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  1. bodgerbaz

    Underneath the arches

    Thank you for the kind comments Brian. Much appreciated. I used a #3 reverse tooth blade and took my time. The candles, in particular, were challenging. The LEDs are either 10 or 20 LEDs per loom, I chose 20. They were €19.90 for 5 sets with free shipping within Germany. If you can't...
  2. bodgerbaz

    Underneath the arches

    I recently bought a load of Schwibbogen Vorlagen (arches templates) from a guy on and set about cutting some out to give as Christmas presents. I stack-cut 4 sheets of 1.5 mm ply and the result gave me 2 complete arches for each pattern I chose. Each pattern came in several sizes and...
  3. bodgerbaz

    Customs Charge on blades

    Many thanks for the link, which is very useful as a good alternative source for blades (Laubsägeblätter in Germany). I couldn't find a price on the web site (but the informations was very useful). However, I found someone else who sells a similar range at a good price. They are in € and...
  4. bodgerbaz

    Been going to make a Whirligig for yonks

    Whoops . . . hope its easily repairable.
  5. bodgerbaz

    Retirement gift

    Excellent, many thanks
  6. bodgerbaz

    Retirement gift

    Great looking sign that will be treasured, I'm sure. Nice robins and a great font. What was the name of the font you used?
  7. bodgerbaz

    Newbie saying hello

    Hello and welcome. You'll find a lot of experience here and if there is anything you want to know, someone should be able to help you. Its wonderful being able to make gifts for people, especially personalised gifts, and Steve Good's web site has loads of things to get you and keep you going...
  8. bodgerbaz

    Off topic bad news

    Dreadful news and 'enjoy' the remaining time you have left with him.
  9. bodgerbaz

    Noisy Hegner

    You don't say which model you have so the answers you receive may be guesswork. You say the tension is "OK". When you connect the blade at the top have you pushed the arm (1) backwards to activate tension and does it 'ping' when you pluck the blade?? If the blades 'pings' then the tensioning...
  10. bodgerbaz


    That is just lovely Brian. An excellent piece of work, well done.
  11. bodgerbaz


    Excellent result Brian. It's a wonderful feeling to know that people like your work so much that they pay good money for it. Well done.
  12. bodgerbaz

    One for the petrol heads

    I know there are a few petrol heads on here so this is for you. In case you hadn't seen it, Toymaking Plans has a special offer on "Two Awesome Motorcycles" where you can buy both plans for $16.50 instead of the usual price of $29.90 (offer expires Monday 11th). The plans are downloadable as...
  13. bodgerbaz

    Latest Schwibbogen

    Very nice indeed, well done. If you like cutting that sort of thing (and who wouldn't) you should have a look at this chap's store ... 7675.l2563. Some are fixed prices but others are sold by auction. They come in various sizes and I picked up loads of...
  14. bodgerbaz

    Why do folks here so like the FD blades?

    You're very welcome ;-) Barry
  15. bodgerbaz

    Why do folks here so like the FD blades?

    1. Why are you wasting money paying over the odds for your blades? That link will sell you PG495 - 5RG (x gross) for £59 (with free shipping). Wooden Teddy Bear in the USA will sell you the same blades and same quantity for $57 (£40.10) which includes $12 (£8.44) shipping which makes the USA...
  16. bodgerbaz

    Why do folks here so like the FD blades?

    Ditto. I was a committed Olson scroller but after hearing rave reviews I also bought a load of FD blades in various sizes and styles - and still have most of them left apart from those that have snapped or show signs of rusting!! They didn't seem very sharp at all and snapped after only a short...
  17. bodgerbaz


    For most of my projects I use 1.5mm or 3mm plywood but I also use 3/4" pine or oak for a one-off pattern.
  18. bodgerbaz

    Flying Dutchman Blades

    I couldn't say Malcolm but the description is very similar. BTW, this is the guy I bought my blades from.
  19. bodgerbaz

    Flying Dutchman Blades

    Sorry Martin but in fact Niqua DO make the equivalent of the FD-UR blades. Its called the Niqua Top Cut and has every third tooth reversed. Niqua's description says "First class saw blade for delicately cutting of difficult work pieces; suitable for wood and plastic; hardened, every 3rd tooth...
  20. bodgerbaz

    Flying Dutchman Blades

    Having bought a couple of bad batches of FD blades I personally wouldn't touch 'em again. However, if you wanted to try a few different Niqua blades Malcolm, send me your address (via a PM) and I'll send you a few to try. The Niqua factory is just up the road from me so I thought I'd give them...