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  1. K

    Starting our own business - things I need to do?

    On the quote form are they working in 1000s*; i.e. is your 10,000 actually 10,000,000? £10M sounds like the right order of magnitude for public liability insurance. If you're comfortable with an online invoicing and accountancy service you might want to look at Crunch (
  2. K

    Another great video from Frank Howarth

    Another great video from Frank Howarth, ... PL3kJPsVdA
  3. K

    They walk among us .....

    Agreed there is no explicit mention of race, but the use of African American Vernacular English (If dey axe you why, tell dem de...) is pretty much up there with watermelon and fried chicken as clues to the targets of this lie, so I'm standing by my first statement - this is a fabricated racist...
  4. K

    They walk among us .....

    Frankly, the ones I worry about are the bigots and gullible fools (choose the cap that fits best) that continue to circulate urban myths such as this. Snopes can't confirm that this is a racist lie, but I think the onus is on those that repeat...
  5. K

    Borth forest - Cardigan Bay ... n-pictures Any thoughts on how this stump might have been worked this square 3-4,000 years ago? Or is it more likely that it was worn smooth by erosion? Erosion was my first thought, but looking at some of the other images, most of the stumps look...
  6. K

    whats in your pocket

    My wife just lost her tiny Swiss Army Knife, owned for 20+ years, thanks to security at Las Vegas airport. One careless moment, in countless dozens of international flights, normally it gets transferred to hold baggage before the trip to the airport - but a stressful morning running around...
  7. K

    Furniglass no. 2

    Sounds like perspex polish might be worth a try, I've got a bottle somewhere (I don't know if it's stinky!) but it's a suspension that settles out as you describe. I've also got some abrasive polishes from the Micromesh people which works fantastically for taking swirls out of plastic.
  8. K

    Chainsaw helmet

    I've got a Husqvarna that I've been very happy with, but to be honest I've got no recent points of comparison for it. It's comfortable, easy to adjust, clear mesh visor that stays in place up or down and effective comfortable muffs; and I do like a comfortable muff.
  9. K

    Windows XP's demise - sits back; opens popcorn

    It's not just the NHS, the MOD are at it too: Arguably the MOD's use of obsolete operating systems could be considered less vulnerable than the NHS because of fewer external links, and I'm sure somebody will have taken care to upgrade these external links. Is the 'Windows for Warships' on Type...
  10. K

    Inane adverts

    I am using Chrome with Adblock, and I see no ads - that's kind of my point. On many free* sites (like this one) the running costs are derived from their ad sales. I like getting access for free*, so if it's a question of ignoring some tolerable ads to fund a site that I find worthwhile then I'm...
  11. K

    Domino resale value?

    GBP is actually strong against the USD at the moment - it's tickling my emigration plans...
  12. K

    Inane adverts

    Am I correct in thinking that this site's hosting etc is funded by the inane ads? In which case a bit of inanity is a small price to pay.
  13. K

    What burnisher should I get?

    +1 for Two Cherries - but as Pete says there does seem to be a bit of variation out there. I'll shortly be moving my Veritas variable burnisher on, I got it in a job lot, and never really found the need for it - Hey ho. It does do a really good job, but then so do I (he said modestly!)
  14. K

    New member saying 'Hi'

    Welcome aboard mate, mind those fingers, you'll need them for your guitars!
  15. K

    Grippier magnetic tool bars

    I'm finally getting around to fixing up a pair of magnetic tool bars, like these: ... _inch.html, that I've had knocking around in a box for a few months. My (stolen - mwahahaha!) 'tip for the day' is to use some rubber paint, Plastidip or similar, to...
  16. K

    Are there any modern Bahco/Irwin/Fatmax handsaws worth buyin

    I picked up a Bahco interchangeable handle and some blades from the Amazon outlet site - can't for the life of me remember Bahco's name for the product line. It's a really comfortable handle which accepts a number of blades. I've got the large RH handle, and normally take a size 10 glove, it...
  17. K

    Kitchen units - ready made

    Personally, I prefer flat pack for ease of transport, I can move most flat packs around on my own, fully assembled I need another pair of hands to guide the larger units through doorways etc, storage on site - a kitchen's worth of assembled units is a right nuisance to store unless you've got...
  18. K

    MDF wardrobe

    It looks to me like barrel distortion from the camera's optics, it's particularly noticeable with wider angle lenses - as used for photographing wardrobes, as described here: , although curiously they don't make any mention of wardrobes. :wink...
  19. K

    Anyone ever had their own house built?

    Another vote for a lavishly detailed account of the whole process please! We're kicking around the ideas for what we'd like to do next - ranging from buying and extending to ground-up build. It seems like quite a daunting process with obstacles at every turn, but I'm sure if you've prepared...
  20. K

    Humidity levels domestic

    I can't remember the exact numbers, and it doesn't really matter because there's a lot of different estimates out there depending on a host of environmental and physiological factors, but I remember a particularly angry instructor shouting at me that all the time I was busy lounging around doing...