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  1. Jenx

    PMs can anyone help Pls.

    Best of Luck Eugene... take care Boss, everything will work out fine :wink: Be sure and let us know your outcome, and that you're OK :wink: 8) 8)
  2. Jenx

    Finding employment

    Hi Hawkeye... Firstly, good luck in your endeavours. Couple of things to think about -- I've been at both sides of the 'interview desk', like some of the other guys here. I tend to succeed, if I can get to the interview stage, and have just been headhunted, and handed my notice in to my...
  3. Jenx

    Kids work from school (Pics)

    Agree 100% with you there Rich ... the most risky things the kids do, is crossing the road(s) on the walk to school every day .... but for some reason that evades me, some do-gooder somewhere has taken it upon themselves to decide that correctly supervised useage of machinery in a controlled...
  4. Jenx

    Wildlife sculptures

    Wow, they're incredible ! Fantastic skills.. Really worth the look to see ... cheers Pip, thats really good stuff ! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  5. Jenx

    Kids work from school (Pics)

    Well done, Rich .... thats fantastic ! Keep them at it ... thats the 'future' you have there ! And they are making a grand job too ... thats got to be down in a large part to the teacher... really well done. Magic to see that :wink: 8) :lol:
  6. Jenx

    Hoover problems AGAIN!!

    And a 'new biological function' that would get you a job with Billy Smarts :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ( I have mischievously wrapped a 'proper' present up in a Kenwood Food Blender box once... and the Ayatollah went ape-sh*t when she saw it ). It was worth it for the laugh, like ...
  7. Jenx

    my new toy - its here !

    Wow thats fantastic Pete ! .... bet you can't wait !! :lol: :lol: :lol: Looks like a really nice bit of kit.... And that VSC should be brilliant ! Enjoy that, when it arrives... perhaps a picture or two ? .... Suitably gloat-worthy, as is Pauls. Brilliant .... sounds like we will...
  8. Jenx

    It's here-Again!!!

    Hope you feel better really soon, Paul ... timing couldn't be more unfortunate ! It'll still be there tomorrow.. so don't rush it if you're not feeling at the top of your game. All the best Pal.. It'll come together, nae worries ! :wink: :wink: 8)
  9. Jenx

    Passport story

    Ah, yes, I follow you.. Percentage-wise, that could be right enough ! Most of my journey was on the E6, apart from the bit from Bergen across to ( I think it was ) Lom or Dombas .. and it wasn't too bad as a road, ... similar to a lot in Scotland. I guess it must be difficult to...
  10. Jenx

    Back in the spin of things

    Mrs S, you have a wicked streak heh heh !!heh... :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: Thats excellent !... you must have been stifling the laughter when people claimed to know all about the "Chi Keeper" .... ha ha ha... I love it !! 8) 8) 8) 8) :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. Jenx

    It's here-Again!!!

    Paul ....... fantastic ! I bet you can hardly contain yourself, waiting to get that beast producing ! Congratulations on its arrival... and can't wait to see the stuff you'll produce with it ! looks brilliant ! Very, very happy for you :wink: 8) 8) 8) :D :D :D
  12. Jenx

    Holy bowls

    I love it Pete ... great 'save' ..... You shall now be known as 'Gordon Banks' :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Jenx

    Stiles and Bates Spring Show 2009

    Hi Les ! Welcome along !.... We're just about to run a fun competition, don't ya know ! You've timed your arrival perfectly ! :lol: :lol: :lol: Great to see you here. 8) 8) 8) 8)
  14. Jenx

    Comes in black too..

    Another fantastic pen, Steve .... very nice ! Pity about the bowl going through ... I had a look at Pete's 'save' with the bung.. very nice it is too ! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  15. Jenx

    Waterproof food and alcohol safe finish?

    I believe that Melamine Laquer is as good as anything Miles ... It dries quick, but 'full cure' is quite an extended period. My understanding is that this is as good as anything for useable goblets ... others may have other suggestions, of course :wink: :lol:
  16. Jenx

    Turning Time in 2009

    Brilliant, Chas ... that sounds like it will save a load of heart-ache ! Thanks for that... Will have a go at these very soon ( keep daughter happy ! :lol: )
  17. Jenx

    The role of Fate in buying new tools

    You could always try Fenner. One of the bigest in the world for Belts... ... L+lang=ENG HTH :wink: :D
  18. Jenx

    Competition entrants

    <<BUMP>> ( And Mrs S is 'in' ! Great ! :wink: :lol: )
  19. Jenx

    do you remember this hollow form?

    Wow, thats a pity its split, George .... but what a great insight into the 'innards' of the form ... Good lesson, as you say ! 8) :D
  20. Jenx

    Turning Time in 2009

    Fantastic Chas, really love the pendants especially .... as does my daughter ! ( I now have to attempt something else ... " Dad, Make those and hurry up about it !!" :wink: :wink: :lol: ) They're great pieces, all. 8) 8) 8) 8)