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  1. paulm

    A week in the Windsor Workshop Final Episode

    Nice piece of olive ash for the seat Tony. Is it a ravisher or a travisher ? Ravisher sounds more fun !!! Cheers, Paul
  2. paulm

    My new workshop!

    Sounds really exciting Jim, would be great to see some updates along the way, and welcome to the forum ! :) Cheers, Paul
  3. paulm

    Spindle blanks

    Small boxes with lids, apples, pears, world's poshest dibbers ! :) Cheers, Paul
  4. paulm

    Core tool kit

    Here's another homemade approach, if making again would try and use a bit more finesse on proportions, finish, and the pin ! Cheers, Paul
  5. paulm

    Bench Sander (Belt and Disc Sander) Modification

    I use mine with the belt running vertically and an mdf platform in front and find it the best configuration for me. Never use the disc sander on it as doesn't seem to have any advantages over using the belt and is quite small, also the table is in use with the mdf top in front of the belt. Only...
  6. paulm

    Bandsaw BAS316 Castings Distorting

    Depending on where/how the surfaces mate you might be able to drill and tap for one or more grub screws to adjust in or out instead of shims, or epoxy or superglue a shim, so that it holds the bracket straight even when you need to move the bracket forwards or backwards for different blades ...
  7. paulm

    Bandsaw BAS316 Castings Distorting

    Can't really see well enough but can you shim it straight ? Cheers, Paul
  8. paulm

    Using wires for burning?

    Or a bit of formica pressed into the groove heats up and chars a nice dark line too. Cheers, Paul
  9. paulm

    What to do with section from beech tree?

    Classic mistake I'm afraid with the timber being cut that way, renders it pretty useless for most things sadly. Have you still got the rest of the trunk ? Cheers, Paul
  10. paulm

    So You Think You Can Remove Shavings !

    He's sure going at it ! I need to break out my big gouge and stop messing about I think :) Cheers, Paul
  11. paulm

    What would YOU do?

    Me too :) Cheers, Paul
  12. paulm

    Startrite 352 - lower wheel adjust

    That's interesting Douglas, the blocks on mine have no visible wear after probably 15 to 20 years of reasonably frequent use. Are your's the proper startrite ones ? Cheers, Paul
  13. paulm

    Help me choose a cordless drill set

    Sounds like the same one I was in for forty minutes ! Caused by a roadworks detour as far as I could see near Hampton Court ? Cheers, Paul
  14. paulm

    Help me choose a cordless drill set

    Went along to the tool fair this morning, no problems getting in, just had to register and claim to be a general builder, which is not entirely untrue these days :) Picked up a naked Bosch 18v reciprocating saw in case for a very reasonable price, better than the usual D&M price, axi don't...
  15. paulm

    Belt/disc sander

    Worth checking the jet price elsewhere on the net as well as axi to make sure you are getting a good price. It seems to be not unusual to find kit ten, twenty or thirty percent cheaper than axi these days! If you google for abrasives suppliers and order your belts and discs from a specialist...
  16. paulm

    Help me choose a cordless drill set

    There's a tool show yesterday and today in Esher, might be worth a visit to check out some options and look for special deals if near you ? It's trade only, but I don't know how they would check, so think I'll make a trip later and have a nose around...
  17. paulm

    In between commissions I...

    That's a bit special Pete, only wish I had a fraction of your creativity ! :) Cheers, Paul
  18. paulm

    Sharpening a pruning saw

    You may get a fair bit of improvement by running the two flat faces a few times on a fine diamond stone or similar, without doing the tooth gullets ? Obviously not as thorough but you may be pleasantly surprised ? Cheers, Paul
  19. paulm

    fascinating video about pen making in japan

    Yep, agreed Jon, amazingly efficient to use if doing batch runs of same sized components, fascinating to watch :) Cheers, Paul
  20. paulm

    Year 10 slowly getting the hang of it.

    Love the yew pen Chas :) Cheers, Paul