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  1. A

    jointing, planing, thicknessing - a newbie is confused!

    Isn't a number 7 known as a Try Plane in the UK and a Jointer in the USA?
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    jointing, planing, thicknessing - a newbie is confused!

    Jointer has only recently come into common use here and is American for the English, planer. Yet another Normism like draw instead of the correct word drawer. I have some tongue in cheek American/English translations on one of my pages towards the bottom of...
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    Anyone had experience of varifocal glasses?

    I wear varifocals with no problems now however I did have trouble with my first pair. I discovered what the problem was though. The first pair were from one of the cheap high street opticians, you know the one that begin with 's'. If I didn't turn my head like a robot then close reading was a...
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    Does a woodrat do dovetails as well as a Leigh jig

    Accessories are not obligatory for the 'Rat but I would advise the purchase of plunge bars suitable for your model of router. They make life easier.
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    Does a woodrat do dovetails as well as a Leigh jig

    Hello Alan, If you read back over time some of the posts on this forum you will find a good deal of information about the Leigh and WoodRat. (do a search) You will also find for some inexplicable reason some animosity between the Leigh and 'Rat owners camps. I own and use both and can assure...
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    Of interest to WoodRat owners

    Yes, I also own a leigh but it takes longer on that!! :lol:
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    Of interest to WoodRat owners

    What do you think of WoodRat's new flash animation on their home page? ensure your sound is turned on.
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    Of interest to WoodRat owners

    Yes Dave. I cut them this way too. Makes the top and bottom half tails equal and vary-space in between. Results in all four corners being the same and (in theory) with the sides inter-changable. Aldel
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    Of interest to WoodRat owners

    Dave R. has already demonstrated his SketchUp skills with the previous post of his stop design ideas. Well, he has been experimenting and has now modestly come up with his first attempt at a CAD Animation. I am truly impressed by his first attempt and feel that the short sequence simply...
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    Which Hand Plane(s)/Saw to start?

    For planes, look for second hand Record, Stanley or other makes. The main point is that they must be in reasonable condition and not modern versions. The older ones are of better quality and can be tuned and cleaned to work well. You can always add superior blades at a later date. With regards...
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    Jury sizes

    I have been called to jury service NINE times!! Actually served four times and had to stay for two. Very boring. After strong protestation was released from the others. On one case I was sat in the tea room before hand and three girls were discussing what they spent the money on from the...
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    SketchUp for Woodworkers

    Dave Three are now working, just the router flute drawing link to fix now. Great stuff, Thanks. Aldel
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    SketchUp for Woodworkers

    Hi Dave, That's a great idea. I have gone to your site but can't open any of your drawing links yet though. Thanks, aldel
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    That's some tool box!

    The valuation came later. It was £3000, including the Norris planes. :D Aldel
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    Sharpening Spirits

    I use a 50% mix of car windscreen washer fluid and water. It works very well but best to keep off your skin as it may contain methanol. Aldel
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    Burr puzzle xmas gifts

    That's it Dave. As usual you have made a superb Sketchup drawing that makes things very clear. Who is going to be the first to produce a completed puzzle? :D aldel
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    Burr puzzle xmas gifts

    Well its that time again and so here is another idea for cheap to make gifts. Burr puzzles are tricky things to assemble and so should keep the recipient occupied for some time. They can be made by hand with a saw and chisels or with a radial arm or table saw. I have posted John Bailey's method...
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    Have a chuckle

    For all the computer problems that I am called to look at, there is one fault that occurs above all others. The fault is caused by the nut. The nut on the end of the keyboard. aldel :D :D
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    Car Booty

    I too have picked up a couple of things at the car boot sale recently. Not in Martin's league but here are some photos. The plate cost 20p. I am not sure exactly what it is designed for but it does make a superb dowel plate. The holes are tapered with a short parallel bit at the bottom. It is...
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    WoodRat Templates

    I carelessly forgot to take my camera to Axminster Tools 2005 and I was wondering I anyone managed to take any photos of the new WoodRat template system that is in development? Many Thanks, Aldel