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  1. Ian Dalziel

    Kity bestcombi

    Alf, probobly autumn hows that for a guess, should be a good un as i think i've made front cover this time with the superstation it does everything except cook luxury doughnuts. thats it diet for me with all this talk about donuts :oops: i've spread out like a vomit/ burst couch not...
  2. Ian Dalziel

    Kity bestcombi

    Andys on holiday 2 :lol: GWW towers is in Phils capable hands for now Ian
  3. Ian Dalziel

    Workshop floor

    Alf I did try to take the plasma out as well but Mrs Dalziel wanted another new kitchen no 4 in 4 years no way(dont go into it) so it had to stay Ian
  4. Ian Dalziel

    A new table saw please sir?

    Tony, When i made my tenoning jig for the tablesaw i enquired to the relevant authorities and my reply was a 6 page document that was difficult to follow unless you are a laywer. It did cover everything but from memory on the stack dado setup it said As long as the saw is designed to take and...
  5. Ian Dalziel

    A new table saw please sir?

    welcome tx2man, you could try woodfords unisaw clone, it is cast iron and capable at present of taking the stacked dado head and within your price bracket regards Ian
  6. Ian Dalziel

    Workshop floor

    Hi Old, When i did my workshop i had a concrete floor which got sore on my feet whilst standing for long lengths of time. I then changed to a wooden floor I first layed a damp proof membrane; then i screwed 50mmx50mm battons down and inbetween the battons i used 50mm thick white...
  7. Ian Dalziel


    Hi Stevie, I,m glad to hear someone is going to tackle one of my workshop projects. The 'Formica' top is Laminate which i pick up from my local kitchen worktop supplier, it is very brittle and he always has damaged sheets in stock. i used it on my router top as its smooth, i also...
  8. Ian Dalziel

    Woodford Unisaw Clone

    Noel, Nows theres a good thread to start Aftermarket Mitre Guages what do you use. I have had the Incra 1000 but it got crushed whilst i wasnt paying attentionon one day (dont ask) i then had the osborne EB2 which wouldnt cut square and wasnt ajustable to correct this i then got the EB3...
  9. Ian Dalziel

    Woodford Unisaw Clone

    Philly, the woodford saw looks a superb deal and it looks very close to my unisaw spec wise and looks wise, woodford normally have the saws sold before they arrive in the UK so putting your name on the list will keep them coming. Onceyou get it how about a review. Unisaws are available...
  10. Ian Dalziel

    Advice on using a Postform jig

    Ike, re;- biscuits are used to try and keep it level whilst pulling the two sections together sometimes depending if you have larder units etc and are hard up against them you cant get biscuits in you will need to rely on the joining bolts, i sometimes screw on a plate on the underside of...
  11. Ian Dalziel

    Spindle Moulder

    thought i'd ask as well i had the s******** hf 3000 but personal opinion i didnt like it plus the extras ie sliding table added to far too much for what is basically a home workshop machine and the space it took up with the extras added was OTT so i sold it i now fancied the jet but the...
  12. Ian Dalziel

    Wasps Nest

    Cheers Ike, I phoned the council but they cant get someone round till this thursday;- doohh i've been to the biggish diy stores and got some powder to try if that doesnt work then i try rento kill or someone thanks all Ian
  13. Ian Dalziel

    Wasps Nest

    would definately need the brave tablets for that one adam you mentioned a powder earlier do you have a name for it and where i could get it from i would prefer to be rid of them sooner rather than wait cheers Ian
  14. Ian Dalziel

    Wasps Nest

    I seem to have some new uninvited guests ,they are playing havoc with me as my concentration levels have decreased dramatically while using my tools and equipment; i.e. one eye on these little flying beasties and one on the task in hand; not good Question; what’s the best way to be rid of them...
  15. Ian Dalziel

    Forum users' Table saws

    Delta 36-843 right tilt unisaw with Beisemeyer fence with the digi-kit regards Ian
  16. Ian Dalziel

    Forum users' Planers & Thicknessers

    Delta- DJ20 jointer Delta- CT 380 thickness planer regards Ian
  17. Ian Dalziel

    Forum users dust collectors and shop vacs

    Record DX4000 Felder AF22 regards Ian
  18. Ian Dalziel

    Milling Machine

    Andrew, I looked at building a cnc router as a project and nearly built one but after pricing motors, guides and soldering up pcb boards it went ott the expensive bit i found was purchasing the software, i reckoned i could have done it for around £1500 + £500 for the software but it...
  19. Ian Dalziel

    Should I feel guilty?

    Cheers Adam, I thought thats what it meant, Pete, I had the CDD12v mark 1 version compact drill. It worked well for around 2 weeks then I noticed the batteries only holding a charge for 15-20 min, went back to supplier new batts replaced they only lasted...
  20. Ian Dalziel

    Should I feel guilty?

    Alf, Just wondering what the 'C' word was 20 wasnt supposed to be a gloat its all i have left, i have owned probobly around 40, i have burned out around 10 :cry: sold some and use some for spares and i can never find a spanner, but i dont need one as i dont need to change cutter just...