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  1. B

    Flu jab

    Roger... NO IT WON'T! It's WHAT you eat, not HOW MUCH! Also, I resent the implication that I 'stuff my face', and I don't see the need for that remark, unless it was meant to insult me. Following 'guidelines' has resulted in my contracting Type 2 diabetes, whilst wondering why I couldn't...
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    Strange design of park bench- any ideas?

    True, but then it was a little more comfortable than having to stand. I used to have a weekly errand to run for my headmaster. I didn't mind that because, on the tram ride, I was always accompanied by my opposite number, the girls' School Captain!:love: John
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    Thoughts on making a wardrobe

    I need to make a wardrobe too. I've been considering solid oak, blocked boards, 18mm thickness. It seems to me they shouldn't move very much because they are just egge jointed with narrow strips of oak. Plus they would match the furniture I bought last year in an emergency. This furniture was...
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    Things I learned in the last 6 months

    Re planninng: I use A4 Black and Red spiral bound 1/4 inch ruled notebooks for shop drawings. I write out a procedures sheet in longhand, check it over and follow that to the letter. Still make mistooks of course but not many; usually through hunger, thirst or refusing to call it a day. John
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    Things I learned in the last 6 months

    First thing my Lady learned: When my husband says timber has to acclimatise in the living room, I must believe him.:love: John
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    Wooden handle screwdrivers

    I love my 'bayonet-like', long turnscrew. Problem is I am running out of slotted screws. John
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    Flu jab

    Please don't get me started on the food pyramid. My granddaughter is just coming to the end of her training as a nurse. She knows only what she has been taught of course but you should hear her argument for the the anti-fat position. 60 years of misinformation yet the powers that be will not...
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    Strange design of park bench- any ideas?

    It could be a tram seat. However I remember that tram seats had a back that was on a fulcrum which meant they could be positioned forwards or backwards. Trams couldn't turn around except on a turntable at the depot and at the end of the line 9the driver would spend a couple of minutes it's...
  9. B

    Replace table saw with bandsaw and track saw.

    Keep your table saw if you have one. And your bandsaw. A track saw takes little space and can be used on saw horses at a pinch. It's when you buy an MFT Table that the track saw takes up space. You can open up new dimensions with the MFT Table, but you have yet another load of skills to learn to...
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    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    A good place to start. Nice work. John
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    Flu jab

    I need an eyesight test as a matter of fact. As I also need cataracts repairing. Heaven knows when I'm going to get that done! I think I can safely say I shall never be able to drive again. Even if I could pass the eyesight test to enable me to drive around reading number plates. John
  12. B

    Could not watch Youtube on my smart TV?

    When my firestick won't function, as it sometimes decides to rest, I just need to unplug the firestick for about 15 seconds and then plug it back in and the firestick automatically resets. It's a bit of a pain because getting off the chair is not easy at the moment but it's hardly a problem...
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    Flu jab

    Oh ok. You maybe miss my point. To listen to the scaremongering that's coming out of my television set the situation is such that I can expect someone to be wheeling a cart around the streets and shouting. 'Bring out your dead!' Ten years in the military and almost thirty in the Police Force...
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    Flu jab

    I believe vaccines are to prevent or help prevent contracting the disease for which The vaccines are intended. I don't think vaccines are intended for, or are capable of preventing further transmission. If you have been vaccinated you can still pass on disease. So please don't blame me if you...
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    Kids & phones, am I getting old?

    Billw Should of? Doancha meen shud 'ave? Lol! John
  16. B

    The Chop, Sky History (Sky 123)Thuesday 15th 9:00

    Many thanks Lurker. Good to be back. Just need to re educate certain muscles! Cheers. John
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    The Chop, Sky History (Sky 123)Thuesday 15th 9:00

    Saw Lee Mack. 'Nuff said. Plenty of ideas though, so I will stay with this. Thanks for the heads up. John
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    Chisel Honing Guide Recomendations Please

    Don't be lulled into the false necessity for 'dead on' bevel angles. If you can't maintain constant angles by hand, use only pull strokes when honing your 30 degree angle. Takes a month at most to get it. Honestly! John
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    This is how I cut tenons on a bandsaw – well it works for me.

    Hi Cabinetman. I do use a Startrite saw (8" model) and a resaw fence, but there our methods part ways!! I am still a bit wobbly on my pinions or I would demonstrate; so bear with me please. John
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    Can anybody beat this for old equipment

    Had the whole range of attachments in the 60s. The lathe bed could be used vertically as a drill stand. Gave it all away to a neighbour when I bought my Coronet Major in 1971. Still have the Coronet and the Stanley Bridges drill both working in top order. The neighbour scrapped the attachments...