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  1. K

    Flammables storage

    Does anybody have a recommendation/advice for an outdoor flammables storage box? I'm not aware of any legal/statutory requirements that might apply, but it's for a private residence rather than a business if that's relevant. I only need to store a few odds & sods: white spirits, meths...
  2. K

    Visiting USA

    I've made some great savings on all sorts of stuff over the years; always dollar for pound prices at the worst - i.e. if it sells for £100 here it will be $100 in the US, generally things will be much better. The exchange rate is good for you at the moment so happy days! Unsurprisingly US made...
  3. K

    Thewoodhaven website....gone?

    Works for me on my phone and tablet too using Dolphin - the only thing I can think is that I use OpenDNS on my router (rather than my ISP's standard DNS servers), but why it would be different for IE and FF on my PC I've got no idea. Hey-ho.
  4. K

    Thewoodhaven website....gone?

    Yep, still working and I can go to any page and load it. Just looking at 'Found some planes in a bin...." at ... f=4&t=4199 , never looked at it before so no caching going on.
  5. K

    Bosch wireless charging

    Granted, we are talking significantly different target markets here - although who hasn't wanted to uncork a cheeky Beaujolais midway through a job?
  6. K

    Thewoodhaven website....gone?

    Interesting - works for me in Chrome, Internet Explorer & Firefox both go to the 123-reg holding page
  7. K

    Bosch wireless charging

    In any suitable duty cycle, e.g. where your charging input exceeds your usage drain, then you never need to change batteries all day long. If Bosch can successfully sell a combo screwdriver, corkscrew, barbecue lighter, pepper mill then I'm not about to bet against them! Edit...
  8. K

    Bosch wireless charging

    Futurology - yikes! I have to say I'm a bit surprised by the level of scepticism, almost bordering on hostility, towards this concept. I can see it having limited attraction on site, but in the context of a small scale production environment (i.e. not full factory conditions) the idea of being...
  9. K

    500 year old woodie

    Aha, thanks - that makes sense... this smoothing plane from Vienna has the same setup. ... ladzik.jpg
  10. K

    Thewoodhaven website....gone?

    Maybe that's because I had it open on my computer, I've closed it now so you can try opening it :lol:
  11. K

    500 year old woodie

    Thanks for that, the LAP Blog article is here ... re-part-1/ in case anybody else is interested.
  12. K

    500 year old woodie

    I listened to an article on Durer's 1514 engraving Melencolia yesterday,, when I looked at the image on-line I was drawn to the carpenter's implements among the many other symbols. The plane looks to have a blade set for cutting on the pull stroke, the...
  13. K

    Thewoodhaven website....gone?

    Well, the Woodhaven site is back up again, is still re-directing to a 123-reg holding page
  14. K

    Thewoodhaven website....gone?

    Ditto for which I believe was the sponsoring company which ran into difficulties a while back
  15. K

    Redwood burl poaching

    I just listened to a really depressing article on Radio 4's pm show about Redwood burl poaching, it should be at about the 45 minute mark in here: I've been lucky enough to walk among giant redwoods - the idea that we might drive them to extinction for...
  16. K

    Thomas Piketty got his sums wrong!

    "The Economist (and one has to question where their politics lie)" - really, why, what do you know? The Economist is 50% owned by Financial Times Ltd, the remaining 50% of shareholders are pretty much what you might expect, investment companies, private banks, wealth funds, ...
  17. K

    General opinion on powered vs non-powered respirators?

    The Cleanspace looks good for ergonomics - quite pricey, but cheaper than new lungs. A (very) quick Google didn't turn up an obvious UK stockist so I'd be a bit concerned about support. ... tor_c22328 AUD $521 (~£285)...
  18. K

    Do I luna or not!

    At the risk of teaching grandma to suck eggs - did you pull out the mushroom on the stop switch?
  19. K

    Way to stop visor/ goggles steaming up ?

    For diving masks I spit and smear on the inside of the lens, some people use Fairy liquid or other proprietary solutions, but I never found the need. Never had a problem, even when diving under ice.
  20. K

    Car radio fitting

    Thanks for all the information guys - I went ahead with the Pioneer MVH-X560BT; I bought the whole shooting match from Car Audio Direct and some plastic trim removal tools off Amazon. The whole business went very smoothly, with nothing to laugh at all! ~ 5 minutes to assemble the new fascia...