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  1. KimG

    Winter Challenge Results

    Well done all entrants, all very good work. I could not get my act together for this one though.
  2. KimG

    Does size matter?

    A 16" bowl is pretty big, unless you have access to some truly huge lumps of wood and plan on making very large bowls then the 16" would seem more than adequate, I have a jet 1642 which has a 16" bowl capacity, and although I have recently turned some that have been that big, they are pretty...
  3. KimG

    Best make Turning Tools for Large Bowls

    I use a half inch Crown Cryo bowl gouge ground long for all my big stuff, reasonably priced, keeps a good edge.
  4. KimG

    Sorry. Another wood ID question.

    laburnum is the most likely, though is looks a little dull, Laburnum often has a very gold glow especially where the medullary rays are visible, but like any wood, that varies. it could possibly be False acacia too (Robinia) they are quite similar.
  5. KimG

    Olive Ash Bowl

    Greets again, the base, meh, bases are what you make of them at the time. I don't own a button jaw set so cutting any further decoration would have been off centre to the patterns I already cut, that would look worse. it's a toss up between being able to finish the base first or waiting till the...
  6. KimG

    Olive Ash Bowl

    Thanks for the comment all:D. The bowl moved very little during drying, Ash is pretty good like that usually. For a certainty if this had been plain white Ash it would have been a prime piece for colouring with all those Ray's.
  7. KimG

    Olive Ash Bowl

    A while back I posted some shots of green turned bowls from a very nice piece of Ash, this one in particular looked very promising. Well, it dried very well and is now a finished piece, here's how it finished up. (the two coins are for scale)
  8. KimG

    My learning piece thread

    if you want to progress your work in the design area, (an excellent goal to have by the way) then you will benefit greatly from Richard Raffan's book, The Art of Turned Bowls, in which he gives key pointers to what makes good form and design. A well formed bowl will look good always...
  9. KimG

    Makin Shavings

    Is that all Walnut?? You lucky wazack!! :D :D
  10. KimG


    Thanks to all for your positive comments, much appreciated. @Chas, cheers especially!
  11. KimG


    Some time ago, my son Richard, called me into his own workshop and showed me this odd device made from an old microwave transformer, basically a high voltage source, using this he proceeded to burn some interesting patterns into a piece of wood. "That would look great on a bowl" said I, and...
  12. KimG

    The ‘Woodturning Challenge’ 2016 Get your thinking caps on

    Something a little different might be fun, I like the current quarterly arrangement, that at least allows a bit of time, (although I found none for the last one) Subjects could be along the lines of; A Major Chess piece i.e. King queen bishop rook even a knight (yes you can turn a knight!)...
  13. KimG

    Food safe timbers

    Ash and Sycamore are OK, they get used a lot for foodware, don't know about Eucalyptus, not all that good to turn, tends to move a lot.
  14. KimG

    carbide tips turning gouges thinking of buying 1

    I've been getting mine from ebay (this guy) They are very easy to sharpen if you have a fine flat diamond stone, just put the upper face against the stone and abrade it down to a new edge, which is formed by the meeting of the flat top and the bevel, you don't need to touch the bevel, it takes...
  15. KimG

    First Turning for a while - Tamboti

    Very nice piece Nick, great shape, very neat turning, cracking bit of timber. I echo Greg's sentiments too.
  16. KimG

    Pits in my turning

    apart from a little finial box (which I must photograph) you have seen the other entries, the natural edged laburnum bowl which I put in the summer comp took a first, the spalted beech box I did for the winter comp took third, the very thin goblet I did a good while back took first in the...
  17. KimG

    One for KimG

    Thanks Derek, don't be afraid to slap the colour on in several coats, say you lay on a blue, then red, try adding a dark blue on top then two more applications of red, it is surprising how the colour blends and comes through. If you want any colour to dominate an area then it should form the...
  18. KimG

    Rescued hollow form

    I think it look very nice indeed, as good as any coloured item.
  19. KimG

    Pits in my turning

    Yeah, I'll pop a couple of pics up in a day or so and describe how I made them. Cheers Derek, I did pretty well overall at the show, three categories, faceplate, between centres and matched pair. I got first and second in the "between centres" class, I got first and third in the faceplate class...
  20. KimG

    One for KimG

    Just got here! The light band is a consequence of the nature of the wood more than the way you apply the stain, I get it too. Straight lines can be avoided only with careful planning, in other words, know what you are going to do before you apply the colour. It's hard to put into a short...