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  1. A

    Dust Collection

    I am looking for a solution for my small workshop (12ft x 12ft) and I am completely confused! I have a BS250 bandsaw, router table, small CNC machine (24" x 12"), scrollsaw, disc/belt sander and hand-held power tools (planer, sander, trim router, jigsaw, etc.). Sometimes I use a sanding drum on...
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    Stanley Bailey No 4 Disassembly

    Thanks - that gave me the courage to press hard and they popped out.
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    Red Knob and Tote

    Yes, it's made in England. I did see that Rexmill reference but I assumed stained was not the same as painted so I discounted it. Thanks for all the replies! When restoring it I will just strip and varnish rather than repaint it red.
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    Stanley Bailey No 4 Disassembly

    How do I get the brass screws out of the knob and tote without damaging anything? Currently the threaded rod is removed from the knob and the brass screw spins around easily in place. The threaded rod on the tote is still attached to the screw - I haven't tried separating them yet. Both spin...
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    Red Knob and Tote

    At the weekend I picked up a cruddy looking Stanley Bailey No 4 for £2.50 =P~ =P~ The knob and tote had the remains of red paint on them - see pic. Did the factory ever paint them red or must it have been done by an owner? Thanks, Andy
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    Bandsaw fettling

    Pike - please post back with the outcome when you have it. Thanks!
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    Bandsaw fettling

    I have the same issue with my BS250. What Carl is describing (or at least as I understand it) is this: 1. Center blade perfectly. Turn machine on. Blade doesn't drift forwards and backwards. 2. Set guidepost to highest position and set thrust bearing to just behind blade per Alex Snodgrass...
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    Looking for Hand Plane

    I need to shave one or two mm off the end of small pieces of hardwood (3/4" x 7/8" cross-section) - the end grain. I was thinking of getting a disc sander but now I am thinking of making a shooting board instead. I know nothing about hand planers. Can someone please make a recommendation of a...
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    Circular Arcs With a Bandsaw

    I lined up the pivot with the front of the teeth and it cuts the arcs perfectly. Thanks all!
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    Compact Palm Router

    Thanks for measuring that. What model number is it? Andy
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    Compact Palm Router

    Yes please - that would be great!
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    Compact Palm Router

    Dimokslis - thanks for taking the time to do that! Gives me 50mm clearance inside the rim. Thanks to everyone that replied.
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    Compact Palm Router

    I need a palm router than can physically fit inside a 9" circle for doing this: Any suggestions? I've looked but manufacturers don't seem to give overall height dimensions of routers as I guess it's not usually important. Thanks!
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    Circular Arcs With a Bandsaw

    Thanks all!
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    Circular Arcs With a Bandsaw

    I have a 1/4" blade in my bandsaw and I want to cut a board into curved segments with a radius of 5.5". Where do I put the pivot point of the board in relation to the blade? So I know it has to be 5.5" away, but should it be lined up with: - front of the teeth - teeth gullets - middle of...
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    Charnwood Bandsaws - any good ?

    I recently got a Record BS250. I got blades from Tuffsaws and set it up according to Alex Snodgrass. Without any experience I was able to shave a 2x4 into pine veneers. Per Random Orbital Bob's suggestion I waited until Record were at a show then called the show location and spoke to the Record...
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    Help buying power tools from USA

    Yep, that's what I'm using - big yellow thing.
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    Help buying power tools from USA

    I have a US fixed-base router (Ridgid R2400). I posted on the electrical section of a DIY forum about using it on a 110V site transformer last year. Lots of conflicting advice given with several people saying it will run hot and have a shorter life. However I went ahead and did it anyway and it...
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    10" Bandsaw and Hardwoods

    Hello, I need a bandsaw for cutting 25" x 3" x 2" blocks of hardwoods (mahogany, walnut, cherry). Sadly I have a limited budget so I am looking at the Record BS10, which has a nice warranty. Used options on ebay (e.g. Electra) are too far away and I don't have the means to transport large heavy...
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    B&D KW715 Electric Hand Planer

    Thanks for all the help! Andy