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  1. K

    Hi from wisbech

    I love the Fen Country. Superb open skies and I remember Wisbech as a very beautiful town. Lots of lovely architecture and the river. I’m a Pennines man but went to University in the Fens!
  2. K

    What do you collect

    Wow!!!! You like technology!!!😀
  3. K

    Thinnest stock for Domino?

    The DF500 is great but working out how to use the damn thing always makes my head ache! 😀
  4. K

    What do you collect

    I did think of collecting Wives but after I got the second one I realised how expensive the hobby was going to be so gave up. 😀
  5. K

    What do you collect

    Books, Books and more Books. A small part of my libraries. Needless to say, my wife is a minimalist and very tolerant. Our house is zoned into two types!!
  6. K

    Let down by Axminster Tools

    I have placed dozens and dozens of orders with Axminster. I can only remember one time they made a mistake. A quick call to them and it was put right straight away with no fuss.
  7. K

    Buying a AirCleaner thing/box

    I have the Record and it does a decent job. You will know this from the specs but even though I looked at them before ordering I was a bit taken aback by how big and heavy it is. :rolleyes:
  8. K

    COP26 progress or same old

    Says hundreds of Scientists based on extremely well respected careers and study.
  9. K

    What finish for Ash chairs?

    If so I can understand your reluctance. I have used osmo polyx oil on ash and it has been fine. Hardly changed the colour of the wood at all.
  10. K

    What finish for Ash chairs?

    I would go for Osmo polyx.
  11. K

    BBC Scaremongering again

    I liked Muffin the Mule 😳
  12. K

    BBC Scaremongering again

    Because if they didn’t they would be accused of “covering it up” and being biased in favour of government.
  13. K

    BBC Scaremongering again

    It’s a conspiracy
  14. K

    S.A.D hitting me early this year

    I quite like Autumn and early Winter. It’s January and February that really get me down. I turn into grumpy badger mode as my wife calls it after Christmas!
  15. K

    Any (post 2008) Economists in the house? - Inflation.

    Sadly, the only way Labour can win is by cooperating with other “progressive “ parties in elections. One shared policy needs to be PR. And they won’t do it.
  16. K

    Any (post 2008) Economists in the house? - Inflation.

    If the Grade II listed Manor was bought by public money, throughly renovated to become a well equipped and well run care home a lot more people would benefit for a much longer time. That would be a good ROI.
  17. K

    I don't believe it!!!

    Only if they also have a Cervix 😄
  18. K

    I don't believe it!!!

    Indeed they might - but they would be wrong if we want a healthy democracy rather than an oligarchy or dictatorship.
  19. K

    Dust extractor... Festool, Makita or other?

    I have a Festool CTL Midi 1. Its brilliant. I got it to replace a Makita which I found not at all as good. I do have Festool tools but I also have some Bosh and Makita kit and the hose fittings work fine with them.
  20. K


    Fog in the Channel-Continent cut off