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  1. T


    Hi I was just about to comment on the location in GB that I most associate with Enoch when John NEARLY beat me to it. unfortunately the Enoch and Eli jokes area product of the Black Country NOT to be confused with Birmingham ie Handsworth etc. I did my training in said wonderful part of the...
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    Greek economics

    Hi Just sent this joke on and had a response from a daughter that it was THE WORST Dad joke ever. So it must be good! Phil
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    How can the train companies get away with this?

    Back to the subject!! I would suggest that part of the issue is that a good proportion of rail fares, especially long distance are in some way paid for by an employer either by means of a loan for a season ticket or by way of expenses for single trips. Thus some rail companies price not so...
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    Westonbirt Tree Fest this weekend

    Well, those of you who are both brave enough and not so interested in classic planes and are booked to come on Monday (forecast very wet and windy!), do call by the GAW (Gloucestershire Association of Woodturners) tent which I THINK is on Cherry Avenue where, in the morning, you can watch me...
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    Picture Framing for beginners

    Hi I’ve been thinking of adding another string to my turning bow as it were, by learning to picture frame correctly. It’s very easy to turn a round frame, but….! So onto the net, but I’ve not had much joy finding any courses within easy reach of South Worcestershire. I’m looking for either...
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    My veg is clearly well behind, 1 tom with 1 truss and a few flowers on the beans but no sign of anything worth eating yet!! At this rate, I might have some by Xmas unless we have some more snow this year! Phil
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    damp wall - recommendations

    Mick, I assume that the wall is solid brick so therefore there will be some horizontal and vertical damp penetration. Digging a gap to backfill with gravel (a French Drain) would be a good start and provided you replaced some top soil over the last few cms I can not see that there would be any...
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    Pea soup?

    Perhaps you should'nt have the water TOO clear. It gives the herons a better chance, even if your fish are not over fed! Phil
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    Sharpening a hedge trimmer

    It must be my dyslexia, but when I first saw this I read ‘Sharpening a SLEDGE HAMMER!’ I was just wondering how much better a nice sharp sledge hammer might be, when I re read the question! Advice given is fine, especially about watching out for any washers etc. Do it over a large sheet of...
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    The problem of woodwork waste.

    Jack55 Sanity at last! At our local amenity site, there seems to be an assumption that if you have a white van, it must be commercial. Indeed in the past, one of my friends had to give up being 'Neighbourly' by taking some OAPs' waste because the site management wanted to charge him! I must...
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    The problem of woodwork waste.

    Just to add, I have several bags which contain ever diminishing sized pieces of timber. The last bag then is used as kindling for our occasional fires. The shavings and general dust from turning I bag up and take from time to time to our local council tip, run as an outsource of course, where...
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    Pen blanks.

    Hi All I daren’t show you a picture of blanks that I use. Often they are half a small branch sawn in half along the grain. I then ‘trim’ the flat section so that it has 3 sides and an automatic curve following the rest of the branch. Some timber, especially box, I just take a small branch...
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    Have you noticed

    Dear All, I think that I have had a worse experience. The week before last the son of frieds died aged 28. Yes, he had epilepsy and did not take his medical advice fully to heart so perhaps it was not entirely unexpected, none the less very sad. Then just after that I had a call from a...
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    Man's best friend.

    We got our present Jack Russell from a rescue centre about 2 years ago and they did a home visit and asked about where we would be walking her etc. We certainly did not feel that we were being given the third degree just making sure. The only disappointment was the requirement to have her...
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    I've declared war!

    It brings to mind an announcement some 10 or more years ago as I was standing on a VERY chilly Evesham station platform to the effect that the first train in the morning (at 6.45) was cancelled as the wiring in the diesel engine at Hereford had been chewed through overnight by rats!! Phil
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    Pen making does, anyone make fountain pens?

    Hi, I do some fountain pens, mostly from Craft Supplies kits. The pen I use is one of theirs and I have had it in regular almost daily use for over 10 years with no problems. Generally I have supplied people who need them for 'official' use such as Registrars and the like. I have tried to...
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    `crazy or what

    Yes, I agree that there seem to be a load of moaners around. Just be proud that we won a very hard fought contest to stage the Olympics without resorting to the means by which it is ALLEGED FIFA makes its choices! As far as comments on better uses of our taxes I would make the following...
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    The Fight goes on !

    Yes done that, but without the emails from Hugh as I really can not keep up with all my emails! Phil
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    In times of austerity let's replace all the street lamps

    Jonzjob, Malvern; why don' the coucil extend the wonderful Gas lighting that is, as far as I know still there in some parts. Gives a lovely light and I am sure is much less expensive for gas consumption. Also, on road lighting generally, I notice that at least on the M5, they are turning off...
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    Birthday present for my wife

    Super piece Russ, but if it is full, how are you going to get it out of there?!!!!!! Phil