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  1. paulm

    Cutting a slot in copper pipe

    Angle grinder would cut it in a couple of minutes, or a dremel or multi-tool probably. To keep it neat would have to rig up some kind of straight edge or timber batten arrangement I guess ?
  2. paulm

    Screw Shopping

    I find them fast and efficient in rough carpentry / constructional work using larger timbers and longer screws, but it's not compulsory of course !
  3. paulm

    Screw Shopping

    I've had similar issues with them in the past, using impact drivers...
  4. paulm

    Electricity supply...

    Had my garage/workshop supply upgraded a few years ago. The electrician ran a new swa cable from the main house consumer unit, non-RCD protected side, to a new smaller consumer unit with it's own RCD in the garage. The garage consumer unit had a number of circuit breakers in it to cover the...
  5. paulm

    Forstner Bits problems

    Check the belt driving the drill is reasonably tight and not slipping under load, but not so tight as to give problems with the bearings down the line. After that, it is most likely to do with the power of the motor as mentioned above. At the kind of larger sizes you mention it is likely to be...
  6. paulm

    Scary moment, router cutter snaps

    Using a slot cutter bit allows better waste clearance from the slot and won't break like a narrow straight cutter might Terry, but failing that then as Steve says half of the cutter diameter or even a third as the depth of each pass, and moving the wood slowly to allow time for the waste to...
  7. paulm

    Cookery Question

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. paulm

    Best Router

    The musclechuck looks good too Mike, good to have choices ! :)
  9. paulm

    Best Router

    Only just tuned in to this thread ! My own setup for a number of years has been a home made Norm'ish table, T11 router and Xtreme Xtension collet extension. The setup works a treat, everything is done above table, the height is adjustable above table and is easy to be very accurate as it can...
  10. paulm

    Coming back

    Hi Tony, good to have you around again :)
  11. paulm

    Trouble changing arbor on Xcalibur table saw - help!

    Might be worth picking up an individual hex end socket or small set like these ... t-rail-1-2 and a heavy/long bar to go with it, if you think there is enough room for it to fit ? If not enough room from above can you access from underneath by removing a...
  12. paulm

    Making fire with a bow

    The combination of woods being used is very important. If the "drill" is too hard and the "hearth" board too soft for example, you will just drill through the hearth board very quickly. Poplar sounds the most likely from what you mentioned above, make a drill and a hearth from that if you can...
  13. paulm

    Which diamond stones?

    I have a number of the DMT 8x3 continuous diamond stones and they are top quality, I use them for knives and woodworking tools, and have their more portable diafolds too which are great for using when out and about or where it's easier to take the sharpener to the tool. Used to have a range of...
  14. paulm

    Whats the deal with Danish Oil?

    Agreed on the limitations of danish oil for worktops. I used it on a couple of beech worktops in the utility room, one by and around a butler sink, and it deteriorates quite quickly if any water around and needs frequent rubbing down and reapplying but still never looks quite as good as...
  15. paulm

    Saw Tec sharpening services Eastleigh, Hampshire. Review

    Good to know. Do the blades now cut the oak you were struggling with after the first regrind ?
  16. paulm

    Startrite 352 upper blade guide/support

    The "rubbing blocks" on my startrite that you disparage Mike are in fact highly effective and simple and elegant engineering at it's best, wouldn't even consider changing them, but each to their own of course :)
  17. paulm

    Startrite 352 bandsaw blade guides.

    I would have to agree with Dick, I think your proposed "upgrade" would be exactly the opposite ! Simple, functional engineering and material choice at it's best I reckon with the original solid guides :)
  18. paulm

    BS400 Bandsaw Upper Guide Question/Concern

    Why wait till the Harrogate show, phone them tomorrow and ask ? :)
  19. paulm

    types of walnut?

    Another example of UK grown walnut :)
  20. paulm

    types of walnut?

    Those are stunning Rod, forgot you had them tucked away ! :)