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  1. C

    Junk mail

    I have an apple i mac and like most people I get my fair share of junk mail. I have tried deleting, sending to trash etc with no joy. I can clear the junk mail in box and the following day it's all back again. Does anyone know how I can delete it on a permanent basis. Many thanks in advance.
  2. C

    A new finish

    I vebtured into town today to get a few bits and pieces and one of the shops I went into the was family bargains store, In one part of the store I was actually looking for a PVC cleaner, which I did not find, but I did have an interesting find where they keep the furniture polish. It was in a...
  3. C

    Hegner modification

    Only to pleased to help Gill. Actually I had forgotten to mention the little allen screw opposite and as you found out sometimes this needs a little tightening to help grip the blade better.
  4. C

    Hegner modification

    Hi Gill. It's unusul for the blades to slip out of the quick release top clamp. I think I may have the answer. In the end of the screw part is a small silver insert, this is to prevent the blade twisting when you tighten the clamp, is yours still there or is it missing. Gill. I have a present...
  5. C

    Hegner modification

    Eugene. Nice to hear from hope. I hope the good Irish air is keeping you fit and healthy along with a drop of the black stuff. If I win the Euro millions Eugene I will put the scroll saw on hold for a while, buy a camper van and tour Ireland and maybe we could chat over a pint. Yes, it would be...
  6. C

    Hopping mad

    I am sure the various councils around the country employ someone whose sole job is to come up with ways to extract even more money from us. For ten years the car parks in my council area have been free to use by disabled drivers but now they have started charging the same as everyone else but...
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    Hegner modification

    Thought I would give this a mention for all the Hegner owners out there. My current Hegner is about two years old now and recently the tension rod was coming to the end of it's useful life, I use the saw round about eight hours a day 4-5 days a week. The thread on the tension rod was wearing...
  8. C

    Replacing Meddings blade guides

    I can only help with the blade question. Pin and pin less blades are the same length but with pinless blades you have a vast choice.
  9. C

    Inlay box (nearly) finished

    Very nice Gill, very well made and I just love the wood, wonderful grain pattern. You are getting really, really good at what you do. Well done.
  10. C

    Craft fair cost

    Thanks for your comments John and Kieth. Rob. I cannot make much sense from your post. I pay £7 for up to 3 tables, not one. The two ladies I mentioned have other means of income and I still say they are ripping people off, especially when a lot of the stall holders fail to take enough money to...
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    Craft fair cost

    Hi Scrimper. Many thanks for your comments. I do make a very good profit and it's just as well as it more than pays for everything I need to carry on the scroll saw work and also provide a few of lifes luxuries. Every time I attend a craft fair I get loads of comments like, do you actually make...
  12. C

    Craft fair cost

    This post is in answer to those who made comments on my other post, ripped off. Some craft fairs can be very costly and it's sad that there are now people who make a living running craft fairs and ripping off the people who attend them. I am in contact with other scrollers all over the country...
  13. C

    Pegas blades

    Thanks Phil. Looked at a few sites about Pegus blades and found workshop heaven to be good as each type of blade was fully detailed so have ordered a pile of double reverse blades from them. Thanks again.
  14. C

    Pegas blades

    John. Gill sent me some samples of Pegus blades some weeks ago and I found them to be brilliant. I never had one break, they wore out first. The cutting speed was on par with the FD blades I have always used but the Pegus seemed to last longer before I had to change the blade. For many years I...
  15. C

    Pegas blades

    Many thanks Guys. No matter what the question there is always someone, or in this case many members, who come to the fore and this is really great for those just starting their first experience with a scroll saw. I shall look at the Hegner site and also Axy and place an order.
  16. C

    Pegas blades

    Does anyone know if I can get pegas blades from anywhere in the UK. I have just started using some FD-Ur number 5 blades from a new batch and they are absolutely rubbish. I have had to bin several gross of FD blades. I had to re-attach one blade 5 times cutting a single letter on a plaque...
  17. C


    If there was a Guiness record for the longest time to get a sim changed I think I would win. Strangly enough half way through this fiasco I saw that Vodafone were voted the worst provider and in my case that is understandable. I decided I was spending to much money on my PAYG phone so I switched...
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    It's hard to believe

    The last couple of hours in the workshop have never been so frustrating. Earlier I had a dozen plaques that were customer orders and as usual I cut the outside first with a number 7 FD-UR blade, no problems at all, done it hundreds of times in the past. Then when it came to cut out the lettering...
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    Blade set question

    If I were doing the same sort of thing I think I would first try various blades as they are on some scrap pieces and then judge what blade would be best for the job in hand. I have never felt the need to alter the set on any blade as there is such a vast range available.
  20. C

    A typical day in the workshop

    Following on from my earlier post about being ripped off I thought I would give you all an insight into a typical day in my workshop and maybe those who posted negative comments will have a better understanding of what’s involved in running a small business single handed. First of all I would...