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  1. B

    Paint for garage doors made from floorboards

    It's an awesome price too if you don't want black! :lol:
  2. B

    Paint for garage doors made from floorboards

    Martin; Seal the knots with knotting. Prime it with aluminium paint first to seal the preservative you used. Aluminium paint seals creosote, so it might work with the stuff you used. Then paint properly; i.e. undercoat and top coat. I dispensed with lead primer by using the aluminium paint. It...
  3. B

    new tv licensing laws

    They must have changed the law again in that case. If you owned a TV, even a broken one, you required a TV licence. (No such thing as a TV licence though; it was a licence to receive radio/TV transmissions.) Though how they work that one now TV is digital, I don't get. I am surprised no...
  4. B

    Hi, new here!

    Hi Twig. Welcome. Look forward to seeing the pics. I think you must make a certain number of posts before you can post pictures mind! Regards John
  5. B

    Cabinet making and furniture design

    I guess I can forget posting the 'gloat' I was considering; in the finest traditions of UKW. Hmm? :mrgreen:
  6. B

    Odd tool any input ?

    Maybe one's a male and the other a female? :mrgreen: Welcome to the forum Grumps. Hope you enjoy the stay. John
  7. B

    Why is Healthy Food So expensive in UK?

    Quote: and what do you think worsterererershire sauce is made from? :) Yep! =D> Although I don't know where worsterererershire is! :lol:
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    Why is Healthy Food So expensive in UK?

    Do we still actually make paint in the UK? Or is that something else we ship in by the tank-load, and fill the cans here? :roll:
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    Why is Healthy Food So expensive in UK?

    Not in 'our 'ouse'! If you'd class a nice Chinese meal as junk food, then very occasionally we indulge. Same with Fish and Chips; now and again. In a kitchen, nothing beats the satisfaction of preparing, cooking and eating a nice fillet of lamb-neck, slow-cooked with fresh veg. Well maybe a...
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    Why is Healthy Food So expensive in UK?

    Sunny, The taste quality of supermarket fruit is why I don't eat apples any more, unless I can pick from the tree. Asda's fruit is watery, or sour, and tastes of nothing resembling apple! Not even the apples. :mrgreen: Surely you grew nasturtium flowers on your allotment! Lovely in a salad...
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    Why is Healthy Food So expensive in UK?

    Owsnap. I empathise but have you tried growing your own veg? Mind you, that works out to be quite expensive in the end, because of all the stuff you need to buy to keep your veg healthy! It serves to remind that the farmers have the same problem. I think organic growing is more labour...
  12. B

    Cabinet making and furniture design

    Welcome Gregor. I'm sure you'll fit right in here. I don't do much woodwork these days, especially since my wife became dependent upon me, but if I can help you (or anyone else) any time, I will be at the front of the queue. Regards John
  13. B

    No bread threads for a while?

    Hi Phil, Wheat bread (like all breads) is made by man Phil. We don't pick loaves off a tree. It comes from a natural source, I grant you, but it's still processed. At the most it's been baked for 15-16,000 years. Of the two million or so we have been around, that is a blink, and is not long...
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    No bread threads for a while?

    Thanks Pedder/Phil, I can't agree about bread, from personal experience with the stuff. Not disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing, but it's my personal view that bread (Wheat-bread especially) is processed food on steroids, with all the disadvantages. As a type 2 diabetic, I have realised I...
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    Mucking out tongues and grooves

    Were I to use a router, I think I would use those old fashioned rolled steel cutters. I still have a set. A simple straight cutter would do the job, and you could dispose of the cutter without pain, if it suffered. They would do the job quickly for sure.
  16. B

    A blast from the past...

    You don't seem to have a 'funny bone' Phil. The Young Ones? Well can empathise there; and with Bread, but most of the others you mention, I found them amusing at least! :D
  17. B

    Brexit effect.

    Quite agree Clk. Especially the BBC's economic 'experts'. Brexit is bound to have influences; some bad, some good. They just seem to want to concentrate on the disadvantages. We don't often hear of anything welcome, being credited to Brexit. Not by Auntie at least.
  18. B

    Mucking out tongues and grooves

    +1 It won't do any harm if you deepen the grooves a fraction, to get back to timber. It would give the tongues room to breathe in fact. Best of luck. John
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    Rabone Square

    Rabone Chesterman's was on my patch in Hockley during the mid 1960s John. I went past it one winter's night, and through a frosted glass window I noticed something flickering. I found a key hole in the gates, and lo and behold there was smoke and a nice little fire just starting. Needless to...