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  1. B

    Is this a Roman era tool?

    Somewhere I read that spaghetti (pasta) was 'invented' by the Romans. In its dried form, it was an easy, and convenient method of preserving food, for the Legions to carry with them on their campaigns. Which makes nonsense of the idea that fresh spaghetti is tastier than dried. Once it's cooked...
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    Kitchen Cabinets

    You don't NEED a Domino to join kitchen cabinets. They will be held together also by the walls and adjacent cabinets. So you can use screws and rebated corner joints. You can use pocket hole joinery. You can use a biscuit joiner. You can even use nails and glue. Spend your cash on quality...
  3. B

    What is an acceptable gap when using a hand plane?

    Just get it cleaned up. Finish with a scraper if you must. If you can't get it right, then finish with an adze. :cool: (Robert Thompson 'The Mouseman' did so.) I realised that someone might think I am being sarcastic. Not guilty folks! Still, hobby woodworkers are not likely to get as much...
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    Fence covering

    True Aidan. I have seen old pallets used as a temporary repair, which hung around for years! No, it wasn't me! John
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    Fence covering

    Hi Sam. In my case my left-hand boundary fence is shared by the ends of five neighbouring gardens. They all seem to plump for 6-ft high panels which suits me. However, renewal is required at different intervals, so there always seems to be at least one gap! I have to troop around to the Grove...
  6. B

    Best jack plane

    Quansheng. Comparable with the big two but much more realistically priced. Failing that Record 1950s Finally a Stanley 1950s. Both abundant on eBay.n John
  7. B

    What do you call someone who....

    A prospective sponser!
  8. B

    Does anyone else dislike routers?

    Quite agree JC. I used to faff around like that but I went for a Lie Nielsen tongue and groove plane. So simple to use and it is as accurate as you require. Expensive for a plane I suppose, but half the cost of the average router. John
  9. B

    Best Band saw blade for cutting blanks for turning

    I have a 7" square baulk of Douglas Fir I ought to convert to workbench legs (or summat) so a call to Tuffsaws is on the list. John
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    Laminate flooring scratch repair

    Can we purchase solid wood flooring? I think I will save a bit more cash and go for that. John
  11. B

    Fence covering

    And a few of the Willow hurdles might well take root. Lol! John
  12. B

    Fence covering

    Well law or not it has something to do with planning; ie. Deciding which of the fences were yours for maintenance purposes. So regulations had to be involved somehow. John
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    Fence covering

    I believe we are supposed to fence away from our property. Ie good side facing the neighbours. By law? John
  14. B

    Which Router Bit

    I use 1/4inch shank bits without problems, but I prefer 8mm. They don't vibrate so much as the 1/4" variety. It's the answer if you don't want a 1/2 router and 1/2" shank bits to duplicate all your 1/4" profiles! Some commercial jigs are better used with 1/4 routers and cutters. (The smaller...
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    Does anyone else dislike routers?

    Sam. It's the bits you own that provide the magic! 😎 John
  16. B

    Does anyone else dislike routers?

    I am quite used to my hand held routers (No table for me). For the sake of neighbours I close the workshop door when routing. I like the solitude that provides but it doesn't stay quiet. Still I have ear defenders and I hang a 'do not disturb' notice outside when I am working in there. My...
  17. B

    Making small tables and such, to sell?

    All I know of Squirrel Hill is what I saw on a destination board of a 'bus, in the 'Jack Reacher' movie! So the place actually exists then! 😇 BTW: I have just taken delivery of a set of turned legs from eBay. Great quality pine. Very few knots, and nice clear pine. Pleased as punch for £35.00...
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    Plasterboard work in window reveal

    Hi Novocaine. Thanks for your input. The wall is a cavity wall; inside it's thermalite blocks. Only the lower half is actually a wall. The top half is the window frame with two courses of bricks above the UPVC window frame. The ends of the ceiling/roof joists rest on these bricks with no...
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    Plasterboard work in window reveal

    Tis a long story Bob. The leak was repaired a few years back but with my wife's illness and my problems I never got around to clearing up properly. I just mopped up and things looked okay. It seems that now everything has dried out the plasterboard just sagged. It's a cavity wall and there is...
  20. B

    Making small tables and such, to sell?

    Exactly Bob. I'm something of an artist myself, but this lady is a professional and she's darned good! John