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  1. N

    Regular Mortice Chisel or Bevel Edged for your Mortices

    re the poetry of woodworking etc. being a reasonably laid back sort of chap I am rarely roused to anger but one thing that sets me off is poetry, particularly when it is recited (although just knowing it has been written down is bad enough). As a result I ought to be furious with Mr Sellers...
  2. N

    Spear & Jackson tenon saw refurb

    I always feel a bit of a philistine for admitting this, but I actually find the 'modern' handle on my S&J panel saw more comfortable than my other fancy 19C handles. I find the opposite is true with backsaws, though (not sure why - something to do with the shape of the 'horns' I expect!) so...
  3. N

    Copying tools

    companies abide by the law and we abide by our morals - it's one of those discussions with no right answer, other than if you don't like how a company behaves then buy from someone else :)
  4. N

    Copying tools

    although I agree that it would have been courteous of whoever commissioned the spokeshave to give a nod to Veritas, I don't see it as an ethical issue that they choose not to. I'd go as far as arguing that they are abiding with the spirt of the IP laws in places like the US and the UK, the...
  5. N

    Copying tools

    opinions on when copying is 'fair' (as opposed to legal) vary - needless to say all modern manufacturers of hand tools are copying elements of designs invented elsewhere. The vast majority of innovations in hand tools were already old by the middle of the 20th century, so it is impressive...
  6. N

    Vice advice (baby)

    the older Record ones are very well made and can be got for a song if you are prepared to pick-up - online good ones seem to go for 70- 80 quid delivered on ebay (still a bargain, in my opinion). As you say, if you don't want the hassle the new ones will still do the job.
  7. N

    Vice advice (baby)

    having had both the Veritas vice and a Record 52 1/2 I'd say that - while the Veritas is perfectly adequate - I'd go for a used 52 1/2 every time. The record design is superior in almost every respect: particularly resistance to racking and quick release. If you buy online - assuming you...
  8. N

    Copying tools

    spokeshaves/planes with vertically adjustable soles were actually patented by the prolific inventor JA Traut (Stanley) - see below. Apparently Stanley made a prototype: ... es-part-1/ ... so as patrickjchase says the only protection that LV could have...
  9. N

    Vice advice (baby)

    a record 52 1/2 can be fitted to a bench with an apron or a slab top like yours - where are you anticipating difficulties? Assuming there is nothing about your bench that prevents you fitting a quick-release vice of this type I'd give it some serious thought. 52 1/2 vices are very popular...
  10. N

    honing stone

    if you do sell it, don't forget to buy a replacement just like it :) I got a washita #1 recently and it is excellent. oilstone-id-t108435.html
  11. N

    Regular Mortice Chisel or Bevel Edged for your Mortices

    just for clarity, the guides discussed above were specifically intended for bridle joints - the question asked was 'could they be used for an ordinary mortice and tenon?'. to which I suspect the answer is 'yes' (but it may not save you any time). PS re. jacob's other point on the state of the...
  12. N

    Regular Mortice Chisel or Bevel Edged for your Mortices

    I have not explained it clearly - sorry! There are 4 guides in total (2 for the tenon, 2 for the mortice). Both pairs are marked out and cut based on the original test joint. Because the guides ensure that the cuts are always the correct distance from your reference face it does not...
  13. N

    Regular Mortice Chisel or Bevel Edged for your Mortices

    2SQ8s3mqd74 You can see them in this intro video, and he goes into detail on how to make them on the paid 'side table' series , but the basic idea is to make one well fitted joint by hand and to use the finished tenon as a reference from which to make two guides (there are two guides so that...
  14. N

    The MkII Paul Sellers Workbench Build

    that makes perfect sense - when you are learning it is often just as relavent to see what happens when things don't go exactly to plan as seeing it done perfectly.
  15. N

    Regular Mortice Chisel or Bevel Edged for your Mortices

    ... glad to see my favourite rolling Guru, Lotan Baba is not being ignored :) . I wonder if some of the interest in morticing is because there is something about all the banging and wiggling needed that is inherently dissatisfying and people are just keen to hear about techniques that will...
  16. N

    Regular Mortice Chisel or Bevel Edged for your Mortices

    I don't really go in for guru-bashing as, by and large, I think they are doing an invaluable job helping out us nonplussed learners. I did chuckle at "selling lifestyle gibberish" though. Incidentally, my favourite guru is the one who only travels around by rolling (the Rolling Saint - look...
  17. N

    Collector anonymous

    tasky has introduced an unnecessary confusion here - in an earlier post he said 'an item is worth what someone is willing to pay for it', which is true. Objects do not have an intrinsic monetary value - the only thing that is relevant is what someone is willing to pay for it. This is true...
  18. N

    Saw sharpening services

    I struggled along with one of those awkward magnifier visors for ages until someone on this site recommended getting a cheap pair of +3 reading spectacles. It has really improve my enjoyment of doing any close up work, including saw sharpening. I see now you can get +4 specs if you order...
  19. N

    Small brace

    I have a slightly larger (7'') chapman and it is a comfortable size for lots of jobs. It is also quite good quality (much nicer to use than my no-name 10'') It does not look like yours though (I think chapman may have been unique in using an octagonal shaped chuck? - hopefully boringgeof will...
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    Collector anonymous

    Hopefully the Salaman collection will go back on display when the new St Albans museum is complete. I think Richard's point on pricing is evidence that interest from whatever quarter, collectors or users, results in items that would have been dumped/sat unloved on a shelf somewhere going into...