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  1. T

    Behind the public image

    Guys Hate to admit it , but I was a school with Richard Branson though he was two years ahead of me. Always came over as a rebel but WITH a cause. For those wood turners, I once shared a table on the way down to London on the train with Ray Key. Now there's is real gent. Phil
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    Football? Stick to rugby.

    Back to Rugby! A yob's game played by gentlemen, Football, a gentleman's game played by yobs!! Anyway, it's nice supporting a team that has a decent chance of winning internationals and, having reached the bottom of the barrel recently, the only way is up for the England team.
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    Public liability insurance

    Hi I use Market Traders Liability Insurance which cost me £50 this year. Phil
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    Spanish Coffee

    Guys I believe that burning off the alcohol never burns it all off step away from those keys!! Phil
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    Did anyone watch Evans's "Top Gear?"

    Back to basics, Chris Evans? Too juvenile, was OK when he was 20 but seems to have aged backwards so is now about 12 month old!! I thought that Matt at least gave one or two quips, especially in the desert but otherwise no better than I had expected. Phil
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    You should be so lucky. Several years ago we had to move our Electric meter box round the corner, say 1.5m. Quote from the monopoly who do this, £900, please pay now and we will put it in progress. 5 months later!!!!! 2 guys turn up, spend 2 hours do the job (very badly finished as well) ad...
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    Post Haste

    Hi All Not sure if this is the right post location, but as it covers the efficiency if both suppliers and post, I’ll give it a try. Anyway, on Bank Holiday Monday, after a successful show over the weekend, I found that I needed to order a few things. Naturally as I wanted 5 different items...
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    Had to share this one.

    Naz Surely it's Who is Cahew not what are Cahews?! And Does he know that someone has his nuts? I'm also intreaged by 'Pak Far' Duck. How is that a translation of Stuffed Roast Duck?? Phil
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    Helium Beer

    Hi All Hope this link works as it leads to great hilarity!! Good thing they don't have Helium Beer around here. What two guys will do with some idle time and a ridiculous amount of imagination!?! These two guys from Germany are testing Helium Beer for the first time. If you don't laugh at...
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    Lost and Found

    Hi For those of you who haven’t fallen asleep reading this thread - GOOD NEWS! Found my torch last night under a cushion in the living room!! What was my wife doing hiding it there (of course I bottled out from asking!!!) Phil
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    Crown Paints

    Hi Wish I'd read this before braving B&Q on Wednesday to get some Dulux Gardenia, a mixed colour,to match the colour we already have. No, don't do it now as it is all Valspar which have totally diffrent colour names! Serves me right for trying to buy anything with my OAP discount card!! Phil
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    Lost and Found

    In that case, can anyone let me know where I've put my tourch? Had it the otrher day, went to collect it this morning to walk the dog (in the rain so rather dark), gone! Decided not to wake the wife to ask her (at 6.00am!!!) Let me know if you come across it! Phil
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    Reg Slack

    Hi All Saw on another site that this wonderful teacher and wood turner died last month. Really sorry to hear as he was such a gentle man. I was sent on one of his training courses many years ago by my parents as a present and have never looked back. Phil
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    29.02.2016 - leap year - should this day be a bank holiday?

    Hi Agree with Bugbear, if you are working on contract then you get paid by the day!! However, I would vote for a Bank Holiday sometime between August and December, perhaps by moving one of the two in May!! My suggested days would be to comemorate Trafalger or Agencourt. If we leavethe EU...
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    What you do with your creations?

    This is verging on a discussion on where and how to sell! I do a few craft shows; as I explain to anyone looking at my stall, all they see has been rejected by the Head of Quality Control!!! As far as it becoming a chore, well, I do enough turning from January to June to have a reasonable...
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    Annoying Pop-up

    Hi John Tried to give you some help, but this annoying pop up came up asking if I wanted to leave the page....!!!!!! Phil
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    Large storage shed - advice needed

    Hi I've just had a new, smaller shed supplied and installed by a firm called Malvern Timber Sheds, based in Kidderminster (just to confuse). Their 'Beefed up' unit is excellent. Have a look at their web site, they certainly go to the Isle of Wight! Phil
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    Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

    Whenever I hear it on the radio I'm taken back to my childhood sitting on the kitchen units with my mother busy preparing wonderful food for Christmqas and listening to the carols and the readings. Magical Phil
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    Radio 4: The Man Who Made Things Out of Trees

    Agree with you Pete B, as I have not seen/heard this new project, I don't feel able to comment. However, I did drag an unwilling wife and at least 1 daughter to the OneTree exhibition when it was in Bristol Art Gallery and they, and I were blown away by the range of items and the breadth of...
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    What is the Best and Your Favourite Movie of all time??

    Has no one mentioned Some Like it Hot? One of my favourites plus the PROPER Dr Zhivago. Menacing Rod Steiger and brill Omah Sharif and Tom Courtney plus the delicable Julie C and Gereldine Chaplin! And all that snow!! (yes I know it was fake and mostly filmed in Spain) Phil