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  1. S

    Traditional meets modern meets 'just because' Workstation

    It looks like the sort of desk Jules Verne would have. Perhaps to be used while wearing your velvet smoking jacket. I have no idea what I would do with it, but I want one.
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    Oiling Walnut Kitchen Worktop

    I was struggling with this recently on beech worktops. Although I was removing the excess oil after applying and then polishing with a clean dry cloth when dry I was being left with a dull and rather rough surface. After reading up on it I then applied a further coat by rubbing the entire...
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    Daft question, for people who wear glasses in the workshop..

    I used to struggle when I used disposable masks. I always ended up just removing the mask but eventually after getting concnered re the health implications I bought a Trend Airace last year, and not had a problem since. I'm sure a powered mask would be even better, but the Trend is comfortable...
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    End caps on hardwood worktop

    Thank you all for your helpful responses. I had intended simply to ignore the suggestion that the worktop be 30 mm from the range, largely for reasons of aesthetics, but also as Tim points out all sort of stuff will inevitably find its way down the sides of the cooker. The installation guide...
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    End caps on hardwood worktop

    Worktop express. I can probably fit metal ones. Their website mentions the use of wooden end caps, "When a worktop is to be fitted near a freestanding oven (i.e. an oven that is not housed in a cabinet, such as a range cooker) allow a minimum gap of 30mm all the way around the worktop, and fit...
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    End caps on hardwood worktop

    The supplier recommends the fitting of wooden end caps next to range cookers, I assume to avoid the end grain drying out and splitting. I just wondered if I will run into problems in the long run if the end cap is glued on. The staves are fairly narrow. Robert
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    End caps on hardwood worktop

    I am in the process of refitting our kitchen - starting from scratch, which is a tall order for me, but I am taking my time, and hopefully will get there before my wife expects me to cook Christmas dinner, The current issue relates to endcaps next to the range style cooker. I am installing...
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    Compound Mitre saw Advice

    Got my workshop broken into this week, which is a bit of a pain. Their attempts to lever open the double doors were unsuccessful, so they removed the heavy glazing bars ( 2 by 1's ) by levering them out with a spade I had stupidly left in the potato patch. They then entered and left via the...
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    Bandsaw guides for a narrow blade

    +1 for Steve's suggestion. I am currently running a 1/8 inch blade in my Record BS350 using Steve's technique of mdf and carpet tape, works a treat. Bought his bandsaw essentials DVD recently and wish I had invested in it ages ago. Can't recommend it highly enough. Robert
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    Build, Buy or Restore

    There are various companies you will find online who will produce sash weights to order in whatever weight you want. We had to do that when refurbishing double hung windows in our house recently. Robert
  11. S

    burning pen to sign work

    Let us know how you get on. I had wondered about trying to make up a brand myself, but my metal working skills are not of the highest order. If you could purchase one at a reasonable price that would be the way to go. Robert
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    burning pen to sign work

    If what you are wanting is an easy to apply simple design, such as a monogram, have you considered having a small branding iron made up ? I've had it in the back of my mind for some time that that might be an easy way to put a signature on the underside of pieces of furniture etc. Not tried it...
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    Birthday present heartbreak

    Happened to me too a few years ago, funnily enough also on a Dewalt saw which I had ordered from Screwfix. Can't even blame my wife, in my excitement to get new shiny things I clicked over enthusiastically without reading properly. Chap I spoke to at Screwfix couldn't have been nicer about it...
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    Bobbin Sander

    Eds post sent me back out to the workshop in the torrential rain. He's right, there is a wee slot for the spanner. Never noticed it before, glad to be corrected. Anyone know where my spare car key is ? Robert
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    Bobbin Sander

    Hi Stu I am sure there was a review not long ago on this, but I will give you my tuppence worth. I bought it recently I think at £119.99 and my impressions generally are favourable. I thought the price was good, and delivery as usual from Rutlands quick and efficient. I bought an additional...
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    Chainsaw Instruction

    Thanks Steve, I'm quite keen on keeping the full compliment of limbs etc. Book ordered from Amazon. Robert
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    Chainsaw Instruction

    Thanks for all your input - your views are all very helpful. I have a generally cautious and careful approach to the use of power tools of all sorts, and I am relatively fit and healthy, so I would anticipate that I would cope. I suppose the ideal would be as suggested having someone spend a bit...
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    Chainsaw Instruction

    I have used all sorts of power tools and machinery over the last twenty years or so without instruction or training, and without major mishap. For various reasons I was thinking of getting a chainsaw - partly to use in collecting firewood, but also as I was hoping to obtain timber for turning...
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    Link to Popular Mechanics from 1900

    Oh brilliant, that's all I need. Say 112 years at 12 editions a year. Conservatively it will take 30 minutes to skim thru each edition. By my arithmetic that is 28 days worth of reading, assuming I don't eat, sleep or perform any of the other functions necessary for living. There are doors...
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    Hi there, try this link ... ellows-pdf Robert