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  1. S

    Thicknesser readouts

    I do have two gauges but I ignore them completely. I just use a pair of electronic digital calipers to measure the thickness - that's because I often put the workpiece on something else as a carrier e.g. a torsion box so the readout is irrelevant. There is a scale e.g. 1/4 revolution is about...
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    Axminster Rider Shoulder Plane or Veritas Shoulder Plane

    I would go to the store and try them out: 1. Quality of the Rider castings is a lottery so best to view before buying 2. Feel in the hand is also important and depending on how big your hands are it may not be right 3. Having a wider, heavier and flexible plane may be the thing which you need...
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    Sold - Axminster Hobby HBS250N 10” Bandsaw

    I take your point but I don't have an exact price in mind. It's not an auction and you will almost certainly be able to buy at a price that's agreeable. FWIW I do find it difficult to come up with a price since most sellers over estimate the value and buyers the opposite.
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    Axminster AC1950B Bandsaw Review

    Hi Richard I have the previous version of the AC1950B bandsaw which is the HBS250N and they are both 10" bandsaws. The AC1950B is Axminster's most popular bandsaw. It may not be the best (some of the Trade bandsaws are truly excellent), but it strives to be "good enough" for the Hobby person...
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    Sold - Axminster Hobby HBS250N 10” Bandsaw

    I don't have a fixed price. it should (within reason) be determined by what you think its value is. PM and we can discuss a value. Kind regards Simon
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    Low angle jack planes

    Funny (not really), but some might object as selling one child might be seen as favouritism... (homer) Better, sell both children and the dog and get the LN 62, LN 4 1/2 (or 5 1/2) and a LN block plane. You will be sorted for life! Best, is visit a store and try the Rider and the LN and...
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    Hardwood faced plywood for a campervan worktop? Warping?

    Adding plywood (that's stable) to wood (that's liable to shrink/expand) = total disaster. Not unlike a bimetallic strip? Not to mention that a camper van can be left in the sun so internal temperatures can escalate. Some cars used very thin "matched" veneer e.g. left/right and front/back...
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    Two Faced

    I like it - not the usual bowl we are all familiar with. The top picture shows a side that's more "fun", whereas the bottom shows a side that's more "conservative". It almost "invites" you to push the coloured rings - to get many colour combinations e.g. they "spin" round. Not liking red...
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    Dust extraction

    A cyclone (£10 eBay) and a plastic bin (£15 eBay) with a 2nd hose (£5 Amazon) , ahead of any HPLV e.g. a vacuum cleaner works well e.g. a Henry. For real collection LPHV is however much better with 4" short ducting. For an understanding of the problem and solutions Record Power have a youtube...
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    Sold - Axminster Hobby HBS250N 10” Bandsaw

    I have my Axminster Hobby 10" bandsaw for sale - I live in Hampshire. *** Updated to include three photos, price and additional info about the transferable warranty *** I bought it new direct from Axminster on 26 April 2018 and it's covered by the transferable Axminster 3 year warranty (I have...
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    Low angle jack planes

    I also think that the risk from lead in brass is very (ridiculously) low. You aren't putting it in water to dissolve it etc. and items are lacquered to prevent tarnish (a failing in my first Rider plane) and avoid the need to polish it - also helps "locks" in any lead. The rules in California...
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    Low angle jack planes

    I have two Axminster Rider planes - but not the one you are considering. I considered the Stanley sweetheart and haven't looked at Quangsheng. If you want to buy either the Axminster Rider or the Lie Nielsen then I would only buy them (with hindsight) directly from the store. 1. That's because...
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    Record Power Sabre 350 bandsaw

    At the weekend, I was looking at a new Record Power bandsaw. I was looking or something like the BS350, BS400 or a Sabre 350. Both the BS400 and Sabre 350 bandsaws have previously been discussed on the forum and have had mostly good things said about them. I was able to compare the BS350 and...
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    How to finish bath panel in white

    Thanks for another reply and lots more interesting ideas. I’m unsure if sanding sealant and knotting treatments are the same or difference. I would use a sanding sealant on problem areas to stabilise and fill wood - so perfect on a knot. Now that I have a panel that’s the same as post and...
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    How to finish bath panel in white

    Thank you - I was going to use cellulose sanding sealant to seal the knots and make them stable before painting. Cutting the "fake" lines in the plywood, made me realise just how thin the veneer is - probably thinner than a sheet of paper - so perhaps they should call it "wrapped"? No...
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    Best saw blade for veneered mdf

    Two things to try (at your risk of course): 1. Raise the blade so that it cuts down (and not across) on the "best side". 2. Folk-law (and not to be trusted) Lower the blade so that it just touches the "back" side and (carefully) cut "backwards" before the "normal" cut. NB if you have a cross...
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    Sealer, Yorkshire grit and Hampshire sheen advice, please

    In the top photo there is a smear that runs 45 degrees top left to bottom right. It's something that I get when applying too much microcrystalline wax. The instructions say: wait 20 minutes between coats and use sparingly. I've found it better to apply a wax and wait only a few seconds before...
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    Proedge also available in white!

    I have the original Robert Sorby ProEdge and also some some Axminster products. The Robert Sorby ProEdge Deluxe - as I bought it with some "free" but essential items are sufficient for all my woodturning sharpening needs... As a strictly amateur woodturner, I can create perfect "professional"...
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    How to finish bath panel in white

    Of course, it's easier to start with a picture (or two). The whole panel - the top rail and three plywood inserts are not glued (so far). There is some finishing to do e.g. plane down softwood surfaces and sand etc. Here is a detail of one of the corners - the top rail and panels are not...
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    How to finish bath panel in white

    I would like to finish a bath panel in white. It’s made of a software frame and three hardwood plywood panels. Not quite finished. What alternatives are there to sealant, primer, undercoat and top coat? I would like to maintain some of the character of wood grain (and hopefully a long life)...