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  1. gidon

    Please recommend a hand held power planer?

    Will do - I've not heard of Charles Direct either so will keep fingers crossed! Cheers Gidon
  2. gidon

    Please recommend a hand held power planer?

    Neil - seems a little cheap but will let you know how I get on. Only £30 more than the Screwfix crappy one! I thought the Festool had your name on it! Cheers Gidon
  3. gidon

    Please recommend a hand held power planer?

    Went for the 1902 in the end at only £67 from Charles Direct(?): ... uctID=1250 Thanks for the help chaps. Cheers Gidon
  4. gidon

    Please recommend a hand held power planer?

    Thanks Pete - I am still considering that one. Not too fussed about 1mm depth of cut and like that price! Neil - yeah 10% doesn't seem like very much with current prices! Cheers Gidon
  5. gidon

    Please recommend a hand held power planer?

    He he! That's the way I've done it before - with a straight edge and circular saw (but just a humble Dewalt saw and homemade straight edge!) But with this rough work on my shed and such like a power planer would be quicker and could be used in situ. I've checked and I don't get the 10% discount...
  6. gidon

    Please recommend a hand held power planer?

    Thanks Neil. I think that Bosch I'm looking at is actually more than the equiv Makita (model 1902), but like the 3 year warranty and high capacity. I'm surprised you weren't fitting the back door - especially if it could have been an excuse to buy a new toy :lol:. What 10% voucher is this...
  7. gidon

    Please recommend a hand held power planer?

    I know it's not something I'm going to need very often but useful in rougher work and handy for fitting doors and windows! (Been doing that fair bit recently with the shed build!) I bought a cheap Titan one from Screwfix and it's rubbish. I did shim the base with masking tape to get the front...
  8. gidon

    Storage Shed - WIP **FINISHED!**

    Thanks Mick! I like the idea of a half glazed door - only negative is I'd lose some storage on the back of door :(. crazylifting - Mike did point out the issue with the rafters not being over the studs - did try and strengthen it by adding 2x3s to the wall plate (also closing in the eaves). Get...
  9. gidon

    Felt roofing technique

    Thanks Oldman. They cost £140 - plus you need an underlay (I used garage underfelt from B&Q). I finished a playshed with it too - the red shingles and they look nice too. Cheers Gidon
  10. gidon

    Felt roofing technique

    Have you thought of felt shingles? I think they look far better than any alternatives for shed roofs. I was in Canada recently and nearly all the houses I saw were finished with them! Very easy to lay - not sure how they compare in price to the sticky felt stuff. My WIP shed with felt...
  11. gidon

    Storage Shed - WIP **FINISHED!**

    Progress has been slow but I'm almost there. Barge and facia boards, underlay, and felt shingles (started) Shingles almosy complete one side - very quick once you get going (and find a way of reaching the ridge! As it currently stands. Shingles finished, framing for door and windows in...
  12. gidon

    Acoustic Guitar Project - Complete

    Fantastic Philly! Must be hugely satisfying! Enjoy it (got a feeling you are ;)). Cheers Gidon
  13. gidon

    Trend T5 router base has only two holes!

    A bit of PTFE spray on the pillars will sort that out. I applied to my T5 when I bought it and it solved that issue. Cheers Gidon
  14. gidon

    Best 36" - 48" accurate bevelled straight edges?

    I have one of those too and I also have a Veritas 24" steel straight edge that is guaranteed to 0.001" (IIRC). I used the Veritas to check the Axminster and some builder's levels and some clamp guide thingies (an Axminster and a Trend) and they were all straight too - couldn't get my 0.05mm...
  15. gidon

    BMW magnetic tow technology

    I know I know - but busy this morning! Cheers Gidon
  16. gidon

    BMW magnetic tow technology

    "BMW Magnetic Tow Technology (advert in national newspaper) For once we're happy to be behind the competition Why burn your fuel, when you can burn someone else's? BMW Magnetic Tow Technology is the ultimate in BMW EfficientDynamics, designed and engineered by BMW's Head of Innovation, Herr...
  17. gidon

    Only three more sleeps to Yandles.......

    ooh didn't know it was this weekend :). Might see if I can get an excuse to visit - thanks for the notice Tony. Cheers Gidon
  18. gidon

    Silicon tape versus self-amalgamating tape?

    Well spotted Olly - does look different but both do the same thing. Just curious what the difference is is all. Guess one is cheaper! Cheers Gidon
  19. gidon

    Silicon tape versus self-amalgamating tape?

    Is there a difference? Self amalgamating tape is easy to get hold of and cheap and I find quite a few uses for it. But Lee Valley tools sell some Silicon tape that looks different: here. Is this stuff the same as the cheap stuff Screwfix and others sell: here. Cheers Gidon
  20. gidon

    Secondry Bevel Edge?

    Chems you can use the Tormek for complete sharpening - that's what it's designed for! A lot of people including myself use it mainly for primary bevels and then hone using another system but you don't have to. Try using it as a complete system as in the instruction manual and see how you get on...