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  1. T

    A Little Something

    Depends if you meant it to be a contrast or look to be part of the same suite :wink: Cheers Tim
  2. T

    A Little Something

    Dave Quick design thought - sofa/ chair furniture timber quite curvy and organic - table very rectilinear..... Cheers Tim
  3. T

    A Little Something

    I'm with the others on a tutorial. Try as I might I follow the instructions and still don't get the results - more importantly though I don't understand enough to work out what I'm doing wrong so can't work out what to tweak etc. I think the table's success will be determined by its fit with...
  4. T

    Finding wood

    I'm with Chris on this. Frankly the only reason tulipwood is used in kitchens etc is that its easy to work and takes paint very well and is cheap. Its rarely used as anything other than a secondary wood if unpainted eg drawer sides. If you want to use hardwoods then its worth getting the...
  5. T

    Oak Chest of Drawers

    Thanks for the kind comments guys. I don't think it is sap - although its definitely lighter (exaggerated by the flash). I left it there because the outer board was much lighter (unfinished) than the centre ones. It depends on the wax - I use Briwax heavy duty stuff and it seems to hold up...
  6. T

    Finding wood

    Not half are you doing them a favour. Thats over £50 a cube!! Look at prices here for a published comparison: IIRC the last price I paid for Tulip was around £16 per cubic foot. Cheers Tim
  7. T

    Oak Chest of Drawers

    It may not surprise you that furniture makers' houses suffer from 'cobbler's children' syndrome' in that we don't have a lot of furniture. a) I can't afford the time and b) I won't let the missus buy other peoples'! However, there comes a time when the John Lewis catalogue gets left out open...
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    Australian w(h)ine!

  9. T

    Be afraid - be very afraid

    We have them - bigguns too but they keep mainly to under my workshop and the garden where they eat fallen bird seed. Tigger, one of our labs is very quick and gets one a week or so. We have poisoned them in the past - but they die under the w/s - not good work environment. I think we've...
  10. T

    Painted kitchen, BUT how?????

    Mark Have you any more details please? Cheers Tim
  11. T

    Painted kitchen, BUT how?????

    Yes - it does. Its close grained and while its harder to sand than tulip, its also much more robust so doesn't get dinged so readily. Cheers Tim
  12. T

    Requirements to operate a WW business

    Neither of those points is correct. There is no regulation regarding describing yourself as a carpenter or cabinet maker. There are a large number of self taught bods out there. Doesn't mean they are cowboys either - I'm completely self taught. Cheers Tim
  13. T

    Any one use

    I agree that its worthwhile but I often forget that I have a sub :roll: :roll: . It is also such a huge site that when searching, so many interesting results come up that its easy to get sidetracked completely. Cheers Tim
  14. T

    Painted kitchen, BUT how?????

    Mark How about beech instead of tulipwood. British Hardwoods do pre-planed beech at reasonable prices that are ideal for doors etc eg 70x19mm or 70 x 25mm. I use this now instead of tulip which i find to be too soft and also the amount of time and effort involved in prepping the timber is...
  15. T

    When the rip fence is not aligned to the blade....

    Blimey - Its Borat's workshop!! :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: I Like Cheers Tim
  16. T

    Central heating oil is a lot more volatile than you think

    Good God you were lucky. When I did my firefighting training at HMS Phoenix way back, the most exciting thing was watching the fireball that occurs when water is put onto diesel/ oil. At least one of the trainees who didn't get down quick enough when told lost eyebrows. The diesel was thirty...
  17. T

    Sawdust/Shavings disposal

    Bear in mind that Walnut is properly poisonous to horses. Cheers Tim
  18. T

    150mm sanding discs

    Thanks guys
  19. T

    150mm sanding discs

    APTC used to stock a wide range of velcro backed 6 hole 150mm sanding discs from 40 to 400 grit. These were stocked in packs of 50 for around £20. The only ones I can find now in grits between 120 and 240 are the new mesh type which are approx 3 times the price. Can anyone direct me to...
  20. T

    Help with new company name

    Noel - I'm not sure adding Jones is the way to go though :lol: :lol: :lol: Cheers Tim