charge someone to unblock a vacuum cleaner tube? A frequent 'repair' for us. If any gluing needs doing, our repairers usually take the job home.
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    Surely a huge gap in the market?

    Go for it, with your new company. Then you will know WHY there aren't any on the market.
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    Mystery Hobbies Tool

    They are still going, Not to be confused with Hobby's
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    Tormke t-4 vs 'other makes'?
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    Rexon spares

    I did that job six years ago. Ken had said he was retiring when I ordered them. I don't know of any other UK supplier, sorry.
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    Deadish Compressor

    Yes, that's the unloader valve that has been excellently described sometimes the springs in them go weak
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    Deadish Compressor

    Of course they are going to say to have it repaired by an authorized agent. That's how they make their money. If it's out of warranty then anyone with a bit of sense can repair them. They are built up in China from generic parts. so are easy to source