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  1. B

    Dining bench

    How about a 'Hopper' front for the storage case Doug? Or a simple drop-down panel? I'd favour the hopper, as all toys could be contained and won't fall out when the box is opened. John (hammer)
  2. B

    Record Rosewood Handles?

    As long as the handles are not resin, ( and although I could be wrong, I don't believe Record ever went down the resin-road, ) then I'm happy to fettle and use Record planes. John (hammer)
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    Typhoon & Hercules

    That's what I call taking the mickey! The mind boggles at this pilot's skill and finesse! Phew!!!
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    Leyland Trade Paint

    When I buy a new tin of paint, I am not going to use immediately, I store the tin upside down for a few days to allow what's settled to re mix. Helps a lot with stirring. HTH John (hammer)
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    46 minutes of beautiful craftsmanship

    Thank You Mike. An absorbing video that got my day going well. Cheers John
  6. B

    Dovetail jigs - UJK vs Trend vs others? ... psc=1etail jigs you can buy The Keller Jig. Pros. If you want to go with a jig, this is about as quick and simple as it gets for utility work. Looks better than the lap-dovetail jigs you can buy and will go to any width. Soon mastered in use...
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    Stanley-bridges drill spares

    Mine still works. In my early days modified all my handheld-power tools to a system somewhat like the Festool. I gave them all a 'pigtail' plug to fit the one longer lead socket. So that's what my Stanley Bridges drill has now. Works a treat! No lead trailing everywhere when I want to put it...
  8. B

    Quick release vice just too tedious? This is for you :)

    An improvement I dreamed about was a mini-chain morticer; about the size of the domino with interchangeable bits. Operating on the plunge like a domino. That's what I call overkill. :mrgreen: John (hammer)
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    Quick release vice just too tedious? This is for you :)

    Gilded lily! Maybe... John (hammer)
  10. B

    I really need a saw set..

    You can use a screwdriver to twist the set into place. A la Frank Klausz. I've never tried it, but I am sure it will work. John (hammer)
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    Never lend tools!!

    One could use it as a nail set; in typical Brummagem fashion! John (hammer)
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    Making a router table

    Before I had to stop working for this infection, I found I could get along well with my Trend 'RouterRack' system. There is a table with this set up, but the aperture is only about 60mm diameter and so restricts the 'throw'. However I much prefer using the router upright and will often make a...
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    Enforced absence

    Indeed Andy. There are quite a few too! Cheers for the comment. :D John (hammer)
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    Enforced absence

    Would you believe it? I had a relapse and this pesky infection took me back to square one. So another five days in hospital! Still, I am now back in Rehab, and on my feet once again; shuffling, but on the mend. Should be home by Christmas! :mrgreen: Much to my daughter's impending dismay I...
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    Making table tops

    How many sash cramps needed? Usually more than you have! John (hammer)
  16. B

    Enforced absence

    Latest developments. I actually walked again to day; using the Zimmer, but a big step in recovery! :lol: John (hammer)
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    Favorite YouTube woodworker

    I like John Bullar's offerings. No side, No swank. Just in control. I'd like to do videos too. Just that no one really wants to listen to a Brummie, droning on! :lol: John (hammer)
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    Tall plank dovetail

    Derek. That's about as tall as I would want to go at my time of life! Couldn't slant that in the vice unless I hot-melted a temporary batten to the work piece, to fit it in the vice. Probably I would lay it flat on the bench though and hold-fast it down. Easy enough to turn it over to get at...
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    Tall plank dovetail

    Good reason to cut them in the living room, with a good vacuum cleaner to hand! Cheers John :mrgreen:
  20. B

    What are they and what are they used for

    Had an X-ray a couple of days ago; in front of summat like that! :mrgreen: John (hammer)