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  1. woodbloke

    Completed Cradle

    Nice job...I've often thought that there's some merit in having a small engineering lathe in a wood 'shop for bits and pieces like this - Rob
  2. woodbloke

    Chisel Handles

    That's a nice lump of elm Jim. The reason that it's so good for handles is that it's very difficult to split, so it's going to resist belting with a maul quite well. Btw, that's far too nice a piece for a handle...I think it ought to be donated towards my next cabinet :-" :mrgreen: :lol...
  3. woodbloke

    Hollow-Ground DuoSharp Sharpening

    In one of JK's books (don't know which one) exactly the same method is shown - Rob
  4. woodbloke

    Ash Wall Mounted Display Cabinet - WIP

    Ebony is one of my favourites for handles and knobs as it goes well with most timbers. If you can source it, African Blackwood is even better...on the Little Cabinet recently posted there's a spacer at the top of the door roughly equal to the 'shadow' gap which was turned and sanded in AB to a...
  5. woodbloke

    Media unit (Fitted)

    Looks very good indeed interesting to see what gear he puts in it - Rob
  6. woodbloke

    Little Oak Cabinet

    Size on this little cabinet is 400x250mm. There are pro's and con's with these hinges...point taken about the 'sticky out' bit Rod, but the object of the exercise was to evaluate the hinges, particularly the fitting instructions and not necessarily build a cabinet to do it. I could have used a...
  7. woodbloke

    Little Oak Cabinet

    The 'Mask Cabinet' has been put on the back burner for a mo' while I was making this little cabinet. The reason is that Derek Jones sent me a selection of LV knife hinges to evaluate for F&C and by a remarkable piece of timing :-" they're exactly what I need for the former I made this...
  8. woodbloke

    Ash Wall Mounted Display Cabinet - WIP

    Excellent job done on the door pulls Steve =D> Another one of my fetish's I'm afeard as I think that although it's one of the smallest parts of a job, it's also one of the most important as it's the place the viewer's eye is immediately drawn to and it's usually the first place on a cabinet...
  9. woodbloke

    The Mask Cabinet...WIP

    Yep, I suppose so. Around ten years ago we had a city break visit to Venice and arrived at St.Marks Square at around 11pm to see the closing hour of the Carnival, with all the costumes and masks, which was truly a fantastic digital pics unfortunately. During the course of our...
  10. woodbloke

    The Mask Cabinet...WIP

    All will be revealed shortly...worry not :wink: :wink: - Rob
  11. woodbloke

    Real Trouble Sharpening...

    +2...and then some! - Rob
  12. woodbloke

    Arise, Sir DW

    Some time ago, DW posted this linkie and SWIMBO has informed me that it's saved us a small fortune. Cheers John =D> :occasion5: - Rob
  13. woodbloke

    Ash Wall Mounted Display Cabinet - WIP

    I think that board for the front rails and stiles was 'crown' cut, hence the typical ash figuring. Quarter sawn ash, with more of a straight grain would have been preferable to get a better orientation for the door material. None-the-less, a nice piece and as long as you remember the...
  14. woodbloke

    The Mask Cabinet...WIP

    In actual fact Adam, it's very loosely based on one of Krenov's pieces that I've adapted. The corner stiles have been gently radiused but have yet to be finished off. The next job is to make the door and hang it with a pair of offset knife hinges which is going to be 'interesting' [-o< after...
  15. woodbloke

    European woodworking show

    Not knocking it at all Paul, but as I said, these shows are pretty predicable and a bit 'same old, same old' with very little, personally, in it for me. Clearly, loads of other folk are going to find it fascinating. I think if you live in that part of the world (i.e. NE of Londres) and the...
  16. woodbloke

    Why buy from AXMINSTER TOOLS?

    That just about sums it up Mike. As an ex-Technology and CDT teacher I know from personal experience the grief that machines go through in a school shop, though we did have a Jet belt sander which was very good (granted, not Axminster's own) - Rob
  17. woodbloke

    European woodworking show

    Fair enough Paul, but let's look at the list of Guest Demonstrators and see what I'd be interested in learning: Arbotech - Kevin Inkster: I'm not a carver so of no interest whatsoever Tom LN - predictable...seen his stuff at dozens of other shows Andy Hibberd - sculpture and...
  18. woodbloke

    The Mask Cabinet...WIP

    Mick, your opinion and contribution is as valid as anyone else's, regardless of your 'qualifications'. If you have a view, comment or question on any piece of work that I (or anyone else for that matter) has posted I'd be glad to read it, because as Douglas said...that's how we learn - Rob
  19. woodbloke

    nielsen or clifton

    :-& - Rob :lol:
  20. woodbloke

    The Mask Cabinet...WIP

    OK Douglas, I will, but it's a bit disheartening sometimes when the OP puts a lot of effort (and thought) into a project and the interest it generates in the first instance is practically zero. I don't care what people think about the stuff I do (provided justification or reasons can be given)...