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  1. woodbloke

    Anybody ever...

    You need to be corrected their Jim...are you certain you did it, or t'were it someone else? :-" - Rob
  2. woodbloke

    Myths & Mysteries

    An interesting post with some merit to it...even JK admits to the use of abrasive paper on occasions - Rob
  3. woodbloke

    British gas

    That's human beans for you Pete :roll: :lol: - Rob
  4. woodbloke

    Help required from any RAF or ex RAF types please?

    As John BW is an ex-matelot and was asking for advice from ex-RAF personnel about 'aprons' I'm very surprised this thread hasn't gone off on a completely different direction - Rob
  5. woodbloke

    British gas

    On the other hand, I've had nothing but really excellent service from BG for the last ten years. Our boiler is an old one and gets regularly serviced by BG every October and a couple of years ago it needed a new thermostat...they went out of their way to sort it out. Every time they visit I...
  6. woodbloke

    Flaming June !!!

    +1...absolutely - Rob
  7. woodbloke

    Sharpening Stones

    Absolutely spot on. There is no one correct way to sharpen and hone and I'm afeard it's a furrow you need to plough! I've used all the methods out there and have settled for the: ...3M films from Workshop Heaven, with a Kell III honing guide (not recommended if you're a newcomer to...
  8. woodbloke

    Japanese - Western hybrid...WIP

    If you want to see some really nice Japanese stuff, have a little look-see here. Google Translator needed to de-cypher the kanji into almost understandable English (with a bit of interpretation and guesstimation) - Rob
  9. woodbloke

    Japanese - Western hybrid...WIP

    Say again? comprendo, please read what Pete wrote again (unless I've misunderstood, which wouldn't be the first time :roll: ) - Rob
  10. woodbloke

    Japanese - Western hybrid...WIP

    Pete, that view was expressed by someone on Lumberjocks, who mentioned that a completely different set of muscle groups are used when tools are 'pulled' as opposed to 'pushed' - Rob
  11. woodbloke

    Japanese - Western hybrid...WIP

    I knew that was coming :lol: It is a bit of fun, but fascinating at the same time. What intrigues me is that something so simple (a lump of steel set into a block of wood, nothing else) which on the face of it, is relatively straight forward can be so technically demanding to get right. The...
  12. woodbloke

    Japanese - Western hybrid...WIP

    This morning, I decided to strip the whole thing into it's component parts and after some work, I ended up with this: I initailly made the width a bit 'baggy' so this has been reduced by fitting a couple of triangular bits of thin birch ply to the inside of the throat, having first knocked...
  13. woodbloke

    Japanese - Western hybrid...WIP

    Andy Ryall's came round yesterday evening for a play and it soon became very apparent that the iron 'floats' on the bed, even when under pressure from the wedge, which is definitely not giving enough pressure :oops: against the pin, so modifications are in hand :D today. Even looking at JK's...
  14. woodbloke

    Myths & Mysteries

    Agreed, but a lot of the Japanese timbers are different to those used in the West. Most of the time (not all) the timber they use is beautiful, home produced, straight grained, knot free softwood as opposed to our more awkward temperate hardwoods. Stu Tierney at 'Tools from Japan' does a...
  15. woodbloke

    Dovetail issue.

    Now that really is a banning offence! You should be ashamed of yourself Mr T, not that I'd ever do anything like that...sometimes :-" On a serious note though, I usually pull them up around half way and make a mark with a pencil of any that are really squeaky and where the wood is shiny...
  16. woodbloke

    Myths & Mysteries

    +1... I don't use any BD planes for that reason, apart from the odd few that lurk under the bench and are there for decoration only - Rob
  17. woodbloke

    lie neilsen no.51 production video

    Better if it were a Holtey Adam, but the practice will do you good! - Rob
  18. woodbloke

    Garage rip off

    Not surprised at that Rod. I had a couple of Golf MkI bangers years ago and even then spare parts were astronomic..."German" I was told :roll:..."buy Ford if you want cheap bits" - Rob
  19. woodbloke

    lie neilsen no.51 production video

    That's not a 'drive-by' though, that's their normal storage position. The object in a 'drive-by' has to be conspicuous, but inconspicuous at the same time and usually mixed up with a lot of other stuff. It takes a lot of careful planning to organise a good shot, which is where the 'deft...
  20. woodbloke

    Strop Compound

    I just bought the Spyderco triangular knife sharpening system and recollect that in one of the Utube clips, the owner of the company talks about stropping and mentions that with a traditional razor, the strop has the action of elongating the burr to produce a very fine, but extremely delicate...