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  1. K

    New Addition - Block Plane

    Last time I did a similar restoration I used valve grinding paste on a sheet of glass, it worked a treat. When I try to use wet & dry I always put a hole in the sheet within 30 seconds of starting. The double ended pots are something like 80 and 200 grit, but they get finer as you grind.
  2. K

    Kiln Dried

    Deema, How are you establishing moisture content? Is it possible that you've just picked an anomalous spot for your measurement?
  3. K

    eBay, bargain?

    If you ask nicely they may burn it all to ashes - it will be much cheaper to ship to New Zealand that way.
  4. K


    From what I understand you have to subscribe to Freecycle alerts by joining a Yahoo group (I take it back they appear to have a dedicated Freecycle login now) for your local area - if you (or maybe your partner) didn't sign up for alerts it sounds like you may just be receiving canned spiced...
  5. K

    Workshop size

    With careful planning you can certainly create a useful workspace out of a single garage, but it really depends on your planned activities. If you're looking at machinery, and regular benches think of it a bit like a pool table - that is, you need room for the pool table and a cue's length all...
  6. K

    Workshop size

    That rather depends on your planned activity, great for whittling! There was a thread recently on workshop layouts. People with a kitchen table aspire to a shed, people with a shed aspire to a single garage, people with a single garage aspire to a double garage, ... Here's a link to a recent...
  7. K

    I blame you lot!

    That's not a collection, it's a cry for help - nice carpet though.
  8. K

    Long time coming

    Oops, I meant to add one thing. At the risk of sounding trite - have you discussed this with her? A good friend found his marriage on the brink, tried counselling, and things worked out. Both sides had become entrenched and needed some impartial space to work out their issues. They ended up...
  9. K

    Long time coming

    Absolutely understand where you're coming from, I was in a similar place myself a lifetime ago, I'm now coming up on a very happy (although not without a few ripples) 15 year anniversary with my better half; you will emerge from the other side of this. I also went for the no quarrel route for an...
  10. K

    The Bridge Series 2 discussion- SPOILER ALERT

    @RogerS, Arne Dahl? One of those and a chicken tikka masala, job done.
  11. K

    House humidity

    Okay Science lab time - measure your own dewpoint! All you need is a glass of water, some ice cubes, a reliable thermometer - then use this rather spiffy online calculator: Of course, you'll have already calibrated your thermometer :wink...
  12. K

    House humidity

    I've got a cheap thermometer/hygrometer sat in the living room and it's saying 47% inside and 57% outside at the moment, I wouldn't be surprised to see some slightly higher than usual readings at the moment, particularly in outbuildings, we've been having a spot of weather. Apparently the cigar...
  13. K

    House humidity

    I suspect the sensors in most domestic units are pretty rudimentary, here's an article that discusses a similar issue: ... -home.html It might be interesting to attempt a calibration, although I'm not quite sure how you could achieve the calibration set...
  14. K

    Fascinating website

    Leaving aside your sweeping generalisation and use of an outdated concept to define a population :D , I think it's worth looking at their sources; you'd be hard pressed to find a more authoritative set of sources . The problems really start when...
  15. K

    Affairs of state ... ir-website Well I can certainly understand his side of things, but as an actress surely she must be asking "what's my motivation?"
  16. K

    New Makita Multi-tool

    Actually, 320W at 110V is near as damn-it 3A - I know you were just checking that we were all paying attention. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  17. K

    Fascinating website

    He (satirically) suggested that Irish peasants should sell their children as food for rich gentlemen and ladies
  18. K

    How Bassoli & Barrie rasps are made

    Andrea, Thanks for the post - maybe I'll start planning my trip to Lake Como!
  19. K

    Fascinating website

    Seeing the birth rate race along at over double the death rate is quite sobering.
  20. K

    Tussaud's collection lost to the nation

    Fantastic! How much was it to get back out?