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  1. B

    Are there really people this uneducated?

    I failed the eleven-plus in the 1940s/50s. I was going to be a 'blue-collar' worker then. A disappointment, but I got on with it. I passed an exam later for the 'Technical School'. what you might call a polytech. (Since promoted to Uni :roll: in Brum.) I didn't go into engineering though; I...
  2. B

    New member of the group and my planned workshop

    John, If you're going for a table saw, wait until you can buy a proper job. (Not one for which you need to build a stand.) Go for at least a 10" (250mm) blade, twin mitre channels, so you can have a stable cross-cut sled, and a sliding table, (if you have the space.) Also an induction-motor...
  3. B

    New member of the group and my planned workshop

    If you sell the Super Seven, you'll regret it; sooner or later! Especially if later, you are lured into making your own woodwork tools! :wink: John
  4. B

    Are there really people this uneducated?

    :roll: Politics again Jacob! Tut-Tut! :lol:
  5. B

    Are there really people this uneducated?

    Thanks Roger. I was okay until the graphs and bar charts came along. I could have worked it out maybe, but I got bored with it. I think this was a test in some specialist field, and hardly shows the raw intelligence of persons taking it! (I skipped some questions as I really couldn't be...
  6. B

    Are there really people this uneducated?

    Dead link Roger. I get the blue, URL, but it's not responding. :x
  7. B

    Are there really people this uneducated?

    The best you can do is tell them to take the measurements and then go online, to use a search engine to do the maths! They might manage that. If the room isn't a simple square or rectangle, then it might take too long to explain to them how to calculate. Sign of the times I'm afraid! Duuhhh...
  8. B

    Musician accessory

    My post wasn't meant as a slight towards you Jacob. Just a reworked old joke, usually applied to guitarists. The only disadvantage I have from not being able to play on sight, from music, (I can read it.) Is that I can't play anything unless I know 'how it goes'. However, my knowledge of...
  9. B

    Musician accessory

    Best way to silence a banjo-player? Put a sheet of music on the music-stand. 8)
  10. B

    My Tossed Off Day.

    That was my thinking exactly. I think you would be justified in charging them something. Five hundred is a fair wedge to me! :|
  11. B

    Sloping workshop floor advice

    My garage has a sloping floor too, I always assumed it was to drain away water from a vehicle that had been put inside after being driven in rain. I just put up with it. My garage is partially integral with the house, and there are buttresses to each side where the house wall starts. So even...
  12. B

    Renovation to an old oak stair

    That's called exercising common-sense. They don't have much of that these days; and if they do, they don't use it. I couldn't use that staircase safely, as I need a 'stalking-stick' in my left hand. This seems to be where the Health and Safety people are at odds with the preservation wallahs...
  13. B

    To plane? or to buy?

    I work from a single-garage 17.5 feet x 9 feet. (No use even as a garage, as you can't get out of a saloon once inside!) I have a Sedgwick, 12" over and under planer/thicknesser. When I bought the machine I decided where best to site it, and then planned the rest of the shop around it. It's a...
  14. B

    Joe Brown

    Still haven't found this issue of GW though have we? I might have it in my loft, but I am no longer capable of getting up there! Nick, I will ask my Son to get up there, when he comes over at the weekend. Regards John
  15. B

    To shed or not to shed, that is the question...

    In a similar situation, I used an old hand-pressurised, garden spray to spray the parts of my shed I couldn't get to. The sprayer had one of those 'wand' type nozzles which just managed the job on a 10 x 6 shed. It didn't do the sprayer much good, but it did last for half a dozen sprays, (And a...
  16. B

    To shed or not to shed, that is the question...

    I can't speak for where you live, but here in the West Mids, it's just a case of going online and checking out the regulations for a shed. In my case it has to be at least 15 metres from my house, (if it's a wooden shed) and 5 metres from my boundary walls. Also it must be no more than 2.2...
  17. B

    Should potatoes grow this large?

    Thanks for this thread. I was just wondering what I could have for tea today. I think I'll bake a nice Maris Piper, and serve with some tuna mayo and grated cheese (And salad of course!)
  18. B

    Where Can I buy some Regular Rolled oats?

    Asda's own porridge oats are quite good. Just use less water though if you don't like 'mush'. You can also cook them for less time. I like 'em thick, and half raw. I ain't supposed to eat them at all mind, cos they make me balloon around the waist. I counter that by making them with double...
  19. B

    To shed or not to shed, that is the question...

    +1 It doesn't look very good, even in the photograph. The framing does need to be meatier for a 12 x 8 shed. The bigger the area of the shed walls, the more wind pressure you're going to have; like fences; even when regularly maintained with preservative, the constant wind pressure over the...
  20. B

    Brad Pitt divorce - do we really care?

    Not impressed by the Parkinson's quip Doug, and I am somewhat surprised you made it. :( John.