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  1. T

    Chipping with Festool TS55

    Like Andy, I'm confused by Steve's answer. I cut lots of different thicknesses and I don't think I've ever cut into the green strip once and I never get chipping. I just move it up and down til its tight on the surface and cut away. Cheers Tim
  2. T

    Plinth drawer hardware?

    John This is the Hafele one: but its not as I remembered (or as you requested) ie a plinth drawer. I've definitely seen them but now can't think where. Cheers Tim
  3. T

    Plinth drawer hardware?

    I'm pretty sure Hafele have some or if not maybe Hettich - I'm just off out otherwise I'd look for you. Cheers Tim
  4. T

    Beating Retreat

    Andy Never call a sailor a marine either. That said what marines really like being called is a Navy soldier.... As a serious aside - if you want to know why the bandsmen raise their drumsticks to their noses, its so the drum command can be seen on other ships for instant response rather than...
  5. T

    A quick reference - a light hearted translation

    We always refer to those over the pond as 'septics' . Not really derogatory just good old rhyming slang, like 'sweaties' for those north of the border. My mum is an american citizen although english by birth and always maintains that she has stayed english in accent and speech. Definitley her...
  6. T

    Another workshop query!

    Do you mean the cross tie between rafters? If so anywhere in the lower two thirds. Any position above the top third is dramatically less effective. With that span you definitely can't dispense with them Cheers Tim
  7. T

    My rod has shrunk

    Re the printing prob - it happened 3 years ago....
  8. T

    Time for a bigger workshop?

    Some pics of the outside here: ... 2821#32821 Jake - You may well be right but I built mine two or three years ago and so far no noise (thats done it!) T
  9. T

    My rod has shrunk

    I had something similar happen when doing some work for a designer. He printed out 1:1 plans for me from autocad but the drawings were a couple of mm out over the 2m length. After much head scratching we reckoned it must have been the plotter motor/ cog wheel slipping. Could well have been...
  10. T

    USER NAMES?????

    uummmm..... :lol: :lol: :lol: cheers gordon
  11. T

    Time for a bigger workshop?

    Bear in mind that timber workshops are technically portable/ temporary and subsequently not subject to the same planning regs. Woodburners are no prob in a timber framed ws as long as you line it with plasterboard. I never drew plans for mine but I can dig out some wip and finish pics if you...
  12. T

    Wood shrinkage problem

    Its probably not the timber but more likely the design. Timber only expands across the grain so edge gluing all the slats is asking for trouble. Paint also does not necessarily seal the timber. Were the slats butt edged or did you tongue and groove them? Unless you incorporate expansion...
  13. T

    Table saw for a novice

    Can't give you any specific advice as to which model/make to choose but I would counsel against buying anything 'as a novice'. You won't be one for long :D and then you'll realise the shortcomings of your 'novice' purchase :cry: . So aim high and as others have said buy the best you can...
  14. T

    Linseed oil

    Why do you want to apply any finish to a deck? I'm assuming that it might be to retain the colour. Unless you are prepared to refinish it regularly then you will be fighting a losing battle against the elements. IMO hardwood decks look much better when they are silver grey anyway. Cheers Tim
  15. T

    Are you a spindle moulder user?

    No - not even looked at options. No point really until nearer the time. Cheers Tim
  16. T

    Spare a prayer

    Some of the boys from round here do - but then its not always a 'war theatre' that they get involved in. Cheers Tim
  17. T

    Are you a spindle moulder user?

    I don't have one - Can't really afford the space and if I'm honest they scare the bejesus out of me. When I replace my TS and move to a bigger workshop then I might consider one as part of a combi. Having built up quite a router cutter selection its also difficult to contemplate the...
  18. T

    hell for the next few weeks!!!!!!!!

    Mike Its the underdog thing - its not their oil but it is our overdraft..... Doubt that'll get any response at all. Cheers Tim
  19. T

    Spare a prayer

    and somewhere safe if those RAF boys have any say in it!
  20. T

    extracting mdf dust

    Scrit I can determine no discernible lost heat in the winter (nor indeed lost suction through having doors and windowa closed). It works really well, makes life dust free and much, much quieter. Cheers Tim