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  1. T

    Tall construction in the 1930s

    Hi I may be wrong, but I seem to remember that:- Most of the high workers were from a particular Native American tribe. In the construction of the Empire State building, there were very few fatalities, possibly only 1 AND it was built in less then 1 year I may have some incorrect info or as...
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    Car breakdown recovery recommendation.

    Hi All I'm covered via my bank account which also covers me for travel insurance to age 80. The breakdown is via the AA who have been very good on the 3 occasions I've had to call. One in fact was really excellent as he replaced a belt quickly and easily where I had been told the generator...
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    Another Joke

    I think the Diddy Men wrote most of them!!!!
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    I do love to pick nits, so please, it is Butterflies NOT Butterfly's. If it were the latter, it would relate to something owned by a single butterfly. This is a traditional Greengrocers' trick! Rant over, but apostrophes do serve a purpose no matter what the Americans say!! Phil
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    Skilled Work

    Hi Has anyone else been blown away by the BBC Program 'Handmade; by Royal Appointment'. Such skill and wonderful design. Those of a woodturning bent might like to see the skill of turning damp clay; AMAZING Phil
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    The Whitest Wood

    Hi You might find, if you only need a small amount, that Box would do well. It is after all very nice to turn and takes a really good finish Phil
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    Paint your wagon

    Don't forget, there are plenty of actor/actresses whose voices were dubbed and the actual recoring singer never credited! At least you KNOW that it was Me Brosnant!! Phil
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    Removing Roof tiles from inside for Velux-style loft window

    Sammy Have a word with a consultancy company that deals with Building Control Approvals rather than the local council. Don't forget the council's job is to make money!! Phil
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    Removing Roof tiles from inside for Velux-style loft window

    Sam Hope you had a good call with BRegs. Their main concern would have been the stability if the roof ie you will probably need to double up the rafters to either side and ensure that the trimmers are OK. You will probably also need to ensure that the base of the window is less that 800 (I...
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    HSE: Fatalities in the workplace on the rise

    Hi Not to belittle the fatalities, or other injuries, but the first thing to d when comparing is look as the %age NOT the raw numbers. If there are 6 more fatalities this year, is that in part because the overall number of workers has increased? Certainly, the implication is that the number f...
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    Why can't I paint ceilings!

    Only on solution Doug, get a professional in!!! Phil
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    useless information

    Love the April 1st one Pete. I also remember having to go to a meeting at some consultants. 'Come about 9.30' said my contact, so I did. 'Why 9.30' I asked when I got there and was given a cup of machine coffee. 'Well, the machine gives free coffee till 9.30, then we have to pay for it till...
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    useless information

    Not sure if I have posted this anecdote before, but... An engineer in one firm I worked for had a Dulux Colour Chart showing the colour he wanted his tea and the colour for his coffee!! As far a I was concerned, when it was my turn, he got what he was given! Phil
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    useless information

    Having read through the info, I can see why the tea at the office tastes so bad. Water comes from one of those infernal 'Boiler Taps' at about 85C NOT 100C Phil
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    anyone else got a cold?

    Yes, there's a lot of this Man Flue around as usual!!
  16. T

    Persisting it down

    No, but I have a river running outside the house where there was a road yesterday (North Glos). BTW, we live on higher ground but two points:- 1 - If you need to go anywhere, there will be floods 2 - We were flooded in 2007 by water coming OFF the hill on its way down!! Hope everyone else is...
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    Haydock Variable Speed Upgrade

    Absolutely agree with Chas. I have had one of their converters for an old blue Coronet for some time, pre digital readout. It came with a list of speeds which I put somewhere but never refer to it. You get to know what speed is best (sometimes because the whole thing shakes so much). Phil
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    Working hours experiment

    Dr Bob Nice to hear of a boss who looks on staff as one of his assets, not a disposable item. Many years ago, in construction management, we used to finish at about 1.30 on a Friday, go down to a lovely little pub, have a pint and a filled bap (egg, bacon and black pudding was a favorite)...
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    Domestic Vacuum Cleaners

    Mark, It's NOT for your workshop!! Like you, I was horrified at the amount picked up initially, but as it is so easy to use, we use it more so much less fluff to empty. Phil
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    Home made tomato soup
