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  1. KimG


    That's very kind of you Chris, I'd be delighted with a bit if it happens to be a possibility. Let me know the if and when etc, we can arrange a meet. :)
  2. KimG


    You would probably get a lot of stress marks in timber like that, makes for some interesting grain patterns, of course you also get a lot of knots and quite possibly inclusions as well as some quite dodgy bits, the biggest issue would be how to cut it for the best, then roughing it out and...
  3. KimG

    Back at it again

    Thanks for the encouraging comments folks, nice to have something to post up again. More stuff in the process so hope to have other things in the next few weeks.
  4. KimG

    Back at it again

    After a fairly long break during which a good deal of time was spent rebuilding the decaying workshop, I finally got it sorted and am back on the lathe. It's been sometime since I posted any pics, I hope this bunch arn't too boring! Colouring is done with Chestnut's spirit stains and the finish...
  5. KimG

    Anyone want to swap a skew chisel? NOW DONE

    Hi Simon, Sorry for the delay, just checked, I have a Robert Sorby 3/4 square section skew I can swap. PM your details and I will do the same.
  6. KimG

    Record 52 vice... still available.

    I managed to source one locally so inceblundell is now top of the tree.
  7. KimG

    Anyone want to swap a skew chisel? NOW DONE

    I think I might have a spare, I will let you know tomorrow.
  8. KimG

    Record 52 vice... still available.

    PM sent.
  9. KimG

    Yorkshire grit / burnishing Cream

    I use it for lacquered pieces, both shellac and rattle can lacquers can be smoothed off with the YG, it looks finished at a quick glance, but a close inspection will reveal micro scratches still, theses are best removed with the chestnut burnishing cream which gives a superior finish to the grit...
  10. KimG

    Use Carbide? Interesting vid.

    Although a fair bit of detail is left out, this video of the making of Tungsten carbide tips is quite interesting. Click here for video
  11. KimG

    A Coloured Goblet

    I agree with Chas, an altogether well made and finished item. I like the colour choice, and the inside (which can be very tricky to get right with a high gloss) looks excellent. Not entirely sure about the black interior though, either natural or same colour as the outside might have carried a...
  12. KimG

    Today's Safety Lesson...

    Looks like it was a ring shake, very dangerous!
  13. KimG

    Help! I can't find a drive centre to fit.

    Indeed, but I think what that shows is that more than likely your member had more of the tool hanging over the rest than was advisable for the task in hand (because the break would almost certainly have been close to the pivot point), plus he was using the wrong tool for the job, you got knots...
  14. KimG

    Help! I can't find a drive centre to fit.

    The problem with cheaper tools is that they may perform well enough when they are not stressed, i.e. the workload is light. But they fail to perform when put to the test of a tougher task. Woodturning by it's nature tends to be brought to this point sooner rather than later because that is the...
  15. KimG

    Turning Ivy?

    That's a really nice Bowl Chaz, great form and beautifully turned. Cracker! :)
  16. KimG

    Pink and Black

    I like it, the video was very good too. Did you use artists acrylics? (I mean straightforward tube paints from an art shop as opposed to something more specialized). It's always great to see someone willing to keep slapping it on just to see what happens! :)
  17. KimG

    CBN wheels

    If you can afford it I would say go with the CBN, it's a lifetime investment, plus it will never need dressing and will always give a true flat finish. I would have one tomorrow over a white wheel if I had the spare change.
  18. KimG

    Can all wood be turned ?

    True enough J-G, the teak I had was several planks from once source and a couple of blocks from a totally different source, but the effect was the same nonetheless. The plank i put through the planer is now (and has been since) my front room mantlepiece. It isn't a striking wood to look at I...
  19. KimG

    Can all wood be turned ?

    I have turned Rosewood sunnybob, Sonokeling, mexican and cocobolo which is similar. There seem to be quite a few timbers called rosewood though and I guess it depends on which one you get as to its nature, cocobolo is more an exotic than a rosewood, but is also quite a brittle wood. It isn't...
  20. KimG

    Mick Hanbury

    Nasty, I too have experienced all that. Hope he recovers well. at least if you survive an attack you are in with a better chance from then on as you get the proper treatment to help you.