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  1. N

    Getting stoned (on the bench...)

    I'll bite - as you can see from a quick Google on this forum everyone has their own preferences. My own (novice) experience - I started with diamond plates and a strop and, once I had learned to sharpen, they were fine. Out of curiosity I bought a washita stone of eBay and now prefer using that...
  2. N

    Charles Hayward Block Plane

    Lovely. I have never seen the pamphlet with the instructions, where was it published?
  3. N

    How many of you use a hand saw as your main way of ripping?

    Much as I love Jacob, he is all over the shop on the whole nib business.
  4. N

    Evolution of the Record 52 1/2 quick release vice

    many thanks for the clear explanation and pictures Danny - I get it now! Would you mind if I used the photos on my blog about the history of QR vices?
  5. N

    Evolution of the Record 52 1/2 quick release vice

    two lovely vices Danny! Somewhere on this thread we found the patent description of the Syers but I could not really understand how it works - have you ever examined the mechanism?
  6. N

    Rededa No. 2

    Here is the patent Danny: ... cale=en_EP I assumed Rededa was a company name but it seems the maker was actually Charles Neil and Co of Campbell Works and Rededa was one of their trademarks. Picture from Picture Sheffield
  7. N

    Which new TV?

    as the owner of a silver philips TV I must respond in the most forthright terms about the suggestion that 'silver tvs are so 90s' and that 'Neither (philips nor blaupunkt) are great TV brands' what an utter outrage <splutters into keyboard>! As it happens Philips are one of the few...
  8. N

    How to make an Oil Can? Like Kayes, Braimes, etc

    this thread made me dig out my Braime's oil can, I was surprised to find out that Braime (apparently founded 1888 making sheet steel pressing) are still trading and doing metal pressings (but not oil cans, so far as I can tell). According to this history nothing much happened between 1888 and...
  9. N

    Record 74 auto vice

    owners of these vices who have lost the removable pipe holder attachment (which is to say, all of em!) can breath a sigh of relief since an enterprising ebayer has started making replacements: ebay once I cleaned the debris from the slot in the body of the vice it was a perfect fit...
  10. N

    Old Record, Stanley, Marples ...

    that reminds me of the thread about the shoddy machining on the tyzack routers - hopefully the ebay purchaser of the rather pricey example above is not reading this :shock: tyzack-router-plane-question-t105449.html
  11. N

    Sash windows

    about 20 years ago I lived in a 2 up 2 down victorian semi with sash windows all round, every one of which was painted shut and had rotten cills. To my untrained eyes they were write-offs and I got several quotes to have them all replaced with upc. Then a neighbour pointed out they could be...
  12. N

    Same old, same old, new video

    excellent - I really enjoyed that and learned a bit too!
  13. N

    5p rubber washer to over £100 to replace

    I've always found the same - despite extortionate British Gas charges, they (generally) have well trained engineers who turn up when they say they will and, if you follow my strategy of maintaining crappy old boilers well beyond there use-by date, then the insurance always pays for itself (ditto...
  14. N

    Shexit means Shexit

    +1 for powerline as the simplest solution. I had a similar set up (albeit in a much crappier house!): Shed on a separate consumer unit and around 40m of electric cable from the consumer unit in the house to the shed. Performance was mediocre, and no doubt varies house to house ( I got about...
  15. N

    Record 74 auto vice

    here are some pics of the other variants mentioned by Bod. The castings of the two oldest models - shown above - say 'patents pending' (July 1928 and May 1929) and 'patents 310723/28' (1929 - 49?). The use of a set screw to retain the pipe holder seems to have been a short lived...
  16. N

    Record 74 auto vice

    Thanks Bod, that is good info. The earliest one I could find says 'patent pending' on it, so presumably July 1928 and May 1929 (the dates when the patent was applied for and when it was granted), and you are quite right it has got a set screw to hold the front pipe grip which I hadn't noticed...
  17. N

    Record 74 auto vice

    some action shots of the vice (thanks to note extra use of the valve holes: pop one end of your valve into a brace, the other into the valve hole and - hey presto! - a valve polishing device.
  18. N

    Record 74 auto vice

    thanks to Bob we now know what the two holes are for on the fixed jaw. Other features include pipe bender: this consists of the curved section at the base of the movable jaw and the vertically grooved lug opposite on the fixed jaw (see the picture above ). The pipe is gripped between the...
  19. N

    Record 74 auto vice

    PS you can just see my Record Imp on the LHS for a size comparison - the imp has 2 1/2'' jaws and the 74 is 4''. not a very good picture I'm afraid!
  20. N

    Record 74 auto vice

    Since Andy mentioned the valve holders, you can see them in this picture below the anvil. They consist of two holes of different sizes and according to the patent are 'adapted to support a valve stem of an internal combustion engine or for use in straightening bolts or rods' I can (sort of)...