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  1. K

    this is wrong

    Finding Nemo is a super movie - I particularly like the gulls in the Sydney marina - mine, mine, mine - it always reminds me of a particular ex!
  2. K

    this is wrong

    This is one of those subjects that I can freely confess to knowing nothing about; how much water do you need to ship four 3/4" fish in to ensure they're not ex-fish at their destination? Do kids still get to take goldfish home from the fair, destined for a brief career in an old jam jar followed...
  3. K

    this is wrong

    I'm not condoning it, or condemning it, but apparently it's in compliance with Ebay's strictly enforced (cough!) policies: The sales of the following animals are permitted, provided that the seller guarantees in the listing that the animals will be packaged safely and posted via next-day...
  4. K

    New year

    Shhhh, quiet, why does everything hurt so much? From the state of my wallet it looks like I must have been mugged... My first car cost less than last night! Happy New Year!
  5. K

    New year

    Happy New Year - I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow afternoon...
  6. K

    give us a clue. . . has a picture of such a device in use - the prize goes to Mick
  7. K

    give us a clue. . .

    You're absolutely correct: Little Women is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888) written between 1868 and 1869 in Concord, Massachusetts and Boston. Another mystery solved, I feel my work here is done.
  8. K

    give us a clue. . .

    I'm pretty certain it's a book, but it's partially obscured by a grubby hand. HTH :wink:
  9. K

    (Another) Duck Joke

    How do you turn a duck into a soul singer? Put it in the microwave until its Bill Withers...
  10. K

    What your TV licence money goes on..

    Does anybody know the best way to clean tea off a monitor and keyboard? :lol: :lol:
  11. K

    What your TV licence money goes on..

    Last time I tried was truly depressing! edit: I was quite tempted by one of those silent Yamaha jobs, but the risk of discovery was too great! edit: I'm not giving in to the single entendre! :wink:
  12. K

    What your TV licence money goes on..

    As a former trumpeter, a lifetime or so ago, I now adhere to the definition of a gentleman as 'someone who knows how to play the trumpet, but refrains from doing so'.
  13. K

    What your TV licence money goes on..

    To be honest I'm a little surprised that any thread, on any forum, can go 7 pages without taking the mickey out of the rhythm section... :wink: How do you tell if the stage is level? The drummer's drooling out of both sides of his mouth.
  14. K

    digital scales

    I had one of these for a few years and it was excellent until it just died, I think it was probably covered by a 10 year Salter warranty, but I remembered that after I consigned it to oblivion... I ended up buying another set of Salter scales ...
  15. K

    What your TV licence money goes on..

    I suspect the TV detector vans had a kernel of truth, once upon a time. There were special efforts made with radio receivers on warships during WWII to prevent 're-broadcasting' of their local oscillators which could (potentially, although hard to imagine in a steel ship...) lead to detection...
  16. K

    Video portrait of Master Woodworker Eric Hollenbeck

    An excellent video - thank you. For those that don't know (I didn't!) the Blue Ox refers to the story of Paul Bunyan. Paul Bunyan is a lumberjack figure in North American folklore and tradition. One of the most famous and popular North American folklore heroes, he is usually described as a...
  17. K

    More Darwin award nominees?

    What happens when the H&S guy isn't watching: ... 8RrsepkQKA I particularly enjoyed the cement mixer merry-go-round and pin the tail on the screed levelling machine - at least it looked like nobody sustained life-altering injuries in those clips...
  18. K

    And the Darwin Award goes to....

    Totally agree, it's always valuable to illustrate how things can go wrong - but a skilled practitioner doesn't need to do it in such an uncontrolled risky fashion. I was sent the link courtesy of the Fine Woodworking site ... f-kickback , from the comments...
  19. K

    Speakers /Sound System Recommendation

    +1 for Richer Sounds In my experience with Richer Sounds I've found them very knowledgeable, friendly and helpful - but don't go in on a busy Saturday just before Christmas and expect to get their undivided attention! They don't seem as anxious to up-sell you to the highest of high end as some...