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  1. N

    Latest modern kitchen

    most people use flash to clean a floor, these folks have to use brick wash. :) to each their own, I feel that if I really wanted a brick floor in a kitchen (which to be honest would be a talking point if nothing else) I'd be tempted to put a clear epoxy floor over it. I've seen how I cook, it...
  2. N

    Making a homemade forge, does anyone have any reccomendations for a suitable blowtorch?

    That's surprising. I can see a petrol station out of my office window with at least 8 in its little cage. if it helps, patio gas is propane with a funny regulator fitting on the cylinder. go outdoors had it in stock in Warrington a few weeks ago when my FIL needed a pair of bottles for the...
  3. N

    Spraying Paint

    you cup is most like a ford #4. you can measure the hole to find out. 4.12mm for a #4. not very interestingly, I was looking for something else and found that a #1 does exist, but its for far more runny liquids than paint with a 1.9mm orifice.
  4. N

    Latest modern kitchen

    that floor would piss me off something chronic. your bit looks good though. :)
  5. N

    Where have these been all my life - reverse action tweezers !

    useless for eyebrows though. :)
  6. N

    Series 2, land rover, soft top

    Ahhh the taunts of a car owner to the car enthusiast. revel in the glory Bob. :) (just joking about Phil) depending on how original he went with his rebuild it could be a good buy or a money pit. I've helped in the rebuild of a few S2 and S2a, mainly doing some welding, typically on the...
  7. N

    Spraying Paint

    unlikely to be causing the issues seen, normally you'd get a poor finish across the entire thing if it was the gun. blockages are more likely to be causing localised issues, hence, filter. Oils would be localised too. I don't see the problem with 600grit for denibing Bob, I wouldn't go any...
  8. N

    Spraying Paint

    Some things should remain unseen. this is one of them. :)
  9. N

    Spraying Paint

    no. thicker is not better. correct viscosity is very important. this explains why you are getting runs, blisters and such. use your cup. even the pros still do it, you simply can't eyeball viscosity. I use a ford #4 (which I reckon is what AES uses too as I've never heard of a ford #1 sorry AES...
  10. N

    You may not know this handy tip.

    Thats your starting knot. Right in the middle of the rope. Then you send each end diagonally over the sheeted load to be tied off. Been so long now since i used a rope i cant remember half the knots to be honest.
  11. N

    You may not know this handy tip.

    For thise who dont know. I was taught this by my father. Very useful for when only a rope is available.
  12. N

    You may not know this handy tip.

    Sorry but nope thats ********. There are some single use lifting slings but not ratchets.
  13. N

    You may not know this handy tip.

    See the gate on the left of the first picture? Pull it then push the handles back past the locked open position. Now pull the strap and watch it freewheel.
  14. N

    Stanley Chute Board

    I'd be surprised if it was anything more than bog standard mild steel to be honest. you'd rather have that strip than the casting.
  15. N

    Today’s lesson “NEVER POINT”

    well I collected another new bike on Tuesday. it's red. :) but I told my considerably better half before it came home about it, a shake of the head and a "OK" was all I got. I'm lucky, my wife puts up with my antics. now it's time to find lots of 1998 mtb parts in the spares bin. :)
  16. N

    I need one of these vices.

    No it doesnt. Because i have a fat head and sleepy eyes. Please reread my post and replace carving with engraving.
  17. N

    I need one of these vices.

    Its a carving vice.
  18. N

    Help identify tool - vintage pliers - SOLVED thanks

    because fences now tend to be in more populated places were you can drive to, so you can carry a hammer, a screwdriver and a pair of pliers with you without any real issue. when it's a choice between a tin of beans or a hammer, I'd have thought most horse riders would choice the tin of beans. :)...
  19. N

    Today’s lesson “NEVER POINT”

    Bikes only come in 2 colours. Black and red. Anything else will stand out as different and therefore memorable. Hence, I only have 3 bikes. Just because the value of whats locked away in the bike store swings wildly from winter to summer doesn't mean i have more hidden in the loft that get...
  20. N

    Finish over Sharpie

    Rattle can of platsicote clear.