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  1. paulm

    De-tensioning bandsaw after use?

    Have never bothered de-tensioning my startrite and not had any issues in the last thirty odd years of sporadic use :) Sounds like over-tensioning and/or duff blade to me.
  2. paulm

    Reduction gear for headstock?

    Maybe the lathe is the wrong machine for the task, metal working lathe would be better of course, but absent that a pillar drill on lowest speed, hss twist drills working up from small to large and plenty of lube might do it. Of course you may well not have access to a pillar drill in which case...
  3. paulm

    Reduction gear for headstock?

    Doesn't it already have four speeds, 450 to 2000 rpm ? Curious what you want to be doing at less than 450rpm which is pretty slow for most things, maybe thread chasing or texturing or something ?
  4. paulm

    Lets talk hedge trimmers.

    Another Stihl Kombi user here, excellent bit of kit albeit pricey, but has worked hard for me for a good number of years now without any issues. The ability to add extension poles is fantastic when occasionally needed, although does make things even heavier and unwieldly ! As mentioned, the...
  5. paulm

    Circular tenon cutter

    Don't know what clogs is looking at re the post above, but the veritas ones are very well engineered, easy and efficient to use. Very satisfying actually when you get a big pile of apple or potato like peelings ! I use several different sizes for different tasks, including making stools as...
  6. paulm

    Workbench Vice advice

    Here's how I flush fit mine some years back, easy enough and gives the most flexibility and functionality in use I reckon.
  7. paulm

    Fixing down soleplates to a single brick course?

    Yep, those are the kind of straps. Could recess the back of the osb, or put the straps on after fitting the osb so they sit on top. I used thin osb3 lining and to be honest just sat it on top of the straps without recessing for them, there was sufficient flexibility in the osb3 for it not to be...
  8. paulm

    Fixing down soleplates to a single brick course?

    Don't drill through the sole plate, dpc and bricks, you risk damp problems and it's unnecessary. Use L shaped galvanised straps drilled and bolted or epoxyed into the concrete base on the internal side of the brick plinth positioned in front of a stud. Screw through the straps into the the...
  9. paulm

    Mexican Rosewood ?

    First and second photos are front and back (one side that has been exposed to light more is darker), third is end grain and fourth is side grain, all the same board :) Contemplating putting it up for sale, but first job was to try and confirm the id, next is to get an idea of value, and whether...
  10. paulm

    Mexican Rosewood ?

    That does look very similar, including the small area of sap wood.
  11. paulm

    Mexican Rosewood ?

    Picked up this board from Yandles many, many years ago. Used a small amount for some lovely tool handles and similar, but the rest of the board has stayed in my wood store untouched for a long time. I vaguely recall it being marked up as Brazilian Rosewood, but could be misremembering, anyone...
  12. paulm

    Screwfix, what an utter pain in the proverbial

    This ! Simples ! :)
  13. paulm

    Advice for router table build

    Used formica on mdf for mine many years back, works very well and easy enough to do, biggest challenge was finding somewhere to get the formica from !
  14. paulm

    A few more bowls :)

    The first bowl is a piece of coloured maple, I knew it would be a challenge to get something out of it due to the shape and bark inclusions, and it very nearly ended up on the firewood pile ! Decided to go with it though as the figure and colouring was really nice, and just accept the hole and...
  15. paulm

    A few more bowls :)

    Making use of recent dodgy weather to enjoy some more workshop time :)
  16. paulm

    Turning blanks or firewood ? :)

    Processing some of the big turkey oak that came down in a storm a couple of years ago. Was supposed to be mainly going in the firewood store, but looking too good for that ! I can already see some bowls and plates in there ! 😁 Turkey oak does have a reputation for cracking and splitting...
  17. paulm

    Woodland charcoal making

    No idea on any of that, didn't notice, sorry ! :) Sounds like you may need a very dense hardwood based charcoal for those kind of burn times perhaps ? Hornbeam, rhododendron,, oak or alder perhaps ?
  18. paulm

    Workshop build - Insulated panels ?

    I wanted to insulate my shed based workshop for noise a few years back, was surprised to find after a bit of research that the celotex and similar panels I had planned on using are great for heat insulation but can in some circumstances actually aggravate noise issues by resonating and...
  19. paulm

    Woodland charcoal making

    Oil drum with holes in bottom, stood on low bricks for airflow, fire in bottom, add seasoned small diameter hardwoods until full, allow to burn until level starts dropping, add some more small diameter stuff and wait a while until the white smoke goes dark, this indicates the charcoal itself is...
  20. paulm

    Woodland chairs

    Another use for leftover coppiced hazel, surprisingly comfortable, well for the first twenty minutes anyway ! :LOL: