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  1. KimG

    Bowl Turning Work

    I sent a PM just to find out what he had in mind, but no reply as yet.
  2. KimG

    stubborn stains

    Meths is the solvent used for sanding sealer and friction polish (unless the sanding sealer is cellulose based of course!) the meths will eventually remove stuff without damaging the paint, but if you use cellulose thinners to clean, it could well remove the paint as well. I the surface is...
  3. KimG

    No Name Yet

    Stunning piece Derek, you're taking your art to new levels all the time, great to see! :)
  4. KimG

    Clock, an odd dish and a three sided bowl

    There's nothing wrong with the colouring on the middle dish, but the outside shape really doesn't work, if it had matched the inside with either a small foot or no foot rather than a hollow spigot, then it would have been a truly classy piece. Good design is as important as good turning.
  5. KimG

    Some new stuff

    Thanks phil. The second one is done by colouring the feathering (that's the light coloured streak in the woodgrain) yellow first, then overlaying that with orange, then green in parts to get the bronze colour then over the feather again with yellow to highlight it. Then sealed and lacquered, the...
  6. KimG

    Some new stuff

    Thanks for the comments all. :) The first bowl is a very dark multicolour on the outside with a blue interior and a 9ct gold leaf rim, made from Ash. The small vase is Sycamore. The pink Bowl is meant to look like Rhodochrosite with veins of copper running through it, I used Alder as the...
  7. KimG

    Some new stuff

    I made quite a lot of stuff lately but have been remiss at the photography, however, it became necessary to get down to it, so here are a few items. I'll add some details later, got to go out for and hour.
  8. KimG

    New turner

    As with previous posters, the first bowl is very good, the shape is flowing and it looks much the same inside as out indicating a fairly even wall thickness, the base is nicely finished too. One of the best tools for removing marks and generally shaping a bowl interior is a negative rake...
  9. KimG

    A couple of miniatures.

    Very nice work Phil.
  10. KimG

    Sigh. Sharpening woes.

    I bought an 8" record grinder with a big white wheel, it comes with rubber shock absorbers of course, but at first I mistakenly used the bolt down function to attach it to the work surface by clamping it right down, it shook like crazy out of the box, I contacted record and they sent another, it...
  11. KimG

    Marmite Vase

    Yowsers, that's a real cracker of a piece Derek, absolutely stunning!
  12. KimG

    Wood id

    It's definitely neither Hornbeam or Rowan Stewart, all the replies identifying it as a prunus species are correct, with Cherry being the most likely candidate. Whoever gave it to you and identified the tree as Hornbeam (fissured grey bark ) or Rowan (smooth grey bark) made an error.
  13. KimG

    Ash bowl

    Nice bowl and finish, looking closely at the grain, in particular the arrangement of the medullary rays and in particular the nature of the overall colours especially the slight green colour of the thin dividing line between the dark and light wood are all fully characteristic of Sycamore
  14. KimG

    Buffing oil finished work

    Contrary to Pete, I use the same wheels for everything, my reasoning being this, the first two wheels are coated with an abrasive compound, tripoli and diamond white, it is these compounds rather than the cloth which is affecting the surface, I regularly clean the old compound off (especially...
  15. KimG


    Two very nice items there, the first is particularly good.
  16. KimG

    Finishing spalted beech

    If you want long term gloss then Shellac can be hard to beat, spalted wood can be a bit punky so it tends to absorb quite a lot, but if you are patient and wait for it to properly dry between coats it will soon tighten up. I would apply a fairly heavy base using about equal amounts of shellac to...
  17. KimG

    Vintage wood turning gouge preparation

    It looks like a new handle though, so that might not be a guide, anyway, you have it and it's up to you if you want to use it for turning of course, but a glance at the squared off end seems to show a metal thickness of a couple of millimeters, which may well taper back to a heavier gauge, but...
  18. KimG

    Vintage wood turning gouge preparation

    That is surely a carving chisel or a gouge, it doesn't look right for a roughing gouge does it? I mean, it should be like half a pipe not a small section, I would be very wary of putting that to a lathe, especially if you are not experienced, better to spend a few quid on a proper tool.
  19. KimG

    Polishing Mop

    I made a video about using the chestnut system a year or so back, it might highlight a point or two.
  20. KimG

    Help with hollowing out

    A negative rake scraper is must less inclined to catch at all, and can be used pretty much square on to the wood, but it is a finishing tool, it is not meant to remove a lot of material, just fine shavings leaving a very fine finish, but nice to use, and fairly easy to use too.