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    Engineering Tools Maybe ?

    Thankyou Dizjasta, so, without the gauge, these are still useful, desirable? I’ve just read the following, from dr google thanks to yourself and Macgranag’s info: ‘DEMEC strain gauges are supplied in a wooden case and come complete with an invar reference bar, for control measurements, and a...
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    Engineering Tools Maybe ?

    Thankyou Mcgranag, really useful.
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    Hello all 😎

    Hi Baldwyn, welcome )
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    Engineering Tools Maybe ?

    Thx Novocaine, useful, they are all either pairs or fours. Not sure how easy they’d be to shift, near 9kgs in weight. You may be on to something with a transfer tool, removing the screws underneath allows the steel bar to slide, and the pins on the removable bar are designed to match the top of...
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    Engineering Tools Maybe ?

    Thanks Pete, I think your spot on, I’ve just seen a few tool steel blanks on bay marked exactly the same :)
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    Engineering Tools Maybe ?

    Thanks Porker, I was on the right lines, sort of ….. Are they still useful to machinists? These are some of the items I’ve sorted from my g/f’s and fathers tool chests, that I don’t recognise, lots of unusual things.
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    Engineering Tools Maybe ?

    Can anyone identify these items, both boxes were stored together, so and assuming they are related to engineering, lathe, guides tools. Are they useful today, do they have any value or should I just recycle them at my local refuse centre.
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    Blocking a cooker air vent, wasp entry

    I had a wasp nest eradicated some years back, the advice from the local authority expert was that for most circumstance, the old nest is left in situ, as wasps will not re-inhabit and old nest. If any do enter to investigate, then the chemicals would kill them. The point was that what made the...
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    Nostalgia Old School B&D Drill

    Thx Stuart, that Argo cat’ is super, £13.25, how things have changed. Now I see it’s double insulated, that gives me confidence to plug it in, hold on …… bang :) I found the chuck key this morning, so now it is functional at least.
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    Nostalgia Old School B&D Drill

    Often hear it being said no good looking backwards to the past…but if it evokes pleasant memories such as these, I say it’s a good thing ;) I vaguely remember using this as a teenager, or at least one similar, I think you’ll be right Ian, it’ll be noisy and maybe a little sparky near the bushes...
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    Preventing cracking in new blanks

    Hi Jules, I seal my blanks just end grain, get the odd one or two that still move but generally ok. Agree that if you seal completely, leaves nowhere for moisture to leave.
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    Nostalgia Old School B&D Drill

    Rummaging through one of my fathers tool chests, pulled this B&D drill out. Needed a dust off, the chuck needed freeing up, a visual check of the cord and connections, all appear ok, however I’ll get a friend to properly check it over. Not a user compared to to my modern cordless drills, but I’m...
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    Welcome :)
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    another ebay chancer

    Long years ago, I bought a sierra cosworth, couple of years old, salesman gave me a few of the promotional material, which I kept and found years after I’d moved on to more sensible cars. Anyways, some years back I came across them, reading them brought back fun memories of youth, but eventually...
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    Todd & Peet - hand auger

    Here’s a nice little hand auger, marked Todd & Peet, research shows they were London cork merchants 1800s to early 1900s, but very little info other than that. A few documents on eBay relating to orders and receipts but that’s it. Am assuming was used to test cork quality. Sharing this tactile...
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    Saw makers stamp identification

    Danny, thx, after reading your reply, I now see the binoculars too.
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    Saw makers stamp identification

    Does anyone recognise this makers trademark?
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    Hide mallet care question

    Use Neatsfoot oil, it’s exactly what it’s for.
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    Have I overdone the secondary bevel on this chisel?

    Hugh, you’ve made me feel better with a couple of mine when I got a little carried away, however am happy to live with them until they need reshaping, as they meet what I need them to do, which is all I ask of them.
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    Conical ended C Clamp purpose?

    What’s the purpose of the conical end instead of a flat on a c clamp? I have a couple, approx: 2” max jaw opening.