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  1. B

    Fiat V Ferrari

    Paul Sellars will explain the curved-back chisels, when he discusses Aldi chisels on YouTube. An eyes open visit to Sheffield will help to explain why manufacturers are lagging. Seems like Brum. Night-clubs and block paving are more important to the Council than the life blood of the cities...
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    Drawer fronts.

    I have tried that myself just for the heck of it on a box for the shop. It was OK, but flattening the two mating faces took a little time. John (hammer)
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    Fiat V Ferrari

    I don't know about LN chisels but, all I have ever had to do to a Lie Nielsen plane is examine it first off, then put the secondary bevel on the iron. I don't use David Cs ruler trick. I just flatten the first 1/2 inch or so of the face, by hanging the iron over the edge of the stone. That's...
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    Fiat V Ferrari

    The best chisels for me are Marples pre WW2. No contest. The earlier the better. The problem is you have to hunt for them. The steel is first class and they hone, and keep an edge superbly. That way they last a bit longer. You can still find some of the wider sizes with a really good length of...
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    Finding a square framing square...

    Sometimes if you have to ask the question, you already know the answer. My wife used to ask 'Why do you have to spend so much money on one tool?' Answer? 'So I don't waste any more later on!' Bite that bullet... :D John (hammer)
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    Paul Sellars recommending a bull nose plane...

    I take the front off my Record shoulder plane , fit the small metal block and hey presto a bull nose. I think it's usable without the block for really close in work. The only limitation is it's only a 5/8" wide blade. It's still more precise than an errant chisel though! I suppose you don't...
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    Flattening a 3m x 500mm board

    Secure the work pieces to a longer MDF piece with hot melt glue as a datum point to do this. It does work. My Sedgwick thicknesser is reliable, but I always thickness a piece of scrap to make sure I get the right setting. John (hammer)
  8. B

    Info on Coronot Major lathes

    Try this site: I haven't heard from or about Derek Pyatt for a while so I don't know the situation at the moment, but he is a fund of knowledge and has a lot of spares. John (hammer)
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    Info on Coronot Major lathes

    Duplicate post removed
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    Reinstating my Coronet Major - Maroon model

    Hi folks. I bought my Coronet in 1971 as a combination woodwork machine. I have to be honest and say that, whilst Grandfather showed me the basics when I was a teen, I don't consider myself a turner. The most ambitious project I ever did was a pair of Indian Clubs for a Physical Trainer...
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    Router table build

    I would expect to need at least one full sheet of melamine faced board to build a router table. I would probably use birch ply for the carcass though, but then my local merchant in Brum will supply offcuts galore, so no problem. You just need to go to your local sawmill/DIY centre I would think...
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    Small Brass Hammer

    That's a nice little job. Well done. I have just one wooden plane, and I use a plumber's lead-work mallet for tapping and adjusting. I don't know what the tool is called but its a small mallet type tool with the head the shape of a child's spinning-top. It's ideal for the purpose. I bought an...
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    Best British Cheeses

    I don't like apple sauce with pork either. That's having my dessert and main course on the same plate! It's down to taste of course. I remember from the 40s & 50s, butchers used to keep sheeps' brains on the offal counter. Served on toast, it was a favourite of my old Dad's and I suppose...
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    M&T chisel size?

    And not all mortices are cut along the centre line of the stock! 8) John (hammer)
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    A nice entrecote for your steak; pref Ribeye.

    I just could not think of the name asparagus!!! That is superb with this dish especially if your asparagus is from the Vale of Evesham. 8) John :ho2
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    A nice entrecote for your steak; pref Ribeye.

    4 nice tomatoes skinned, seeded and chopped . (You can use tinned if you wish, but seeding is a messy job!) I medium size onion chopped finely. 1 clove garlic Dessert spoon paprika Glass of Madeira Small glass of medium sherry or port wine Dessert spoon plain flour Knob of butter salt - pepper...
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    Best British Cheeses

    Oh shurrup please. I'm not supposed to eat bread 'cos of the starch! Not even my own made!!! Thanks Garno. Next time I go to visit my wife, I'll tell her. No way of telling if she'll grasp it, but you never know. :) This morning they gave me toast and marmalade dumped on top of sausage and...
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    Best British Cheeses

    Cheddar and pineapple on cocktail sticks? Ughhh No ta! My wife used to insist on them for a buffet!
  19. B

    Router table build ... o-size.php Your best bet: ... ngham.html Online too. I would prefer to buy the ready faced MDF rather than glue Melamine myself. :) HTH John :D