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  1. N

    Did I cause this?

    Wade and Marples chisels always command a premium, but there are plenty of other makers from the same period that made good quality chisels too. You can look for chisels stamped 'cast steel' for a reasonable indication that it was a quality item when made, and if the the bolster has a series of...
  2. N

    Gah. Deleted my photos from my phone. Any IT gurus out there

    it depends on which service you use Roger - for instance, with Google the default behaviour when deleting a synchronized file is to check whether you want to delete all other synchronized copies. If you say 'no' then it marks the other copies of the image as excluded from future...
  3. N

    Your thought on this workshop layout please...

    nope - sketcup make 2017 is free to use.
  4. N

    Your thought on this workshop layout please...

    you can still get the 2017 desktop version of Sketchup Make. As far as I know this will be available indefinitely, but they have no plans to do any more updates to it (only the Pro full client and web-based Make will get updates from now).
  5. N

    Did I cause this?

    agreed on sniping - it does work, although I am not sure if there is free sniping software available anymore (when I was buying the software I was using was free - with some limitations - no longer sadly). The prices for second hand tools are indeed variable on ebay. As has been said earlier on...
  6. N

    Did I cause this?

    even with the recently inflated prices the oldies are still good value compared to Veritas. I am not sure if Sellers has mentioned buying one of these too, but according to this ebay ad Vertitas prices* are shooting up also :). * to be fair postage is free. 66 sold!
  7. N

    I'm off tum-ti-tum-ti-tum......

    one of my many slightly embarrassing secrets is I am a great fan of the tv program called American Pickers, and by their typical standards, this looks an extraordinarily well organised collection - someone clearly devoted a lot of time and care to it creating it. I am looking forward to hearing...
  8. N

    Did I cause this?

    he has another video on how to make an old woman's tooth router from a bit of gash pine and a chisel. This will only cost you £2 (for the chisel), so long as you don't buy your Aldi chisels from the same ebay shop tasky was on about :)
  9. N

    Did I cause this?

    you can answer that question yourself by looking at sold (e.g) Record no 4s on ebay - all the ones for less that 30 quid that I just looked at seemed perfectly serviceable. Of course if you are not prepared to put in a bit of elbow grease and want a pristine one then you have to pay more.
  10. N

    Soft beeswax polish recipe.

    I made some too - 1 part carnauba, 5 parts beeswax melted in a bain marie and then topped up with the same volume again using 50/50 turps and white spirit. The result is quite hard and needs a reasonably rough cloth to get out of the jar (an inside-out sports sock was just the ticket!) - it...
  11. N

    What is kindest glue to plane blades?

    yes, or reclaimed/rough sawn all of which need a lot of planing too. I think it is worth keeping in mind that Sellers is trying to encourage beginners to take up wood working with hand tools, so he is trying to make it as accessible as possible. Of course you can get better quality...
  12. N


    I have got the same hold fasts and used a 3/4'' bit with no problems. I agree that the holes don't have to be perfect to work - I kept the brace perpendicular by eye when making the holes and needless to say they are not perfectly straight. I also have a bench top that some would say is...
  13. N

    Identical tell them apart easily

    dab of nail polish on the toe of one. don't forget to pick a colour that flatters your hair colouring etc :)
  14. N

    Complete Cyclone dust collector system to buy.

    the dust deputy that yeti mentioned *might* fit under your bench if you took the casters off...
  15. N

    I want to advertise a workshop clearance, but....

    Is the workshop in Bristol?
  16. N

    Did I cause this?

    people in the UK (ie not DW!) have got no cause to moan about the price of Record and Stanley no 4s on ebay - looking at the recently sold ones they typically go for around 20 quid and can be frequently got for a tenner. Even if Sellers had been responsible for several of hundred % inflation...
  17. N

    Lugging free wood around

    +1 for skateboards - I have used one to move lots of sheet goods, including very heavy SIP panels. Everytime I use it I think 'I really must cut off that little raised tail bit to make balancing easier'. thanks for the top tip on the bike pedal too - with hindsight I can think of half a dozen...
  18. N

    Damascus Steel Plane Blade

    I am afraid you may be showing signs of early-onset-dufferdom Mark :). I am going to get my teenage sons to watch it tonight and will report back with an alternative yoof-view.
  19. N

    Damascus Steel Plane Blade

    it also takes skill and effort to create well produced content and build an audience on youtube and, since this is really a brand new industry, a good amount of initiative too. When you consider the sheer amount of content available, finding 500k people who like your stuff - as in this case -...
  20. N

    The MkII Paul Sellers Workbench Build

    excellent - I love a bench build, and will be interested to hear how Mr Sellers has modified the design of his bench too. Top marks for the MF plane also - once you have tried their fabulous lever caps you wish all your planes had one :)