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  1. Ian Dalziel

    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    Honest really it was help with the photos :lol: ...which i am most grateful for....i have just stopped drooling....i've been working with Karl Holtey for the last couple of days....hes building a batch of A13's and after inspection i'm still a bit to go but i've learned a awful lot. I'll...
  2. Ian Dalziel

    I know I'm going to regret this But

    Rob, the jointers shaping it to be a user or a dust collecter Bean, I have never got on well with my LN 7 or my home built 241/2 they can be heavy going. I try and get a good edge on the DJ20 keep my bits short then tackle with a smoother. I'm building a 14 1/2 panel...
  3. Ian Dalziel

    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    An interesting statement, given that you're making the judgement based on photographs :-) BugBear Cheers mike, your saws take a bit of beating to....... BB given we are a few miles apart how else could he assess them :lol: Ian
  4. Ian Dalziel

    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    Ian, much obliged for your input...i've downloaded and printed the user manual and will have a good read this weekend...i'll also have a go at your suggestions. pm sent John, I'm flattered by your response but i am just a hobbiest at planemaking. I dont sell planes as yet...
  5. Ian Dalziel

    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    Cheers Gary, I'll play with them for a while then they'll get shelved...i'll move on and make others. They are actually one of the best planes i've used but i'm only playing at this game. I'll keep doing them until i get either perfection or bored whatever comes first...
  6. Ian Dalziel

    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    This one was taken with the camera set on auto (again) the manual i have for some reason is in every language except english unless there is 2 manuals for it and i seem to have only one...i'll check fuji for a download This time i setup the new lights with them directed more to the ceiling of...
  7. Ian Dalziel

    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    Thanks Bugbear.....I'm just back from college...a lot earlier than normal due to a power cut :cry: ....the photography department is closed on a Friday so no luck there. I dropped in by IKEA and bought a couple of desk lamps and a couple of similar floorstanding ones which i'll have to fight the...
  8. Ian Dalziel

    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    Thanks MR I'll definately read the manual and see what it says about the exposure...i can also try and see if there is a photography department at college they might have something. although i dont really know what kinda exposure to look for or what kind of reading to expect thanks for your...
  9. Ian Dalziel

    Its called Henry

    why 'Henry' couldnt you have went for a vote and put a nice LN up for a prize :D Ian
  10. Ian Dalziel

    new or old?

    I'd go for old tools if you are going the stanley route New if you go for LN or LV. Stanley old steel is reasonable and has more carbon in it their newer steel doesnt hold its edge and has less carbon. you can also change blades although some of the thicker retrofit blades will struggle to be...
  11. Ian Dalziel

    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    Wow guys, I didnt realise there were so many photography enthusiasts on here. I forgot to mention i have the camera set on the tripod and i was using time delay for taking the pics. the camera was set on auto. I really dont know how to set the camera for different light settings...
  12. Ian Dalziel

    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    Thanks Adam never thought of christmas lights....its still all setup so i'll give it a try tomorrow. not sure if we have white christmas lights. I havent been home for christmas since 1995 :( The low level light does make sense i'll try that as well Ian
  13. Ian Dalziel

    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    Cheers Dave and Philly, I do have photoshop and could play a bit with it but i would rather try and get the photography right rather than cheat...if all else fails then i'll try that....thanks for the suggestion though Ian
  14. Ian Dalziel

    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    Finished this pair and currently working on a copy of a Norris 14 1/2” panel plane and a final A13. Just cant get my photography right…this is where I need your input bugbear please. I bought a light tent from ebay which has 4 different background colours. I am trying to use a couple of desk...
  15. Ian Dalziel

    Norms small Circular Saw

    Hi, I sold mine on ebay just before christmas...i owned it for 3 years and only ever used it once......not a great saw really.....i used a DW62 and the festool more often than sold for £30 by the way so not a lot of interest, Only decent PC stuff i have left is the routers, pocket...
  16. Ian Dalziel

    Any model engineers on here?

    Try your local colleges for ME clubs...if they cant help send me details of what you need. Ian
  17. Ian Dalziel

    What is it called?

    Steve....apologies on the drive by.....I will ask him the question though....Chris...Martyn....thanks for the comments....i'm 90% of the way to getting what i want just the extra 10% is proving difficult. I want perfection and its still giving me two fingers at the moment but i dont want to...
  18. Ian Dalziel

    Map of Timber Merchants

    Excellant Chris, I'm surprised you found Gilmour and Aitkens place up here in scotland...considering their website has a different name....very impressed Ian
  19. Ian Dalziel

    What is it called?

    just nipping in to see him for some tips :roll: this is my second... Ian
  20. Ian Dalziel

    Our new bed

    LOL...........just couldnt see the eyelets so swmbo can be tied up or handcuffed so you can go out for more workshop time nice job Ian