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  1. N

    Conspiracy nuts. (split from Re: How does this work?)

    shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Lucan doesn't want to be found out. :shock:
  2. N

    Conspiracy nuts. (split from Re: How does this work?)

    Conspiracy nut jobs, you get everywhere, don't come on here with your daft ideas. :D :lol:
  3. N

    How does this work?

    lies, all lies. it's witchcraft plane and simple. Next you'll be trying to tell us the earth is a close approximation of a spheroid with a bulge near the equator caused by gravitational distortion from the large mass of the star that it orbits. all lies propagated by them to keep good hard...
  4. N

    Conspiracy nuts. (split from Re: How does this work?)

    lies, all lies. it's witchcraft plane and simple. Next you'll be trying to tell us the earth is a close approximation of a spheroid with a bulge near the equator caused by gravitational distortion from the large mass of the star that it orbits. all lies propagated by them to keep good hard...
  5. N

    Cross cutting oak beam

    for really big stuff I'd rather not lift it at all if possible, preferring instead to work on batons about an inch off the floor. just enough to get them raised but not enough that things get nasty when something drops.
  6. N

    SEnsible / safe heating for workshop (aka the garage)

    great, your body will be warm. your hands will be freezing still. unlikely for a quartz/infrared to ignite sawdust, might make the bits that land on it smolder slowly and make it smell but not enough to ignite it. at least that's my experience but do your own risk assessment.
  7. N

    SEnsible / safe heating for workshop (aka the garage)

    I use one of these, only when I'm in there though. ... 200w/1238p note that it's IPx rated so not really suitable for dust protection (big bare element) but it's high mounted and I clean it out very regularly.
  8. N

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Seriously Chris, you made me sign in for that? please can we remove the swear filter for a minute so I can call Chris names? Although the more I look at it, the more it looks like the X-ray of my bosses new knee. Sell for millions no dowt. :)
  9. N

    Trend Mini CNC

    Have you considered a laser cutter? for the things you are suggesting it will be vastly superior. Sorry if this is completely off topic. I've never seen the trend one but have worked and played with various CNC machines over the years and reckon that the trend unit is a nice box over the...
  10. N

    Scratter Vs wood chipper

    a time before rose tinted specs. because none of you lot would have lived long enough to use em. :D I was thinking about this last night (sort of), I wondered if hardwood would be man enough to make shredder. this sort of thing then I thought...
  11. N

    Clever engineers

    I fear that you could be correct as to it being Accles and Pollocks. I know a few of the chaps from BS special products came from there. it's still one of my favorite stories from the old boys. found this article. ... be&f=false
  12. N

    Scratter Vs wood chipper

    I use a sausage maker. it does a great job but I guess it's a bit slower than you want (you have to cut the fruit in bits to get it in the machine). I only have 1 tree so I don't make a lot.
  13. N

    Clever engineers

    didn't do anything on the Claire Ridge but was there for this O&G related lift full drill MPT (multipurpose tower, like a derrick but different) and drill floor. COG was so far above the lift center it was damn close to being un-liftable. and in a...
  14. N

    Clever engineers

    Trev. Whilst thats a joke there is what im realible informed by many engineers for British steel a tale of the USA sending "THE SMALLEST STEEL TUBE" to British steel only to get if back with a pair of tubes inside and note saying something along the lines of "not bad, keep trying and you might...
  15. N

    Cheap laser engraver?

    Sorry Kinsella, it's hard without it in front of me. I'd maybe try a serial bus monitor like Busbee or possibly arduino serial monitor (just because I've got it installed on my machine). if that doesn't work, my next option would be to plug it in to a different machine, possibly a linux...
  16. N

    Where's Custard?

    He got lost in the BBC Rant thread. We should throw him a life line before he drowns but I don't want to put a boat to sea in that festering ocean of blurgh. poor guy.
  17. N

    Led astray by YouTube!

    I read this as "Light Emitting Diode Ashtray by Youtube!" I was a bit confused. :D
  18. N

    2 Man Canoe

    well that's rather lovely. good job. how did you find the stitch and glue approach?
  19. N

    Does epoxy have a shelf life?

    Yes it does. once opened it's normally a year or so, harder is less. if it's needing to be perfect, don't risk it.
  20. N

    Cheap laser engraver?

    Hi Kinsella I did a bit of digging about as I couldn't go to the workshop. it looks to come with an oldish version of S Carve software. you can use the newer version of the software which might help, it's downloadable, have a google. there is a setting in there for home but it might not do...