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  1. N

    Knife block

    an open topped box approximately 60x60, perhaps with dove tail joints on the side you can see and a dado fitted bottom. perhaps fit slides to the sides and fit it beneath a worktop so it can be slid in and out for access, maybe with a nice handle to grip.
  2. N

    Baffled by Damp on Walls.

    Sorry, fat fingers and fast typing. ah, I see what you mean by going Americano. :D
  3. N

    Baffled by Damp on Walls.

    you'd be able to see injection points up the outside of the wall if it has cavity insulation installed (normally looks like a random pattern of 1" cement plugs in the mortar line). you can also ring CIGA (google it) who should have a record of it if it was installed as it had to be registered...
  4. N

    Starting to work with metal?

    1:8 is crazy large for a first build and pretty useless unless you have a club to run it at. you don't get much in the way of normal vehicles in that scale either, most are rock crawlers and offroaders (great until you flip it or drive it in to the sea). the joy of 1:10 or 1:12 is it'll fit...
  5. N

    glass table top support?

    I've been looking at nano tape for a while but never been able to get over the claims. hearing an actual user make comment means I now need to give it a try. thanks for that. :D
  6. N

    Starting to work with metal?

    It is. here's it's big brother. :) IMG_5571 by David Rees, on Flickr if you go down that route I won't look for the files as it's going to give him everything he needs to start measuring and drawing up his own parts. have a search on ebay for lexen shell. he'll find every car he's ever...
  7. N

    Starting to work with metal? this one perhaps. :) muchos cheaper and also Mardave (note, Kamtec are sort of frowned on as cheap inferior knock offs, not that it really matters). for reference only. heres what I have from Mardave (it's got to be 20 years old now and still...
  8. N

    Starting to work with metal?

    a fair comment. I'd still work with the Mardave style for it mind, they do a kit of parts that you make your own chassis for which I think includes stuff like stand offs, steering ball joints and arms, servo savers, wheel hubs etc. all stuff that you could make with the right tools but is...
  9. N

    glass table top support?

    your silicone is going to look the same. :) you can buy (although I think perhaps not in Cyprus) crystal clear hot glue if it's any help.
  10. N

    glass table top support?

    hot glue. seriously. form a bead round the top of your leg, let it cool. place glass on top. acts like silicone, stops it moving about. doesn't take for ever to dry, isn't fixed in place but has enough stiction. also, adds another use for hot glue. :)
  11. N

    Starting to work with metal?

    Morning Chris You got me thinking about where the Mardave mini worked out. a quick google popped this up, if you have a look round you'll see they sell a kit of parts for you to build a chassis for. add radio gear and a steering servo and you are off to the races...
  12. N

    Surfboard build WIP

    well thats sorted then. looks spanking and whilst the sea wasn't playing fair it looks happy enough. take the fin off if you want a real learning curve :). wall paper stripper and piece of drain pipe for steam bending, make sure there is a vent at the other end, also, do it outside, or your...
  13. N

    Starting to work with metal?

    Give me a couple of days and ill try to pull out some engineering plans for him to go over of a simple rc car design. He can then modify them as he wants and maybe build some of the parts from plastic with simple hand tools (funny enough wood and plastic can be worked in a similar way) talk to...
  14. N

    Starting to work with metal?

    Start simple. Look at some thing like a mardave stock or mini for inspiration. Basically a plank of grp with some bits bolted to it. Real easy and he can get to grips with electronics wothout all the other hassles. Then he can move on up to something with suspension. Using the mardave...
  15. N

    Decimal points matter ...

    That would be more like 700 tons.
  16. N

    Decimal points matter ...

    3% error on overall weight. Same sub was also to big for its dock last year. Guess they made it to big.
  17. N

    Decimal points matter ...

    Helium. Except we are in a cricise apparantly.
  18. N

    Surfboard build WIP

    I know nothing. :)
  19. N

    I Cannot Weld?

    Until vibration and movement induced fatigue sets in, at which point the glue is the weakest link. bolts. if you can't weld, adjust the design so you can use bolts. or cut it all out and make sure it's perfect, then take it to a local fabricators and get them to do the welds, they will...
  20. N

    Surfboard build WIP

    I always get worried when I see plans with loads of pretty rendering but real pictures, I wonder if the designer has ever actually built it. It doesn't look like there is enough bracing and the lack of gunwale on such a thin ribbed structure would worry me. a quick google shows at least one...