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  1. N

    Old Record 53 quick release not working as intended

    I'd check to see that the flat bar is not twisted and also make sure there is no damage to the notch in the half-nut where the bar engages. From memory there is a little bit of adjustment possible by slightly rotating the castellated nut in relation to the spring - this changes the tension on...
  2. N

    Anybody know about Felco secateurs?

    me too - I find them much easier to sharpen when they are taken apart.
  3. N

    pencil sharpener

    After many years searching I have managed to get hold of a slightly tatty US Automatic Pencil Sharpener. As these are an essential bit of kit most of you will already own at least US Automatic Pencil Sharpener but, for those of you that don't, here is a demo: _fiP4IYBDfs Very little work was...
  4. N

    Old Record 53 quick release not working as intended

    It sounds like the original problem was that the lever was not disengaging the half nut from the screw thread properly. I'd take it apart again and take some photos, perhaps we can advise if there is anything obvious amis with the parts (for instance, if the flat bar is twisted you could...
  5. N

    Record 74 auto vice

    yes I think it might be a bit perilous to use it to dangle the cylinder head from a big engine! As it happens I have recently been working on a small Honda 150cc engine which might just be small enough to get away with: ... I suppose the gadget might be handy when removing the valves, but...
  6. N

    Record 74 auto vice

    that is the first one I've seen - do you suppose the threads are supposed to go into the spark plug 'ole?
  7. N

    Bit of a shame

    well, I miss Jacob. I don't miss all the carping and moaning that ensued pretty much every time he offered an opinion. Bizarrely this aspect of the forum continues unabated even now he is no longer posting. Most odd!
  8. N


    I am now in for about 300 quid worth of kit so arguably this is quite an expensive cup of coffee! I am quite enjoying being a coffee snob though.
  9. N


    The top part is aluminium, and the base (the so called "group head" ) is chrome plated brass. You will not be surprised to hear that the best choice of boiler materials is the source of endless discussion amongst the coffee nerds. Woe betide anyone making the wrong choice as it will almost...
  10. N


    my Gaggia Classic has arrived - a bit grotty, but working apart from a couple of leaks on the boiler and a broken steam arm. The mating face on the top half of the boiler was rather pitted: luckily years of pointlessly flattening perfectly good second hand bench planes meant I knew...
  11. N


    don't forget you can just heel them in until you are ready (cut a trench in the soil at an angle, poke them in and firm them up) - I have often left stuff heeled in until April and they always take when I eventually get round to planting them out. PS good tip on mycorrhizal fungi - it really...
  12. N


    it is going to be a very early spring here too. Ashridge were still selling their bare root roses last week (I ordered some) but if the roses in my garden are anything to go by it must be getting to the point where they are starting to have too much growth to send out.
  13. N


    I did a hedge (hornbeam and Holly) from ... s-carpinus .. good healthy plants. They are very good for roses too. You had better get a wiggle on if you want bare rooted as the season ends soon.
  14. N


    look what you've done now Marcros! I have been umming and erring about getting a proper coffee machine to replace my terrible pod machine for over 2 years. I had managed to get far enough through the many lengthy essays written by coffee aficionados on machines to decide a Gaggia Classic was...
  15. N

    Message for the mods

    did you get rid of Morris already? Seems a bit harsh - I rather liked him!
  16. N

    Message for the mods

    :roll: good to see the above posts confirming that "quiet, intelligent conversation" is only possible when Jacob is away. sheesh Morris, the last time this happened his account was locked out and one of the mods fixed it.
  17. N

    Matt black stain finish recomendations.

    As you say you can top up the tannins. The table in the link is elm - I experimented using the iron solution on untreated wood and the reaction created a very pale grey. The final result was the reaction having prepared the wood with a healthy application of a sort of tannin tea (oak leaves...
  18. N

    Six of one?

    I like it too - a good design and nice and straightforward to make, also nice to see him showing it being done with (mainly) hand tools and without the use of another bench. He could have made it even more "trad" by using nails instead of screws :)
  19. N

    Anyone built a sauna /wet room?

    thanks very helpful - yes it has electrics, water and plumbing, but I did not consider the drainage. As it happens there is a drain running under the entire length that takes rain water from the front drive to the main drain, but some excavation would be required :).
  20. N

    Matt black stain finish recomendations.

    ebonizing? post1183193.html?hilit=ebonizing#p1183047