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  1. N

    Using a hacksaw cutting big(gish) stuff. Or how to saw a railway line.

    1084 medium carbon steel. Hot rolled and work hardened if its been used. Doing this with a hacksaw is unimaginable to me. I might used a reciprocating saw, or a grinder. By preference abrasive cutting here.
  2. N

    Pads for chair legs on wooden floors.

    Cheap pound store pads. But i know the glue is pants so i use mitrebond.
  3. N

    Worth trying to fix these milling cutters?

    not worth even attempting it. they are sadly destined for the fuckit buckit.
  4. N

    Safety Sunday..

    This came through in instagram a few days ago. Most of the comments were American, alot of them were in relation to not having a guard to put this on. Not sure which is worse but neither is my preferred option. Grinders come with a handle for a reason.
  5. N

    Lidl DIY tools 6th June

    For mig i use gauntlets. Normally only on one hand, but that isnt really advised. These will do...
  6. N

    Lidl DIY tools 6th June

    You still get spatter even with MIG, although not as much. Not much you can do about it short of antispatter spray. It should be little round balls rather than pidgeon poop. They aren't fully bonded so you can use a scraper to pop them off. The wax is possibly where your porosity has come from...
  7. N

    Lidl DIY tools 6th June

    Promising. You fillet isnt aimed at the root of the c9rner so its building on the base with little tie in to the upright. Lower the angle to push the weld in to the corner at around 30 degrees. This will help to push the pool up the wall and g6wt rid of some of the undercut. Dont bother...
  8. N

    Lidl DIY tools 6th June

    It has a more consistant flux and is a nicer filler metal. The oem stuff is a bit like crap rods really, rubbish filler and lots of additives in the flux.
  9. N

    Lidl DIY tools 6th June

    Sploo old bean, make your life easier. Spent a tenner on a reel of super 6 wire. Everyone ive ever taught ( or shown how really) has been able to weld a passable bead in an hour or less, most within half that on any type. They might not have been "STACKING DIMES" or whatever the instagram...
  10. N

    Lidl DIY tools 6th June

    Thank you for finding a video that collaborates everything i said. 😆 Fergie, not going to argue, i agree that stick really should be where you start with welding. Tig for car body though is just terrible unless you've got the panel on a table. You can't weld upside down, or on a windy day...
  11. N

    Lidl DIY tools 6th June

    No stress here. But i see why it might be read that way. More stressed that ive finished the bottle of syrah and i might have to move on to the wifes pinot grigo. 😂
  12. N

    Lidl DIY tools 6th June

    This really pisses me off. "You cant use a gasless mig its useless" No, what the person who posts this mean is "I can't weld with flux core, because i don't know how" Treat it like mig and you won't be able to get a good weld. It isnt MIG. Its flux core, which means slag. When theres slag...
  13. N

    Fed up sharpening pencils

    Do it. Mine lives on my desk in work. It has a whole section on propelling pencils.
  14. N

    Are these cheap jigs good enough for a one off?

    you don't need the jig, just the bit.
  15. N

    Best protection for steel firebowl?

    Oil. Sunflower will do. After every use. No paint is designed to survive direct endured heat for prolonged periods. Even if you paint it,the steel will change its molecular structure from the heating and cooling cycles along with adsorbing oxygen and carbon when very hot whoch will encourage...
  16. N

    scaffold board rubbish

    Stop being the voice of reason. If they can't bitch about someone making a few bob of scaffold boards they'll start on politics again. Or worse. Sharpening.
  17. N

    scaffold board rubbish

    the dogs? or is that where it's going? disgraceful, but on the plus side, we haven't got any materials left in the country for people to make stuff out of. :)
  18. N

    scaffold board rubbish

    IF (and it's a big if) it is done right and well, it can look very effective as in the early days of this trend where boards were being well prepared but with enough imperfection to still have the character and placed, typically, on 2" box section frames. this gave a certain "industrial" feel to...
  19. N

    Lidl or MacAllister Plunge Saw

    I have the McAlister. It is a very good saw. Ni idra why i chose it over the parkside saw other than i could pick it up at screwfist. I beleive it fits the parkside rails although i havent tried it myself others have.
  20. N

    Black CA glue and activator - uk supplier?

    crimson guitars are a stockist of starbond. it's shippable to because it isn't in a pressurised container.