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  1. paulm


    :lol: I didn't say which of them applied, and not necessarily all at the same time ! :lol:
  2. paulm


    Hmmm, so far on this thread we have had people insulting cyclists, bmw drivers, accountants, SUV drivers, which probably covers a significant proportion of the forum membership I would guess ! Some of us might fit in several of those categories at once ! :lol:
  3. paulm

    2016- The Year to reduce the woodpile.

    Clever stuff, liking those :)
  4. paulm

    2016- The Year to reduce the woodpile.

    Like those a lot Chas, lovely design and nice choice of woods too.
  5. paulm

    Powerfile beltsander are they any good?

    I have the same one as in the link and it seems well made and reliable, very effective tool on metal and wood, all sorts of uses.
  6. paulm

    A question about keeping bussiness account records.

    I believe you should keep all the supporting records too Chas.
  7. paulm

    Anyone paying a fortune for veterinary medicine?

    I don't really get this right or wrong, fair or unfair, thing to be honest. They are businesses and will charge what they can get away with, same as any other business. If I didn't want to pay it I'd try and negotiate and/or go somewhere else, but I don't begrudge them trying to charge what...
  8. paulm

    Anyone paying a fortune for veterinary medicine?

    I would have thought that a prescription charge covers the years of training and experience the vet has had in order to diagnose the animal and know what to prescribe, not to mention their time and practice costs ? They're a business after all, not a charity ! :) Having said that, we do get...
  9. paulm

    My workshop after roof repairs

    Looks well organised John :)
  10. paulm

    Airport security

    I don't travel by air that much these days thankfully, after many years of regular travel to and from mainland Europe and further afield, but when I do I have to allow an extra ten minutes or so to get through security as my metal resurfaced hip always sets off the xray alarms. Even though you...
  11. paulm

    Lifespan of strops

    The latter, although maybe an inconsequential amount of the former in the process I guess.
  12. paulm

    Lifespan of strops

    I use a card scraper, edge of a steel ruler or similar to scrape off old compound and metal deposits, then refresh with new compound, only takes a few minutes now and again.
  13. paulm

    Walnut Chopping Board, will it split?

    Nice piece of timber Mark 8) Should make a fine chopping board. If it does split or cup then just run it through a table saw or circular saw, true up the edges and glue and clamp back together and no one will know :) Cheers, Paul
  14. paulm

    Sharpening slicks question

    I would favour one of these ... AgQw8P8HAQ Not the cheapest, but the covers fold back and act as handles which makes all the difference in how easy and accurate they are to use not to mention safety too of course. The red/green one shown is fine/extra...
  15. paulm

    Sharpening slicks question

    Also thinking laterally, I would be tempted to take the sharpening medium to the slick as it is large in size and a difficult shape eg wet and dry paper on a handheld hone, DMT diafold handheld diamond sharpener etc, these are the kind of thing I and others use on larger knives, axes etc...
  16. paulm

    Good alternatives to Tuffsaws?

    Is the Burgess one of the small three wheeled machines ? They are notorious for breaking blades as they have to cope with such tight turns.
  17. paulm

    Good alternatives to Tuffsaws?

    Length of time doesn't really mean much though Dennis, it might only have been used once or twice in your 1.5 years for all we know ! :) I'm another very satisfied long term Tuffsaws customer, having tried other makes now and again and found them noticably sub-par by comparison.
  18. paulm

    Good alternatives to Tuffsaws?

    What tooth count were the blades and what material being cut ?
  19. paulm

    Green oak or should I say BLACK

    I've found that it does on lathe tools, lathe bed, bandsaw table etc, although that was green sweet chestnut which has similarly high levels of tannin.