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  1. T

    Happy to be home

    Peter, If you haven't been put off with all this slanging, just a word of advice. Due to the terrible computer system, most GPs don't know what has happened at any hospital till some time after the patient has been discharged. If either of your girls need any follow-up, you should call your...
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    This is all Random Orbital Bob's fault...

    So that would be 2ft 6in!!! Phil
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    Handmade in Japan

    Excellent Woodbloke, another 9.99999 years!!! Still, I'm glade you saved £30,000, think how many woodworking tools that can now buy!! Phil
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    Handmade in Japan

    Brilliant Such humility and yet what a product!! I'm sure the program on pottery will be of interest to some woodturners - shapes? Phil
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    Time Wasters

    Many years ago I ran my own professional surveying business. In the ten plus years I only had 2 people who wouldn't pay. I took both to the then 'Small Claims' court and won both cases hands down. One of the two then tried not to pay so I sent the bailiffs in. After giving the bailiffs a...
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    Pink Ivory

    Mal It turns well. Smooth and even as it is relatively dense. Takes a good finish, but can look a little 'bland' and certainly can look as if it is not very expensive, unlike snakewood. Question answered!! I've used small sections in the past for Pens and the like, finials and other small...
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    Hi Spent too much time reading all the TLAs (Three letter abbreviations). Anything more that a TLA is too much! However, complaints about Txt speak need to just remember that part of this was that it originally cost per letter/word, just as telegrams did. For younger viewers, I recommend...
  8. T

    Interesting article, nice bookcase.

    Sorry Phil.p But No S Sherlock! A really good article on the blindingly obvious but predicting the future requirements!!! I must try to find that crystal ball of mine! Phil
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    got bitten by a black dog today

    Good for you Tyreman, and sue the owners yourself in what was the 'Small Claims' court. I had to do this when my dog was injured by two dogs who escaped from their owner's garden. The owner kept telling me they had no money but all of a sudden a week or so before the case, I had a call from...
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    Workshop Must Haves

    Water in and out seems to be no real issue for me, I have a outside tap in the yard by my shed and, as it is some way from my house, the nearest loo is in the church close by!! The main 'Must Have' is of course more space for more tools, top of my list is a planner/thicknesser followed by an...
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    Mick Hanbury

    Hi All you woodturners We were due to have a demo this evening from Mick Hanbury, but sorry to say he is in hospital having had a heart attack. I'm sure that everyone on this forum who knows him or has been to any of his great demos will, like me, be thinking of him and wishing him a speedy...
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    What engineers do when they are bored.

    Hi If you look at one of his other efforts, you will see where so many of those missing pencils have gone!!! Phil
  13. T

    New Table Saw model available

    Hi Hope the last owner sanded off the blood marks!! Phil
  14. T

    Gotta love auto-correction

    Hi Yes, I love auto correct as well. We have a friend who lives in 'Penns Barn'. Auto correct seems to think that it is a male member barn!!!! Phil
  15. T

    Part Loft Conversion

    On Fire Regs, I believe that if it forms part of the same room, there is no requirement for a door on the stairs, however, when we did this, we had to put a velux window in the loft part with the cill at the appropriate height. Anyway, the window was very useful in any case and if you want to...
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    Part Loft Conversion

    Beaniecheese, This is a very difficult area and I would suggest you get, not necessarily and architect, but possible a building surveyor who is well up on current interpretation of Building Regs. Just as a hint, if you want a good staircase, try using an 'Alternate tread' unit - see ebay for...
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    The Apostrophiser

    That', my kind of guy. He must have read some of Lynne Truss's books, especially 'Eats shoots and leaves' Phil
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    May be of interest - The Repair Shop

    Oh Dear Yes, we, on this forum have expertise beyond that of the average Tea Time viewer. So by all means those who feel so superior, don't bother. For those of us who want to pick up a few tips outside our craft, watch something where items are repaired and see how some repairs need more...
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    Don't forget Sunday

    And I only wanted to point out that the article in the paper implied that it was UNUSUAL for the clocks to change on a Sunday!! Bye the bye, Easter in the CofE/Catholic church as a celebration is on a movable day as it is fully authenticated that Jesus's death occurred at the end of the Jewish...
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    Don't forget Sunday

    Hi All I came across this timely reminder about Saturday Night/Sunday morning from apparently the Daily Mirror. ... spartanntp. As they say in the article, how lucky that THIS YEAR, the clocks change on a Sunday!!!! No **** Sherlock!!! Phil