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  1. K

    Apple tree slices

    A couple of years ago my parents had an apple tree removed from their back garden, the tree had been in their back garden since they bought the place in the late '60s, it was a mature tree when they moved in. In the general run of things many might consider it a daft expenditure of effort, but...
  2. K

    UKW party.

    Agreed, but how would we fill the other half?
  3. K

    Bringing down the house - wall removal for beginners

    You can rewind to the beginning for the full experience, but this is the money-shot, I particularly like the way he looks up to check how things are going...
  4. K

    What kind of stone is this?

    As you say there certainly are different grades and densities of pumice, there's also Scoria which appears superficially similar to pumice but has a higher iron and magnesium content replacing some of the silica. Scoria tends to be denser, harder and darker with bigger bubbles. They're both...
  5. K

    digital calipers

    Out of interest I did a bit of Googling to find out how the digital ones work and found quite a nice explanation. Sounds like it's important to keep them clean and dry, and also explains how it's possible to turn them out so cheaply with such good performance.
  6. K

    A real Noahs ark?

    Can't argue with you on that. Titanic was launched on 31 May 1911 and sank on 15 April 1912, so she was afloat for 320 days (7680 hours) and took 2h 40m to sink. This gives a pretty impressive availability statistic of 99.965% for general floatiness.
  7. K

    digital calipers

    I know the original question was regarding digital callipers, but since I've been using dial callipers I've not touched my digital ones. I went from traditional Vernier to digital, and only later discovered the immediacy of dial callipers. I've got 2, a plastic/composite set by Wiha good to...
  8. K

    Safety specs

    I wear protective eyewear all the time in the workshop, and some tinted ones for gardening. I wear plain ones for most stuff and have a pair of bi-focal style for close work. They're the type with a magnifying half-moon at the bottom of a plain lens. It's easy for folk like me who have a...
  9. K

    The importance of practising what one preaches

    I'm very glad you're (mostly) okay Steve; well done for sharing your experience, it's not always the easiest thing to do but it makes things safer for all of us. Cheers, Kev
  10. K

    Another name game bit of fun

    Kreg Eclipse Veritas Makita And yes, I've got tools from all of them
  11. K

    A real Noahs ark?

    Nice one! You almost had me there for a moment. :lol:
  12. K

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    I like the stool Pete, very nice.
  13. K

    Does this anti dog poo ad work?

    Oddly, one of the fondest memories of my childhood is my father's intervention with a repeat dog-fouling offender who had managed to remain uncaught. On one particular day my dad had been doing some work on the guttering at the side of the house so happened to have a birds eye view of the...
  14. K

    A phantom bit of space history on Google Maps...

    Back in the late '80s early '90s I used to work a lot in and around Campbeltown in Scotland, apparently the local airfield RAF Macrihanish (now handed over to civilian use) was approved for the Space Shuttle. It's a very long runway ~3000m and had a very US flavour to parts of it when I was up...
  15. K

    An Apple design engineer speaks about the 2015 Macbook...

    Well thank you kindly sir, I'd like to think I do! The funny thing about humour is it's very personal, to the extent that I even find your taking the time to post quite entertaining.
  16. K

    West systems Epoxy coating advice.

    I can't comment from personal experience, but Bob Flexner, a widely published expert on wood finishing has dismissed this 'usual rule' as a myth.
  17. K

    Sketchup 'Maker Bench'

    An interesting community project using Sketchup to design a multi-purpose 'Maker Bench' that can be customised to suit a wide variety of users through 2 different heights and user customised tops. There's a Blog article introducing the project and models in the 3D warehouse
  18. K

    Another Dremel gone!!!

    Another vote for Proxxon, very well built at reasonable prices.
  19. K

    An Apple design engineer speaks about the 2015 Macbook...

    Apologies if you've seen this already; apparently this video of an 'Apple engineer' speaking about the new 2015 Macbook is already going viral* as an alternative to the much parodied Downfall voiceovers - made me laugh anyway. *Hey, I'm hep to the interweb...
  20. K


    Congratulations! After a really rubbish couple of weeks it's great to hear something that cheers me up. All the very best to you and your wife! Kev