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  1. C

    Pay pal

    Some days ago an alert went out warning people to change their e-bay password, which I did, today I had an e-mail from pay pal saying there was a problem with my details and I assumed this may have been something to do with changing my e-bay password. Anyway. I was a bit suspicius about the...
  2. C

    Thanks for Plate holder info

    Try cutting 1000 hearts, now that is boredom and I have cut two batches so far.
  3. C

    Hello new scrol sawer

    Hi Jim. Cutting 38mm wood is asking a lot from your Clarke saw, even on a Hegner it would be very hard going. At present I am cutting oak at 20mm thick and it is slow going. You can spped up the process, when have put your pattern on the wood cover it with clear packing tape. This will help...
  4. C

    Resin pics from Geoff

    Hi Sean. I get everything I need from East Coast Fibreglass supplies, just type that into the search engine and it will come up. If you order some resin you will need general purpose resin, its the best for what I do and also the cheapest. If you need any more info don't hesitate to ask. All the...
  5. C

    Hello new scrol sawer

    Hi Jim. A very warm welcome to the forum. If ever you get a problem there are loys of very experienced people on here that will be only to glad to help you. I was going to suggest you throw the blade/s that came with the saw, as they are always rubbish, but glad to hear you have some decent...
  6. C

    Resin name signs

    Thanks Marcros and Scottlefley. The syringes I have are 50ml capacity, quite large and a real pain in the rear to push the plunger. I have orderd some 10ml syringes and hopefully the plunger will be a lot easier to use, these smaller syringes are for adding the final part of the resin to...
  7. C

    Resin name signs

    Many thanks to all for the interest shown. Indeed, the critical factor seems to be the hardener and the ratio added to the resin. On the tin it states 10ml of hardener to 1 litre of resin. I have founf that 100ml will be enough resin for one name sign and the amount of hardener equates to 1ml...
  8. C

    Resin name signs

    Ho Powertools. You guessed right. I have cut right through the wood on the saw and at last I have hit the jackpot. Some of the previous results were not to bad but not good enough to put out on my craft fair tables. I am now using general purpose resin, as of today, and it's working a treat. I...
  9. C

    new to scroll sawing

    Hi Terry. You will be surprised at how little tension is needed to tighten a clamp. My advice would be to screw the bolt in and when you feel it make contact then just a pinch more. A lot of us have the quick release clamp on our saws and when we do the clamp up it is just hand tight and the...
  10. C

    Resin pics from Geoff

    Sean. Yes resin can be used outside, it's the same as they use to make boats. Name signs are a good idea, the range of possibilities are endless. At the moment I am working on things like animals and butterflies I can use to put on certain plaques. I have just seen a 3D butterfly done in resin...
  11. C

    Resin name signs

    Sadly I have nothing good to report, to be honest the whole process has been a series of problems. The first name signs I did I used epoxy resin and they turned out fine but the very high cost of this resin does not make it viable for my purpose. I was then advised to use a water clear polyester...
  12. C

    You know you're getting old when...

    When you can no longer stand on one leg to put your trousers on.
  13. C

    Resin pics from Geoff

    Many thanks guys for your very kind comments. Steve. I was pleasantly surprised at the lack of smell from the resin but I was told to use it in aventilated area. I used a worktop in the kitchen that is by my back door and with the door and windows open I did notice any smell at all. Yes Chris...
  14. C

    Resin pics from Geoff

    Once again many thanks to Steve for posting the photos for me. It's been a steep learning curve learning all about resins and I used the wrong type. I now have a new resin on it's way to me and the results will be a lot better than those in the photo. I made some little hearts as can be seen in...
  15. C

    It's so frustrating

    I went mad last week and ordered a pile of stuff for the new name signs. I know this sounds a lot but with many of the suppliers they only had one item that I really needed so after spending an hour on the computer and my bank balance considerably lighter I looked forward to recieving 11...
  16. C

    New batch of FD blades

    It's strange with blades. I have come to the conclusion that there is no consistency. I had always used Niqua blades before I switched to FD blades. I never had a problem with them and must admit they were the most consistant blade I have ever used, what made me change to FD is that I find they...
  17. C

    Second hand saw thoughts

    I think you would struggle to cut anything thicker than an inch on that saw, especially if it was hardwood. Re-the blade guard, most of us don't use them. I feel that on many machines a guard has to be fitted to comply with regulations but I have never seen a guard in place on the saws I have...
  18. C

    Update on update

    Sadly things did not go according to plan. I spent just over £100 on all the things I would need for the new name signs. Everything arrived earlier this week and I made a start. I let the resin set overnight in the name signs and the following moring it was a complete mess and I had to bin the...
  19. C

    Mitering corners

    Boxes are really nice, very pleasing to the eye and there are many ways they can be made. Mitres would be the obvious choice for the corners but have you considered making the boxes with dovetails or maybe a comb joint. Both of these joints could be done on the scroll saw. I do them all the...
  20. C

    Geoffs Work..

    Many thanks Steve. You are a star.