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  1. N

    Help me out of this situation! Broken insert

    If you tighten the bolt to the top you will turn the insert inwards. If you righten a nut agaist it with a bolt set in then you wont. Why make life harder yourself by winding the insert in? you also wont get the bolt torqued up on the insert as it will want to wind in and when you hit the bottom...
  2. N

    Help me out of this situation! Broken insert

    well having tried pliers you've now fecked it beyond help. a better option would be to wind a bolt with a nut in then lock the nut against the top before backing it out using the bolt head. drill it out slowly to break the metal up and you may not need to plug it at all.
  3. N

    Wanted Homemade marking knives

    See, told you they stand a chance of doing alright. 😁
  4. N

    Marking Knife

    I use a scalpel. because they are dirt cheap, easy to come by and the blades are super cheap. if anyone is interested I use a no. 3 and a no. 5. think the handle cost a fiver but I've had it for years as I use it for other things too. not sure why this would be considered "fantasy land" but...
  5. N

    Wanted Homemade marking knives

    I use a small local firm for my marking knifes. they've been around for years and still produce in the UK. they make some of the nicest marking knifes I've ever had the privilege to cut with and I know for a fact that they are used by some of the most accurate and highly skilled people in the...
  6. N

    Bath weight

    How do you get 180kg? Even if we assume a typical bath half filled id expect 210l or 210kg of water. Or she fills to not over flowing with her in it then more like 300kg. Add the 210 of the bath and the slender frame of her ladyship (which shall remain a numberless unit) and your over half a...
  7. N

    Bringing goods from the EU

    Nope. Thats the vegans.
  8. N

    Bringing goods from the EU

    WHAT leaving the EU has negative effects, surely not, dont be daft, i shall not here it,i shall stick my fingers in my ears my thumb up my arsehole and pretend it cant be true. Get bent, i want to say bottom hole and dam well say it, i dont have a pineapple to take a dump out of.
  9. N

    B&D urban myth?

    It's somewhat tongue and cheek as it isn't far off impossible to design components to that finite of a level given the variables. think about it. 10 minutes non stop is going to stress some components but not others, 10 minutes with a duration of 10 seconds each burst is going to stress other...
  10. N

    New Number 1 DIY disaster

    It is a qwerk if this particular forum especially and often leads to bun fights. this wasn't a dig at any one individual, I simply find it decidedly annoying and view it as someone in the pub (remember those) stepping in half way through a conversation and suggesting something that was spoken...
  11. N

    What to do with this 3x3 block?

    I can give you a few suggestions on where to stick it if that's any help?
  12. N

    New Number 1 DIY disaster

    I've already said all of that Julian and I'm in complete agreement with you. The OP has accepted it an come up with a solution, but as is often the way of this forum, it falls on deaf ears of others who have to show how high they can piss or wave the tackle around. I'm not a professional...
  13. N

    New Number 1 DIY disaster

    Ok parting remark on the subject. Would you let a bloke set a small fire in your new kitchen followed by chucking metal dust all over it? I would not. Doesnt matter. Good solution has been found.
  14. N

    New Number 1 DIY disaster

    Great. Now delete or lock the thread befote the tirade of discussion about something thats already decided starts.
  15. N

    New Number 1 DIY disaster

    Oh,and your going to be paying him as much as a new sheet and then some, thay skill does not come cheap.
  16. N

    New Number 1 DIY disaster

    There is no way you can repair that with weld. Not a chance. Zero possibility. Don't even bother. Reason number 1. You heat it up, burn the wood underneath and melt the glue 2. It will warp, its thin stock and it can't have a heat sink on the back. Even spotting it you will get it hot and it...
  17. N

    New Number 1 DIY disaster

    Other option, don't repair it, remove it. cut it out and inset a ceramic tile, tell people it's a trivit to stop pan bottoms maring your lovely stainless surface. having looked again you have deformed the steel as already mentioned and that won't polish out.
  18. N

    New Number 1 DIY disaster

    most likely cant turn it over because it's glued down.
  19. N

    New Number 1 DIY disaster

    abrasives are your only solution. start high, work down the grits till you have a completely mirror finish, then add back in the brushed steel look buy sanding with the appropriate grit (normally 400) in 1 direction only.
  20. N

    Help needed! Scaffold board table top, salvageable salvage?

    the boards were to wet and have shrunk as they dried. it isn't jus the one board that has caused this, all of them will have shrunk. that board is especially poor but I reckon if you looked at the end grain you'd find it has a lot of core grain in it. leave it where it is for another month...